Palace of the Grand Dukes in Luxembourg

Luxembourg, Rue du marche-aux-Herbes, 15

 Attractions in Luxembourg The palace of the Grand Dukes in Luxembourg did not immediately fulfill honorary mission of the residence of local monarchs. Until that time, and to be more precise, before 1890, the building managed to serve both the town hall and the residence of the French administration

Casemates Bok

Luxembourg, Montee de Clausen, 10

 Attractions of Luxembourg In Luxembourg, despite the huge number of pompous palaces, one of the main attractions since 1933 have been casemates Bok. Even if you came to the capital of a dwarf state only for half a day and with you a man from 5 to 85 years is a must-visit.

Luxembourg Wine Trail

Schengen, Mosel

 Attractions in Luxembourg Wine trail is perhaps the most delicious tourist attraction in Luxembourg, stretching as far as 42 km along the Moselle River. For many fans of German wines, the Moselle is no longer just a river - it's a fertile land, where a marvelous and tart grapes grows, from which a luxurious Riesling grows.

Beaufort Castle in Luxembourg

Beaufort, Rue du Chateau, 24

 Attractions in Luxembourg Castle Beaufort is once one of the most powerful castles in the east of Luxembourg, today turned into a romantic and picturesque ruin. It should be noted that the ruins are quite popular: every year more than one hundred thousand tourists visit Beaufort.

Adolf Bridge in Luxembourg

Luxemburg City, Uewerstad

 Attractions in Luxembourg Perhaps the most elegant national symbol that is found among European states is the Luxembourg bridge of Adolf. It can be seen in all the miniature parks scattered around the world, where St. Basil's Cathedral stands for Russia, and the Eiffel Tower for Paris.

Monument "The Golden Frau" in Luxembourg

Luxembourg, Place de la Constitution

 Attractions in Luxembourg "Golden Frau", located in the center of the capital, an exquisite lady who was hoisted on a granite 21-meter obelisk, is a monument of a country scale (in terms of Luxembourg, of course ). The memorial appeared here shortly after the First World War in memory of the deceased Luxembourgers.

Luxembourg Cathedral of Luxembourg

Luxemburg City, Uewerstad

 Attractions of Luxembourg Surprising in its beauty and elegance, the late Gothic temple with elements of the Renaissance style is a rare example for Luxemburg, and for the whole of Europe, a model of religious architecture combining two historical landmarks.

What do many of us know about Luxembourg? That this is a tiny country with the eponymous capital, which was lost in the "patchwork quilt" of Europe. From one German dialect, Luxembourg means "small town". In principle, so it is. Although the inhabitants themselves call it the Grand Duchy. However, the country's diminutive size does not prevent it from being one of the richest in Europe with the highest standard of living, and the fourth largest in the world in terms of income.

Although Luxembourg has a large number of attractions, its territory can easily be reached on foot. The state is included in the Benelux Union (together with Belgium and the Netherlands), therefore, as a rule, tourists visit the duchy as part of a tour of union states.

Here is how you can make a route to the main sights of the Grand Duchy. It would be logical to begin my acquaintance with Luxembourg from the capital. It is small in size, and half of the population lives here.

Luxembourg route

The face of the capital is the Grand Ducal Palace, built in the style of the Spanish revival. The history of this building is rich, and not all of its values ​​are preserved, today it has the status of a house of the head of state and is the venue for official ceremonies, political conferences and audiences. Notre-Dame Cathedral or the Cathedral of the Luxembourg Our Lady is striking with its Gothic heights, this is the place of the annual celebration of the Holy Virgin of Luxembourg, with many holy places in its walls.

Next to the capital, the town of Clerva, located on the banks of the Clerfe River, is attractive for its attractiveness. And if there are places that are ideally suited for filming movies of the Middle Ages, then this is it. The architecture is impressive and takes five hundred years to the past.

If you want to see the places that inspired Victor Hugo, then go to the city of Vianden - this is really one of the most beautiful and picturesque cities. By the way, now there is a museum dedicated to the great French writer. $ $

The most ancient city of the country is Ehternach, which is more than a thousand years old. It can be called an open-air museum in which everything has remained virtually untouched since the dawn of time.

Luxembourg Switzerland. Yes, it even has its own Switzerland. How it fit here, the mind is incomprehensible, but the nature of these places really resembles a real country of watches and cheese. Another attraction of Luxembourg is the casemates - a system of fortifications, labyrinths and underground tunnels up to 40 meters in depth, which made the country famous and thanks to which it, nevertheless, retained its independence.

In general, Luxembourg is a whole collection of ancient castles , abbeys, fortresses and monasteries, caves, chapels, sculptures and ruins of ancient Roman buildings. It seems that this country has remained in a different era, despite the high modern standard of living. In the capital and in the territory of the principality there is a huge number of different thematic museums. They collect cultural and historical objects that were saved after numerous wars in these lands.

Country walks

Luxembourg is singled out as one of the best countries for hiking. The territory is literally penetrated by narrow paths: forest, mountain and along the rivers - very arranged and picturesque, which form a lot of routes. It's quite difficult to lose here: practically at every step there are various indexes that are printed on special cards, and they can be purchased at any bookstore.

And do not think that ordinary walks are too boring: the residents arranged every corner its miniature cozy country, and the beauty of its surroundings can not be described.

Children's rest

In Luxembourg children's recreation is perfectly organized, in almost every town there is a children's amusement park: Wonderland Park in Betembourg, park in Mondorf -e-be-Be , Tourist center Galdenberg in Esch-Alzette. You can still go to the cinema, but films usually go in English with French subtitles, so not everyone will.

Gastronomic attractions

Another pride is Luxembourgish wines. They are not as widespread as they are from other countries like Chile or Spain, but they definitely worth trying. And it's better to go on a wine tour: visit the famous vineyards in the Moselle Valley, cellars, restaurants and factories that produce different kinds of wines according to unique ancient recipes.

Luxembourg has a small town Mondorf with a population of about 4 thousand people, which is world famous resort. The reason is a mild climate and curative mineral springs with a water temperature of 25 degrees, which is used in all possible ways and treats many diseases.

Of course, what traveler will do without visiting a cafe or restaurant? The national cuisine of Luxembourg has the motto "French quality in German quantity" and is served in an atmosphere saturated with medieval spirit. Those who want to hang out will also find places and a company, but night life is mostly represented in the capital.

List of Luxembourg's attractions can be very long: monuments, cathedrals and fortresses are located at every step, and it seems that you can learn the history of this country forever .