Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia The Nyah National Park is located in the state of Sarawak on the territory of the jungle and limestone cliffs. Here are the world famous caves of Niakh, where traces of early human settlements were discovered. The so-called Big Cave covers an area equal to 13 football fields.
JI Tun Abang Haji Openg, Kuching A small reserve of Bako is located in the west of Sarawak, at the mouth of the Bako River. The park is famous for its interesting caves, rocky capes and sandstone cliffs. There are carved out by waves and wind rock arches and heaps of blocks.
Gunung Mulu
Sarawak Gunung Mulu is the largest reserve of the state of Sarawak with an extremely diverse landscape - from peat marshes to hills covered with jungle, where about 1500 kinds of flowers grow, 10 of which are carnivores.
Labis, Johor Endau-Rompin - a reserve on the East coast of Malaysia, located in the jungle On the watershed of the rivers Endau in Johor and Rompin in Pahang. Covered with lush vegetation, this pristine park is one of the few remaining islets of the Sumatran rhino.
88300 Kota Belud, Sabah Mount Kinabalu - one of the highest peaks of Southeast Asia, rises to 4,093 m only 138 km from the capital of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu. Climbing Kinabalu usually takes two days with an overnight stay in a shelter near the summit.
Kelantan Taman-Negara is the most famous national park of Malaysia, on the territory of which there are wooded plains, mountain peaks and green valleys. In the reservoirs of Taman-Negara there are more than 200 species of fish, mainly from the family of carp.
Taman-Negara is considered the most popular reserve of the country . Here come fishing (the best months for this are February, March, July, August), the benefit of fish in local waters is as many as 200 types . In some rocks there are caves that are visited by speleologists. - $ Taman Negara can be reached from Kuala Lumpur by road or rail to Kuala Tembeling, then 60 km by river on a boat (3-4 hours) to the Reserve Office in Kuala Tahhan . Boats depart at 9:00 and 15:00 (Fridays at 14:30), the cost is ~ 20 MYR . In addition, from Kuala-Tembeling depart Ater at 10:30 and 13:30 (journey time - approximately 45 minutes), the place to be booked in advance . . ENDA-Rompin - an area of wild forests, the only place in Malaysia where the rhinoceroses live. To visit the reserve you need to get a pass in the State Security Council. The easiest way to reach the reserve is via the Klouang-Mersing highway, at Kluang - a turn to Kahang. There tourists are offered jeeps to get to the Kungung Peta through the jungle (~ 56 km).
Endau-Rompin is a region of wild forests, the only place in Malaysia where rhinoceros live.
The Nyah reserve in Sarawak is created to preserve the caves of Niakh, where the first settlements of primitive people were discovered. How to get there: from Miri (about 2 hours) or Bintulu (about 3 hours) by car to Batu-Niakh. Next, the road to the main entrance to the cave is walking along a 4 km wooden plank (about 45 minutes).
Gunung Mulu is the largest reserve of Sarawak with an extremely diverse landscape - from peat bogs to hills covered with jungle, where flowers and There are about 1500 kinds of flowers. In addition to visiting the caves, there are various excursions to the reserve and climbing the mountains of Gunung Mulu (2376 m) and Gunung-Api (1750 m). You can get to the reserve by plane from Miri, Limbanga or Marudi.
The Bako reserve (Sarawak) is famous for its bizarre rocks, coves and fields. How to get there: from Kuching 30 minutes by bus to Kampung-Bako, then by boat to the reserve.