What are the prices in Malaysia?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Compared with Russia or Europe, most tourists will find that Malaysia is cheap, but at the same time much more expensive than in neighboring Thailand or Indonesia. However, there are a lot of ways to save a brave tourist: a bed in the hostel and food for the whole day will cost 50 ringgit (or 10 euros). However, for the same services in Kuala Lumpur will have to multiply the amount by at least two. At the same time, truly luxurious hotels with an astounding service can be found even for 400 ringgit per day (80 euros).

Approximate prices are as follows: a dish in an inexpensive cafe of about 12 ringgit ($ 3), a lunch of three dishes for two in a medium-sized restaurant - about 40-50 ringgit ($ 15). For a bottle of water or Pepsi - about 1-2 ringgit, cigarettes - 15 ringgit, beer (in the store) - 6-9 ringgit.

Directions by public transport: one trip of 2 ringgit, a month's travel - about 25 dollars, a taxi from 8-9 dollars, cheap gasoline, from 2 ringgit per liter.

October 17, 2011

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