Maldives, the famous "residents" of the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean, are rightfully considered one of the best exotic destinations. Here there are 1190 islands (or rather atolls) and all of them - as for selection: with blue lagoons, sandy beaches and unique vegetation. For a decent rest on them there is everything: silence and tranquility, beautiful nature, rich underwater world. And yet, without which any advantage of any resort immediately fade in the eyes of modern spoiled "tourists" - good hotels and a high level of service.

Prices, I must say, in the Maldives are also quite "on the level": the rest can be afforded mainly by representatives of that stratum of travelers whose level of income marketers define by words "above average" .After laying out a tidy sum for a trip to the Maldives, the following categories of travelers will be happy with the 100% vacation: maniac divers who sink three times a day (they are likely to be interested in material on diving in the Maldives).This, the most problem-free subspecies of Maldivian tourists, can be populated at least in the barn: they will still be delighted, diving like ducklings, from morning till night .Happy in marriage (or, as an option, outside of it) couples who, apart from each other, do not need anyone - $ .Such a vacationer should choose a hotel with the appropriate environment, which will not cause any special problems - those on the islands abound .And, of course, seekers absolutely relaxed rest in the entourage of a tropical paradise .

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The capital is Male. For a complete list of all the paradises of the country, see the page of the city and the resorts of the Maldives, and the best time to go to the Maldives and what to do on site is described in detail on the page tours to the Maldives.


  • 1 History and legend
  • 2 How to get to Maldives
    • 2.1 Search for airline tickets to the Maldives
  • 3 Visa
  • 4 Customs
  • 5 Phone Numbers
  • 6 Transport of Maldives
  • 7 Safety of tourists
  • 8 Climate of the Maldives
  • 9 Hotels
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Maldives at the best price
  • 10 Money
  • 11 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 12 Shopping in the Maldives
  • 13 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of the Maldives
  • 14 Diving in the Maldives
  • 15 Surfing
    • 15.1 We also recommend

History and legend

According to the legend, once the life in the Maldives was not so cloudless as the glossy catalogs inspire .The sea genie Rannamaari, for the misfortune of Maldivians settled in their territorial waters, demanded regular human sacrifices every full moon, and exclusively in the form of virgins from the island of Male .Bedolag was taken to a certain temple, and the next morning they found dead .But not all shroud carnival: once on the atoll came a traveler from the distant Maghreb Abdul-Barakat ul-Barbari .The stranger took pity on the girls (to which his compatriots, apparently, had no business) and on the full moon himself sat in the temple at the place of the victim .All night he read the Koran, and in the morning it turned out that the genie had fled, unable to bear the power of the sacred book .So the Maldives were rescued, and the Maldivians accepted Islam with joy - therefore now here everywhere there are mosques, a ban on the import of alcohol and no topless (I must think, afraid, as if the genie did not return) .However, on the amazing nature of the archipelago - and therefore its attractiveness for tourists - it did not affect the extent of .

Despite the high prices for souvenirs, bargaining in the Maldives is not accepted.

How to get to Maldives

Regular direct flights on the route Moscow - Male are performed by Transaero and Aeroflot (flights are performed on the new airliners Airbus A-330-200 twice a week - on Wednesdays and Saturdays). Travel time is 9 hours minimum. National carrier Srilankan Airlines operates Moscow-Male flights with a landing at Colombo airport or in Dubai.

There are also regular Qatar Airways flights with a landing in Doha, Emirates Airlines with a landing in Dubai and Singapore Airlines with a landing in Singapore. The airport fee of USD 10-15 is included in the ticket price. Aeroflot operates a Moscow-Male charter flight (via Colombo) since November 2008

It is more convenient for Kazakh citizens to get to Male via Dubai with Air Astana and Emirates Airlines or via Kuala Lumpur from Astana and Malaysia Airlines. From Kiev to Maldives fly Emirates Airlines (on the opposite - the way overnight in Dubai). Belarusians can fly to Moscow from Male.

When returning from the country, you must pay an airport fee of $ 10 if it was not included in the ticket price.

Search for airline tickets to the Maldives


Citizens of Russia and CIS do not need a visa to the Maldives.


Import and export of foreign currency is not limited. All baggage passes strict customs clearance. Permission is granted duty-free import of 200 cigarettes and 125 ml of perfume, as well as personal consumption goods "within reason", that is, not more than one item per person.

It is strictly forbidden to transport alcoholic beverages (even bought in duty free shops), sausage "salami", pork and products from it, pornography and drugs. It is forbidden to export black coral and products from it (except for souvenirs made by officially certified manufacturers), items from the shell of a sea turtle, as well as items found on the seabed.

Since May 2011, Maldives categorically prohibits the importation of alcohol (even bought in duty-free shops). And if earlier tourists were given the opportunity to hand over all alcohol products for storage at the airport, now they closed the shop and took liquor with the ends.

Phone Numbers

The Republic of Maldives does not have an Embassy or Consulate in Russia and the CIS.

The Russian Embassy nearest to the Maldives is located in Sri Lanka: 62 Sir Ernest de Silva Mawatha, Colombo-7; tel .: +94 (11) 257-35-55, 257-49-59; website

Police: 119, fire service: 118, first aid: 102.

  • How to call to mobile in Maldives $

Transport of Maldives

Most of the traffic between the islands is carried out by seaplanes, helicopters and boats. The most widespread water type of transport in the Maldives is a wooden boat "Doni" with a flat roof. On it you can swim from island to island for 1, 5-2 hours. On land move mainly on bicycles and motorcycles, cars are only in the capital.

Maps of the Maldives

Safety of tourists

In the Maldives is strictly prohibited: to break and collect live and dead corals in the ocean and near the shore, damage the shells and raise them to the surface, catch fish near the islands..Categorically prohibited underwater hunting and fishing off the coast is .Diving at night in the Maldives is organized quite rarely due to the strong currents and unpredictability of marine life .Swim in the open sea is also not recommended .On the islands you can not throw empty jars, bottles or other rubbish..For violation of these rules, sensitive fines are imposed .Nudism and even innocent "topless" in the country are prohibited by law .

There are no pharmacies on the resort islands, so you need to take all necessary medicines with you.

It is forbidden to visit the capital of Male and the islands where local residents live, in beach clothes (it is recommended to put things on the body from the shoulders to the knees). Also, it is strictly prohibited to drink alcohol in public places outside the resort zone.
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Climate of the Maldives

The climate of the Maldives is warm and humid. The air temperature during the day is about +30 ° C, at night +26 ° C, water +26 ° C. Because of the close location to the equator, seasonal changes associated with monsoons are almost invisible. During the southwestern monsoon (from May to October) rains are more frequent and the weather is more windy. The season of the northeast monsoon (from November to February) is considered less damp.

See also the current weather forecast for the Maldives.

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The most common way of spending time in the Maldives is diving, the benefits of coral reefs are near each island.


In Maldives, there is almost no exception to the rule of "hotel exclusivity": almost always one island is only one hotel, designed for a limited number of guests .Most of the hotels here - the level of four or five stars, bungalow type ."Treshki" are extremely rare: there are mostly unscientific divers stopping, from morning till night diving in the ocean .Many hotels also offer accommodation in "water bungalows" - spacious wooden houses on stilts, standing right on the beach above the water .Among the merits of such exotics - the measured splashing of waves under the floor and swimming "from the bed," the shortcomings are the same splash during periods of storms (you can not fall asleep) and the position "on the tower" at low tides is .

Almost all famous world brands are represented in the country.

Another, not the most traditional option of living in the Maldives is yachts. Places on them (including diving) are about the same as the number and entertainment in a good hotel. But there is an opportunity to see a dozen different atolls and not to be roasted in the sun - the sea is still a little cooler.

At most hotels, diving schools of international level are open, where qualified instructors work. They can receive an international PADI certificate after training for a week, consisting of a theoretical course and nine dives with an instructor.
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Book hotel in Maldives at the best price


The monetary unit in the Maldives is Rufia, but US dollars and major credit cards are almost universally accepted. The currency can be exchanged at a clear official rate in any of the banks, exchange offices or at the airport. Banks are open from 8:00 to 13:30 from Sunday to Thursday, weekends are Friday and Saturday.

And yet, there is no need to change the currency on the rufiya, as it is simply impossible to pay the local currency on most hotels: only EUR, dollars or credit cards are accepted for payment.
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Kitchen and restaurants

The cuisine of the Maldives borrowed much from Indian and Sri Lankan gastronomy: spicy curry sauces, an abundance of spices, the use of fruit in the preparation of dishes and almost complete ignoring of vegetables and greens..Everything here revolves around two products: fish (especially tuna) and rice, served in different variations with all kinds of gravies and sauces .Among the ways to prepare sea dwellers: grilling, in oil or in breading, smoking, drying and boiling .Variants of "snack": the same fish, only in the form of a filling for a variety of patties, butter balls and a fair amount of kulebyak .Often they are fried to the impossibility of .Any meal is completed with a yeast-free bread of "roshi" or crispy cakes "papada" .

Also it is worth trying rice dishes with the addition of fish curry and coconut milk. In the fish market of Male or in all kinds of supermarkets you can buy canned fish (tuna is a favorite among the local public and visitors), dried and dried fish.

Traditional Maldivian drink - "raa" from palm milk, the local population hardly consumes alcohol (mainly because of religious prohibitions).

Virtually all fruits in the Maldives, except for bananas and coconuts - imported.
Magic Maldives Maldives
Magic types
Relax on a cruise in the Maldives Maldives
Sea cruise
Paradise Maldives Maldives
Coastal restaurant

Shopping in the Maldives

Maldives are brought: lacquered black boxes with yellow, green and red flowers, mats from local natural palm fiber, miniature traditional fishing boats, terrible shark jaw, tender coconut oil, colorful shells, sarongs, wood crafts and coconut "monkeys" ±​​$ The .Lovers of exotic outfits will be interested in national dresses with embroidery around the neck .Favored to masochism lovers of large-sized souvenirs, it is worth paying attention to traditional drums, including a rather large "bodu-beru": authentic at 100% and will present many unforgettable minutes in the process of transporting home $ ±.From edible souvenirs it is worth to buy such an amazing thing as coconut sausage .

The best choice of souvenirs is in Male, where many shops and shops are open. By the way, in the same place, it is profitable to buy high-quality equipment for scuba diving of foreign production.

Prices for souvenirs in the Maldives bite, and bargaining is not accepted.

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of the Maldives

All the main beauties of the Maldives are located below sea level, while on land there are no special attractions .There is a little more than remarkable capital of Male (an excursion from 35 USD), a lot of similar uninhabited islets where they like to make picnics (from 35 USD), and also some kind of "action" - excursion-fishing .Perhaps the only noteworthy over-water excursion is "Photo Flight", flight over islands on the seaplane .It is not too cheap: in 15-20 minutes in the air will have to lay out about 150 USD .Other popular excursions are a yacht cruise (from 80 USD) or a submarine dive (from 50 USD) .

Now it has become fashionable among tourists to rest in the Maldives in the "honeymoon."

The most common way of spending time in the Maldives - diving, the benefit of coral reefs is near each island .In addition, windsurfing, catamaran, water skiing, snorkeling, beach volleyball, tennis, billiards, squash and darts are popular..Fishing - morning, afternoon and evening - will cost approximately 35-40 USD (on a local boat "Doni" - from 20 USD, deep sea on a specially equipped boat - up to 300 USD, the price includes a barbecue from the fish, even if you catch nothing ) .In some hotels there are discos, live music (local celebrities play and sing) and karaoke (including Russian) .A lot of SPA centers .

Do you know how an atoll differs from "just an island"? Just in case, we give a certificate: the atoll is a coral island in the form of a solid or rupture ring surrounding the lagoon .If you look from under the water, the atoll will most likely turn out to be an extinct volcano, on the slopes of which the coral reef once began to grow - so grown that it gradually turned out on the surface .But the top of the volcano, on the contrary, over many centuries collapsed and fell under the water .The rest you know: the formed ring from somewhere sailed people, ponastroili hotels with restaurants and spa salons and ponootokryvali diving centers .
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Maldives in the rays of the setting sun

Diving in the Maldives

Maldives ... how much in this word for the heart of the diver has merged: and comfortable water temperature (+27 ° C at a depth of up to 40 m), and excellent visibility to 30 m and, of course, professional dive centers. To "minuses" of a direction it is possible to attribute strong currents outside the reefs.

The best season for scuba diving in the archipelago is from January to April, when the weather is sunny and the water is clear. Giraavaru Island Resort, which is on the North atoll, has more than 20 places, known to divers from around the world. Among vacationers, there are certainly those who can become a guide for underwater sights to a beginner.

For beginners, diving on reefs is also ideal: on their inner slopes or in the space inside the atoll. Advanced divers will be interested in the outer surface of the reef (there are amazing ocean fish in caves with ledges and terraces), but do not forget about strong currents and surf waves. Very interesting are the underwater coral hills - their peaks are at a depth of 5 to 25 m, and the base is up to 40 m.

In addition, there are several interesting races in the Maldives, for example, a cargo ship "Victoria" with the remains of a goods transported to the islands or the steamer "Chaika", sunk in the late 19th century - its hull is completely split in two. Some popular sites are the Embudu National Park with the incredibly diverse underwater world, the Felivar and Halaveli Rivers (here you can see the giant stingrays), the Maia reef, the cozy channel between the reefs of Fushi, teeming with a multitude of inhabitants, the secluded Rakido dive site, the protected maritime area of ​​Guraydu, Sharks »Miyaru website.

For details on local diving, read the new article of our permanent expert, the charming Veronica Birman "Diving without lyrics - 13. The soul of the Maldives."
  • Is there any Russian-speaking diving instructor in the Maldives? $


Riding on the board on the waves - a relatively recent entertainment in the Maldives: it was not until the end of the 80s that the first surfers were drawn here. Today, the islands are considered to be one of the most popular places in the world for surfing: there is never a lot of people here (the number of people going to sea is regulated by a special service), and the waves are simply a sight: high, stable, ideal shape. On the island of Lochifushi is regularly held the prestigious international tournament O'Neill Deep Blue Open.

Popular places for surfing in the Maldives are seven, including Sultans, Pasta Point (with the exclusive right to "rent" waves by the club Atoll Adventures) and the so-called "Police Island". The most remarkable surfing - from June to September, the height of local waves - from 1 to 2, 5 m.

Surfing can also be practiced in the capital Malé: there is a sandy bottom, and there is no risk of cutting yourself into corals at low tide. True, the landscapes are not as picturesque as in the atoll resorts.

Photo of the Maldives (99)