There are times when ignorance of the English language is already a bad form .Every self-respecting person should at least understand and communicate at a conversational level .English everywhere: to negotiate with foreign colleagues - you need English, to understand independently a new computer program - you need English, read about foreign events first-hand - and again without knowing Shakespeare's language you can not do it ... Fortunately, now there are a lot of educational institutions where they will help you to master language .But how long will it take to learn English in the environment of the Russian-speaking population? In order for the process of learning a foreign language to go faster and more efficiently, it's best to go straight to an English-speaking country .Today we offer for consideration Malta .It only remains to choose a decent school and a suitable training program .

Learn English in Malta
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For whom?

Let's take a closer look at specialized training programs designed exclusively for adults, uncles and aunts..This is primarily about business English for businessmen, entrepreneurs, directors - all those who have to negotiate with foreign colleagues and understand the essence of the processes occurring in the world, receiving first-hand information .Classes for this category of students are built, usually in the form of a dialogue .The theme is set according to the needs of the audience: business meetings, finance, presentations, negotiation, correspondence, intercultural communications and communications and much more..A course for business elites guarantees students the acquisition of business English skills, which will help them effectively represent their company at the international level..They learn the negotiation and the basics of business correspondence .

Having understood the courses for managers, we will turn to language programs for specialists .Such business courses cover relevant topics from financial, manufacturing and marketing .Topics are selected in accordance with the needs and professional level of the formed group: it is important that students had something to discuss .Many teachers of language schools in Malta specialize in such areas as medicine, law, computer technology, engineering, restaurant and hotel business and others..At the request of students, in addition to basic English, there is always an opportunity to attend classes in one of the narrow specialties .

There are special language courses for athletes in Malta in the following areas: golf, diving, tennis, sailing, cycling. In addition, to learn "Inglish" here come from all over the world and ... English teachers! Advanced training courses are offered for both English-speaking and foreign teachers - those for whom English is not native.

By the way, some "provinciality" of Malta, as well as its island location, the resultant participants of the language courses consider significant advantages: here they do not have to contrast their craving for knowledge with the many distracting factors of large European cities. The beaches, however, are wonderful on the island - but a little bit of sea and sun the field of a heavy school day has not harmed anyone, right?

How to proceed?

The first thing the future student still in his homeland fills in a form that describes where, how and when he taught a foreign language, lists in which areas he would like to "pull up" and what is the ultimate goal of his stay in a language school in Malta: ±​​$ The .This information is necessary in order to determine the level of language knowledge of the student and to make him a high-quality individual training program .Alternatively, as an option, the student chooses from his own understanding a program from the already existing .After the training program has been agreed upon, the cost of the voucher for the language school is paid (sometimes upon arrival in Malta an additional payment of the school registration fee may be required - such nuances should always be clarified in advance) .When a voucher on the hands, it's time to do visa formalities and prepare for departure .

To enroll in language courses in Malta, the initial level of language knowledge for adults should be at least elementary.

Study Abroad Learn English in Malta
Language puzzle students Learn English in Malta

Organizational moments

The structure of language courses for entrepreneurs and top management in all schools in the world is approximately the same: they are individual lessons plus classes in mini groups of 2-4 people. Schools actively use many teaching methods aimed at maximizing the potential of each student, including role-playing games with imitation of real business situations (meetings, presentations, negotiations, discussion of transactions by phone, etc.)

As for the amount of study hours, for a group of students this is an average of 20-30 hours per week. Individual lessons are held in the amount of 10 hours per week. The duration of one lesson is 45 minutes. Classes usually take place every day, except Saturday and Sunday.

The minimum duration of the course is a week, the maximum duration is 52 weeks. During the day, 6 lessons (for groups) are conducted from morning until 13:00 or 16:30. Those who are engaged individually, study in the same mode, but no more than 10 hours a week. There are breaks for lunch and short breaks.

Business students in schools are usually assigned whole floors with their own cafes and specially equipped classes. So they will not often meet young people studying the language: only on the staircase in front of the elevator or in the school foyer.

Accommodation options

The options for placing adult "business students" are basically the same as in regular educational tours: in the family, at the residence (hostel of the school), in an apartment, studio or hotel. With hotels everything is clear (as they say, choose to taste), apartments are usually divided into standard and increased comfort - the last is significantly more expensive.

School Residence - the most popular accommodation option is $ $ .In fact, this is a cozy apartment with free Wi-Fi, cable TV, telephone, washing machine and fully equipped kitchen .Residents of residences are usually available and such joys of life as a fitness room at their side, a mini-golf course, tennis courts, a swimming pool, a sauna and the rest..In one apartment can accommodate from 4 to 6 people, bedrooms in them are usually 2 or 4 .Men and women are settled in separate rooms, however, this rule does not apply to couples who came together .The minimum age for settling in a residence is 18 years, the living conditions are self-service .

Accommodation in a host family implies a separate room (usually with a bathroom and a bath or a shower), breakfast and dinner, as well as a weekly change of bed linen. Note that a room for one person is a standard option, but it is possible to accommodate in a room for two, three and four. Host families are most often located in the neighborhood of the school. The host family is the best choice for students who wish to practice additionally in English outside the school walls (however, in this sense, dormitories are also good where multilingual students inevitably communicate in Shakespeare's language and apartments if they are filmed together with students from other countries ). In addition, many are attracted by the opportunity to look at the life of the "simple Maltese family" almost from within, imbued with local culture and traditions.

Cost of

The average cost of a two-week course with 20 study hours a week is about 700 EUR, but it should be borne in mind that this price varies depending on the season. In winter, the cost of a similar course will be lower - about 400-500 EUR. It should also be noted that this cost includes only the training program; the accommodation option is selected individually and paid separately. Many schools have fixed dates for training courses, so it's better to start issuing a voucher ahead of time, given the visa issue and the need to prepare an individual teacher with a pre-designed program.

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Learn English in Malta