Mexican cuisine - one of the most popular in the world, and on a par with French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese is in constant demand among gourmets. Despite a fairly small list of main ingredients, its dishes are extremely diverse, and the sharp sauces, which include chili, add spice.

Speaking of "chili", Mexicans mean different varieties of red pepper with varying degrees of sharpness, used for cooking and denoted by the same word. Another name for the product is Chipotl. It is the same red pepper, but dried or smoked. The traditions of processing of sharp fruits go back to the Aztec cuisine. The fact is that the harvested crop was extremely difficult to preserve, and smoking allowed the ingredient to be added to the dishes for a long time.
Mexican Cuisine
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History of Mexican food

The history of local delicious attractions is the interaction of two culinary traditions, Spanish, which appeared in Mexico in the 16th century, and the Indian .The first conquistadors, who appeared on the territory of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, Mexico's future capital, found a kitchen based on corn, beans, chili, a variety of spices, a Mexican cactus and tomatoes .Of course, the Indians also prepared from other products .For example, not so small a role played so beloved by all chocolate .However, the daily ration was based on this .The Spaniards made their contribution, introducing the inhabitants to wheat, barley, rice, different kinds of meat, olive oil, nuts, wine and even parsley .

One of the culinary innovations was cheese. The presence of cows, goats and other domestic animals brought by the Spaniards, allowed to expand the diet. So, in Mexico appeared hard sheep cheese "Manchego", the secret of which was made available to "aborigines."

Mexican Cuisine

Main ingredients

Like many centuries ago, Mexican cuisine is, above all, corn. From it they prepare famous tortillas tortillas, and simply cook, sprinkling ready-made cobs with salt. Beans and rice do not lag behind in popularity. Depending on the region, pink and black beans are used. A distinctive feature of the dishes prepared from it is a minimum amount of spices and additional dressings. Beans are seen as a gastronomical contrast to spicy foods. On the coast to the listed ingredients are added seafood.

Dishes from beans do not require large material costs, they are high-calorie and very hearty, therefore, like Italian pizza, in Mexico were an indispensable component of the lunch of working people. For acquaintance it is enough to try frijoles refritos or overfried beans, which include beans of different kinds.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcoholic beverages of Mexico, of course, are not limited to tequila, but it is in great demand, both in the state itself and outside of it..Its homeland is the homonymous city in the state of Jalisco .Tequila is a kind of high-moisture drink of mescal, due to circumstances and distinctive features of its own name .The word "mescal" in Mexico denotes everything that is made from agave juice .Usually the drink is placed in a bottle at the bottom of which the caterpillar floats .It is believed that if the caterpillar in the mescal does not dissolve, then it is high-quality .

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Popular recipes

Burrito, quesadilla, fajitas, tacos - these names are already familiar to Russians and are dishes where the main ingredient is a tortilla with different fillings. Usually inside the cake is sure to put the meat. In Mexico, it's generally good to come to meat lovers, and beef and pork are widely used. Next to the cakes you can find a variety of sauces. For example, a salsa sauce made from tomatoes and various spices.

Delicious sweets in San Cristobal, Mexicohttp: // export = view & id = 1v1t7peVjb2zRCum2yo_LVsE71X0SCb6p Mexican Cuisine
Delicious sweets in San Cristobal
Traditional way of cooking corn tortillas, Mexicohttp: // export = view & id = 1WWom-VnJux2rljKjsiNWpb9EkJ5Nuvh9 Mexican Cuisine
The traditional way of making corn tortillas is
Traditional garnish to corn tortillas - fried zucchini flowers, Mexicohttp: // export = view & id = 1KL261oi_bPvXZQ0amaeAkSGilPPEq7dY Mexican Cuisine
Fried zucchini flowers are a delicious side dish!
Local sweets in San Cristobalhttp: // export = view & id = 1IjL6JKZoA_VRTKWYa7B5U0X56uJpRDhU Mexican Cuisine
Local sweets in San Cristobal
Preparing corn tortillas, a restaurant in Oaxaca http://ttp: // export = view & id = 1Wyfkn9T_VhW42tLCqFaT6xu-wO9ASiiZ Mexican Cuisine
Corn bread preparation