"All covered with greenery, absolutely the whole" ... - who knows, maybe it's about the picturesque Yucatan that is sung in the well-known entire post-Soviet space .In fairness, it must be clarified that the Yucatán is a peninsula, where three Mexican states appeared in the neighbors: Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatán .The northern part of Guatemala and Belize lurked right there .Washed by its shores the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico .On the Yucatan, hot, tropical weather and varied vegetation: from savannas in the north to impassable jungles in the south side .

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How to get

The flight from Moscow to Yucatan will take 13 and a half hours. As a rule, tourists land at the airport of the popular beach resort of Cancun, which is located just 16 km from the center of the town. From the airport it is easy to get to the right place by bus, taxi or renting a car.

Search for airline tickets to Cancun (nearest a / p to Yucatán)

Beaches and resorts of Yucatan

Not only the monuments of the Mayan culture are interesting for the Yucatan. The coast of the Caribbean Sea is first and foremost a wonderful holiday. Riviera Maya is called the coastline from Tulum to Cancun - sandy white beaches, delightful coral reefs of a thousand kilometers, transparent turquoise water, through the thickness of which you can see the rich underwater world - all this is a paradise for a beach holiday.

Remembering the advertising brochures of travel companies with their glossy pictures, you can safely assure that this is not fiction. Girls in a bikini under the palm trees on a sunset background - Photoshop here is not useful, so beautiful, almost unreal landscapes appear before the eyes of tourists.

The most popular resorts of the beach area are Playa del Carmen, Puerto Aventuras, Sian Kaan with magnificent diving on coral reefs. If you are not new to diving, then you should go to the island of Cozumel - there are the most popular places for diving. Tourists are even available underwater motorcycle trips at a depth of 10 meters.

Shopping and souvenirs

On shopping, it is best to go to the fortified cities of Campeche, Valladolid and Merida. Woven shirts, wicker hammocks, a variety of handmade panama - folk crafts are represented here in great variety. And in the cities themselves there is something to see.

Yucatan Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions

About two thousand years ago, the ancient Maya arranged their settlements near natural underground reservoirs, because all the precipitation in Yucatan absorbs limestone soil. Chichen Itza - the main city of Maya - was formed near such settlements. After all, "chichen-isa" in translation means nothing more than "sources of the people of Iza."

Bright colors of Cancun

Maya did not sit idle, so the legacy from them remained great, there is something to show curious tourists .Many heard about the fact that the tribes had their own written language, the calendar .They built stone cities and farmed .Maya - mysterious ancient tribes, left behind a rich heritage and many interesting, and sometimes eerie legends .What is for example their completely non-standardist habit of looking for the most beautiful girls, smearing them with blue paint, putting on their heads something like a golden hat and ... throwing in the well .When archaeologists finally reached that well, they found there more than 30 thousand of these golden hats .Simple calculations on the number of girls dropped there can be done right away .If the God of rain Hume-Chaku really existed, he would flood the whole island in gratitude for such sacrifices .And there are many similar legends - therefore, for those who are interested in the history of the Maya, it will be curious to get into the ruins of Uxmal, Tulum, Labna, Kunlich and others.., which are located about 120 km from Merida .The oldest building in this city of 16 centuries - a very respectable age of .

In the ruins of Uxmal are advised to pay attention to the building, dotted with decorative ornaments - a square of nuns and a pyramid of the fortune-teller - the height of the pyramid goes almost 40 meters!

Non-chewing bees - do you think this is one of the legends? And here not! The most interesting is that non-grilling bees give real honey. Try this honey, swim with the dolphins, to watch the life of the marine inhabitants will be able to anyone who visits the water park Shelha. And in the Shkaret Reserve tourists will be offered a tour of the tortoise farm and the butterfly park. Swim with whale sharks fans of extreme sports will be able to on Holbosh Island.

Mysterious and ancient Yucatan

Cave diving

As you know, the foundation of Yucatan is limestone, dug up by a multitude of caves .65 million years ago, a meteorite collapsed from heaven, the island went under the water from such a shock .By the way, the death of dinosaurs, as scientists think, is also on the conscience of this very meteorite .As a result of these perturbations, limestone caves flooded with water, and now these so-called cenotes are a real gift for divers around the world..The most famous system of Dos Ojos - 213 km of underwater dungeon .Maya used cenotes as a means of communication with the gods, but now it's just a tourist entertainment place..

Isla Mujeres - a great place for snorkeling .The water near this island is transparent and teeming with sea inhabitants .Extreme enthusiasts may be interested in an excursion to the cave - the bedroom of sharks .While sea predators, sluggish from sleep, will screw up their small eyes, you can see enough and nasnimat pre-interesting personnel .But the island does not meet everyone with a hot tropical summer..Those who managed to get into the period from June to October can wait for weather troubles in the form of rains and typhoons .Therefore, you need to plan your vacation in advance in order to taste all the blessings of magical edges . Photos of Yucatán (71)