Tell me, please, do I need an additional visa if I am going to fly to Mexico on the route Alma-Ata - Moscow - New York - Atlanta - Mexico. I have an American visa for a year, I myself am a citizen of Kazakhstan from Almaty.

We sell tickets, and what they need or do not say, can say at registration, just do not know to whom to turn.

Thanks in advance!

Responds Ilya Ignatyev, Passat Travel Company
No, if you have an open visa to America, you do not need additional visas for Mexico. You can fly.
Responds Natalia Viktorova
If you have a US multivisa with a validity that coincides with the dates of your trip to Mexico, you will not need additional visas to visit Mexico.

Have a nice rest!

Responds Julia Kazmina
An additional visa is not required, as a valid US visa is sufficient for visiting Mexico.

January 9, 2014

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