In Holland, for various reasons, there truly is something to see: beautiful European architecture, museums, monuments, unique taste cheese, a remarkable original culture and ... of course, magnificent tulips. By the way, in spite of the fact that these flowers have perfectly taken root in Holland, they are by no means from here. Geographically, they are much closer to us than to Europe - the birthplace of these flowers are the Caucasian mountains, Pamir and Tien Shan. "Born" in these parts, wild tulips were sent to various countries of the world.

Flower fields near Haarlem

And if once long ago tulips from the Caucasus were the object of adoring the whole of Europe, today AMF delivers you these magnificent flowers right to the threshold of .But if tulips are not from Holland, how did they get there? The fact is that it was possible to cultivate wild tulips in the gardens of Constantinople, approximately in the middle of the 16th century .Flower compositions and bouquets of tulips enjoyed great popularity among Europeans .Later on, the bulbs of tulips came to Austria, and then to the Netherlands .Everyone was so impressed by the amazing flowers that hundreds of gardeners immediately wanted to grow them..

So if today the order of flowers in St. Petersburg or Moscow means the creation of a bouquet of Dutch tulips, you can be sure that this bouquet has a rich pedigree and carefully selected "genetics". By the way, even a bulb of a tulip should be of a certain size and weight, it was in the Netherlands that the optimal index was determined - 0.065 grams. Today, Dutch "bulbs" diverge around the world and enjoy frenzied popularity.

Of course, this was not always the case. Until the 17th century, Dutch tulips were absolutely necessary to everyone. Since the demand for flowers was huge, they were grown by representatives of all walks of life. Later the need for flowers decreased slightly, but thanks to the traditions of gardening of this country and those who for centuries kept the secrets of growing real tulips, Holland, among other things, is the "queen of tulips."

By the way, the amazing achievements of the art of gardeners in the Netherlands can be admired by visiting this country .One of the largest exhibitions takes place at the site of Lake Harlem .In winter, you should visit the city of Bovenkarspel - in January, it is here that the flower season opens $ ±.Did not have time to Bovenkarspel? In spring, go to Keukenhof, and in summer - to Reinsburg .But the most majestic spectacle is the flower parade, which is held annually in April on the Noordwijk-en-Zeh-Harlem circuit .Many come here from the farthest corners of the planet just to admire the "tulip miracle" .