Dutch is often called Dutch or Flemish. In fact, these names refer to the corresponding dialects groups (Holland-region in the Netherlands, Flanders-five Dutch-speaking provinces of Belgium).

Every Russian knows at least 10 words in Dutch. For example, "orange" (appelsin), which in translation means "Chinese apple". And also: stoel, broek, zonnedeck, oyster, sits, doorlag and even the word corpse , slightly changed the meaning (troep - "garbage").

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Greetings, common expressions

Hello, I'm glad to see you Halo, leuk e te ontmuten
Girl, can I meet you? Meyonkfrau, poppy and met met yu kenismaken?
What's your name? Hu haith y?
My name is ... Ik hate ...
Yes Я
No Not
I love you! Ik huid van yu!
Where can I look at the paintings of Peter Brueghel the younger? Vaar kan ik de Schilderen van Peter Breyhel de Oude bekeiken?

For the good of the case

Are you sure that this is not too big a dose for a beginner? Bent yue zeker dates deze dosiz foor ehn behnineling nity fel e?
Have you noticed what funny fingers people have on their hands? Habt yu ophemte velke de mensen whiteheleke fingerheep de khanden hebe?
Where (who, why) am I? Vaar (vee, vararfor) ben ik?
It seems to me that the earth will now split, demons crawl out of the crack and take away my passport and a return ticket Het com moy foor dat de hrond splaten hahat, ayt de wreath demonized zulen clauteren en hat pasporate en het resturbillot mei zyulen ontneemen
Turn on the music louder and take me to the red light district STEPT YU DE MYSICK LEYDER EN BRUNKT YOU MEYN ONAR DE WAKE FAN DE RODE LANTAARNS
How so "finish", I just started $$ Huo zoo "finish" ick hebe immers for yoist beehonen
Take me to my hotel, just be careful. Brenht y mei naar het wanted, aleen foorzihtih

At the restaurant

Please, a table for two is Hrach en tafel fortwei person
Where is the toilet? Does Var Hit Hatlet?
Waiter! Ober!
Do you have a menu in English? Heyft u en men in het Engels?
I'd like ... () ... $ $ Ik вил храх ...
Bon Appetit! Eight smakelyayk!
To your health! It's simple!
Account, please De-retening, alstublift.
Each pays for itself Ider Betald Form zih

Shops, transport

Where does this train go? Var hut daze traine sledge?
Can I get to this bus by ...? Kan hike dais beads nymen om nar ... they are khan?
This place is free? Is the daize of the plains bucket?
Stop, please, at the next stop Wilt at the Bai de folhande halte stopen?
Where can I buy a ticket? Vahan kan yak en kartier kopen?
One way ticket, please Мах ик эн энкэле ряйс
Do you sell Russian newspapers? Do you mean Werkopt at Rusische Kranten?
I'll take it Daze Naim ick
Too expensive Ik fin hate te dur
Can you pack it beautifully? Künt u hat inflakin in kadopapir?
Kilogram, please Ik vil hrah ein kilo
Can I try it on? Makhi ik dit pashen?
How many, how many? Huffel, hufele?