Norway is a unique country, the fragments of the history of which everyone knows, perhaps. The first thing that comes to mind at the word "Norway" is ships, sea adventures and, of course, Vikings - medieval "pirates", who became heroes of legends and myths of the peoples of the world.

The cold nature of Norway made it difficult for the first settlers who settled along the sea to survive and feed them. Over time, people have mastered agriculture and cattle breeding, the first private property has appeared, and with the arrival of the German tribes, social inequality has also strengthened. By the year 700 all the land had been explored and Norwegian sailors "Vikings" set off to conquer neighboring lands on strong and fast ships with sonorous names.

History of Scandinavia (English)

The highest technical achievement of the Vikings were their ships - the boats, which were kept in perfect order and were often sang to the Scandinavians. The light ships and the navigational art of the Vikings were ideally suited for a sudden attack, rapid passage through rivers and lakes and prolonged sea voyages.

Ancient Vikings took on board several ravens, releasing them one at a time, and if the crow flew away in the direction of the vessel's movement, then they sailed further, and if the crow rolled off to the side, they changed course.

The skill and vigor of the Scandinavian people led to many discoveries and conquests. By 820, the entire Irish coast was inhabited by Vikings. Even now, there are about 100,000 places in the Shetland Islands with Norwegian names. Vikings visited also in the south, along the rivers of France, Spain, the Mediterranean, Norwegians in their campaigns landed even in eastern Africa, in the territory of present-day Morocco. In addition, they first reached the shores of America.

Interestingly, the Vikings founded settlements in North America almost 500 years before Columbus.

The Viking era lasted until about 1050 .Already in the 9th century, Norway bore the features of a single state, the active Christianization of society and the irreversible process of feudalization led to the emergence of social strata, the emergence of the first ruler - the King Harald Horfager (or the Perfectly Wife).For a long time, the country was living at the expense of subsistence farming, the cities and trade remained undeveloped, and at the end of all this the epidemic of plague collapsed on the country .Black Death destroyed half the population of the country .Norway had no choice but to join the Kalmar Union and remain a poor appendage of Denmark for a very long time .

Conquest of the Vikings (English)

Self-consciousness of strong and independent people, real Vikings did not allow them to remain a dependent state for a long time. In 1814, Norway freed itself from Denmark and adopted its basic law. The Norwegian Constitution is one of the oldest in the world and still operates today. But the country gained its final independence only in 1905, when the union with Sweden, which was signed after the war of 1814, was finally broken.

It's amazing that the country of conquerors throughout the whole of the new history remains neutral, does not participate in wars and fights only for the well-being of its citizens. In 1940, the country was occupied by German troops and was liberated in 1945 by the Soviet Union. Competent reforms, oil deposits led to a strong economic push: the country developed rapidly and easily entered the list of developed countries.

Geirangerfjord, Norway History of Norway
Covered with moss dumb witnesses of the history of Norway
View from Mount Ulriken, Bergen, Norway History of Norway
Proudly flies the Norwegian flag
Wooden church in Nure-og-Uvdal, Norway History of Norway
Old churches are the heritage of today's Norway.