The popularity of Peru as a tourist destination is primarily due to miracles and mysteries - the mysterious heritage of ancient civilizations that once elected their patrimony of the land of prehistoric Peru . Even the most sophisticated travelers in amazement freeze in front of perfectly fitted monoliths in the temples of Machu Picchu, reverently inspect the perfect astronomical "Instruments" of the prehistoric observatories of Peru and are lost in conjecture about the origin of geometrically correct multi-kilometer drawings of plas of Nazca . Among other things, Peru boasts also a rich ecosystem: one only the delta of the Amazon inhabited by a third of all known species .

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And Peru are ancient the city of the Indians with mysterious structures, the "green hell" of the virgin jungle, the deepest canyon in the world, the highland Lake Titicaca, once part of the ocean ... Last but not least, Peru is famous for its bizarre souvenir products, so desirable in the long Russian winter - alpaca socks , shawls from the llama's wool and almost London bowlers with fervent Latin American ribbon

As for other ways of "sagging," here too P ru was not behind the times: pisco would shake even the tourist who was exhausted in the ruins . By the minuses of the direction we will refer the long flight, to the pluses - the pleasant fact that Peru abolished visas for Russian travelers and comparative cheapness of tours (of course, compared to other South American exotics) .. Here is for you to seed the ancient Peruvian myth of how the end of the world almost came to an end

One day, one man led his lama to a good pasture, but the animal did not eat anything, but only issued plaintive groans . To the owner's question, what is the matter The lama replied that she had no need to feed: in five days the sea would rise and suck in the ground . Frightened, the man asked if it was possible to escape - and the lama advised him to hurry to the top of Mount Villacotos, taking with him only five days' food . . A man with a lama did not hesitate to go to the mountain top, and when they reached it, they saw that all the animals and birds had already gathered there . And then the sea rose: the water got so close that the fox had a tail why do foxes have dark tails) . After five days the water was asleep, and only one that remained alive century, who spoke to his lama in time . From him, according to Peruvian beliefs, the whole of the current human race took place (how he managed to single-handedly produce offspring, the legend is silent) .

Capital - Lima ( Lima).

Large cities: Arequipa, Cajamarca, Trujillo, Huancayo, Cuzco, Pisco

The main tourist centers are Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Chiclayo, Iquitos.

A full list of cities in the country is available on the city page and the resorts of Peru, and the details of when to go here and what to do on the site are described in detail on the page tours in Peru.


  • 1 How to get to Peru
    • 1.1 Search air tickets in Peru
  • 2 Visa to Peru
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phone numbers
  • 5 Transportation Peru
  • 6 Rent a Car
  • 7 Safety of tourists in Peru
  • 8 Climate of Peru
  • 9 Hotels in Peru
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Peru at the best price
  • 10 Money
  • eleven Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Cuisine and restaurants Peru
  • 13 Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Peru
    • 13.1 Also recommend

How to get to Peru

The simplest and most common option is the flight of international airlines with connections in Europe: Iberia and AirEuropa through Madrid, KLM through Amsterdam, Air France through Paris. Flight through Venezuela by Lufthansa and Taca Airlines is less convenient and more time-consuming, as it involves two docks at once - in Frankfurt and in Caracas. In addition, it is possible to get to Peru by Aeroflot flights with a transfer in Havana.

The duration of the flight, depending on the chosen route - from 16 to 18 hours (without taking into account the time of connections).

On international flights, departures from Lima airport will incur an airport fee of $ 28 or equivalent in local currency. When departing from other airports in the country, the airport charge is 10 USD, and on domestic flights - 5 USD.

Search air tickets in Peru

Visa to Peru

To enter the country for up to 90 days, citizens of Russia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine do not need a visa.


There are no restrictions on import and export of local currency. The export of foreign currency is limited to the previously imported amount declared on entry. When the salt is exchanged for dollars or EUR, it is necessary to provide a certificate of the original currency exchange.

You can import 400 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 250 gr of tobacco, 3 liters of strong alcoholic beverages. And also spirits within personal needs, gifts and personal belongings that have intact factory packaging, not exceeding the total cost of 300 USD.

It is forbidden to import non-canned food, weapons and drugs, as well as import and export of objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value without special permission. To import professional photo, film or video equipment, you will need a special permit. When exporting products made of wool, leather, fur, ornaments at customs, you may be asked to present a receipt from the store where they were purchased.

Useful phone numbers

Embassy of Peru in Moscow: Smolensky Boulevard, 22/14, off. eleven; tel: (499) 248-07-49, 248-77-38, fax: (499) 248-00-72, website

The Russian Embassy in Lima: Avenida Salaverry, 3424, San Isidro; tel .: (1) 264-00-36, 264-00-38, 264-11-70; Web site

Reference information for Lima International Airport: (1) 575-17-12 (round the clock)

Rescue service and emergency services: 105, police: 714-313 (Lima)

Transportation Peru

Due to the complexity of the country's terrain, it is possible to reach many of its regions only by air. Several local airlines serve most of the cities of Peru, as well as make regular flights to neighboring countries.

Buses are cheap and quite convenient transportation for long distance travel. Tickets for intercity flights can be purchased at bus stations and at local travel agencies, but in recent prices can be greatly overstated.

When intercity crossings it is necessary to have a passport with you, since there are police posts on the roads, on which it is required to present it. Tariffs, as a rule, are unified and depend on distance. The ticket for intercity flights can be purchased both at bus stations and in local travel agencies, but in recent prices can be greatly overestimated.

Trips on city buses are a dubious pleasure: they are always crowded, slow, but cheap .The route is indicated on the poster under the windshield in the form of street names, which are followed by this machine, but the conductors on the whole route, as a rule, also shout out the destination, leaning out of the window .You can stop the bus anywhere .In addition, on the most busy routes shuttle shuttle "combis", the fare in them is slightly higher than in ordinary buses, but the level of comfort is much higher .

Maps of Peru
Take a taxi to Peru - not a problem. The price is better to negotiate in advance, so that at the end of the trip there were no unpleasant surprises. It is better to use the official licensed yellow taxi. Taxis that await passengers near terminals and airports will cost more than those that stand just around the corner. In addition, in cities, bike and motor rickshaws are popular: they will cost cheaper than taxis.

The main (and almost the only) transport in the Selva area is canoe boats and motor boats.

The railway is the cheapest kind of long-distance transport in the country, so the cars are usually crowded, and the schedule is rarely observed. Special tourist trains run daily on the routes of Cuzco - Machu Picchu and Ollantaytambo - Machu Picchu. It is better to buy tickets to the car no less than the second or first class.

The timetable for all modes of transport in Peru is often not respected (or rather, it is not observed often), therefore, it is always advisable to reserve transplants to the airplane, train planning by rail, etc. with a margin in time.
5 things to do in Peru
  1. To get to the annual October religious festival - El Senor de los Milagros, taking place in the main square of Lima Plaza de armas.
  2. Look into the Casa de Aliaga house in Lima, the oldest house of the colonial era, in which the descendants of Alagi still live in the 16th generation, so you can inspect the house for 30 salts if you agree with the owners.
  3. To personally visit a meeting with a local shaman in the jungle, who will dedicate you to the ayahuasca ritual, sniff a bottle of magical fluid, and at the same time replenish the first aid kit with the famous "7 roots" remedy for all diseases.
  4. Take a walk along the Olive grove in the San Isidro district, where about 1500 trees grow.
  5. Visit the only beach in Peru with red sand, which is located in Paracas National Park.

Rent a Car

Rent a car can be in the offices of major rental offices, which are located at the airport (some work around the clock). This requires an international driver's license, credit card or deposit, paid insurance, and at least 25 years of life on earth.

Renting a car in Peru is easy, but tourists should once again think whether it should be done .Independent movement by car around the country is not always safe: mountain roads are often in a terrible state, and many are simply rolled up, signs and markings are almost absent .In cities, the picture is little better: there are almost no road signs and traffic lights, and traffic rules are observed by local drivers mostly unintentionally .Therefore, in most cases, the cases are cheaper, and in all - it is much safer to take a taxi or rent a car with a driver .
In Peru, there are many cafes where you can try a drink from frogs. One of the recipes for its preparation is mixing the live frog with bean stew, honey, aloe juice and the root of the poppy in a blender.

Safety of tourists in Peru

Tourists in Peru should be extremely careful not to become victims of pocket thieves - especially at train stations, trains and public transport. Do not carry large sums of money with you, and also leave personal belongings unattended. In the hotel, all valuables should be stored in a safe. On the streets, tourists can be bothered by all kinds of beggars and peddlers, who are strongly advised not to buy anything.

In the country you should drink only bottled water and pasteurized milk, and you should not buy food on the street or in cheap institutions.

Before visiting the Amazon basin, you should be vaccinated against yellow fever (at least 10 days before the trip), take care of the tablets from malaria, repellents and sunscreens. There is a risk of contracting hepatitis B and D.

Before visiting high-altitude sites, you should pass a gradual acclimatization at lower altitudes. She is helped by the refusal of coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, light food, and the use of tea from coca leaves.

You can take pictures of the local population only with permission.
Machu Picchu, Peru Peru
Machu Picchu
Local Peruvian clothing Peru
Bright colors of Peru
Lake Titicaca in Peru Peru
Lake Titicaca

Climate of Peru

Climatic conditions vary greatly in different regions of the country .On the coast, winter lasts from June to September, the temperature during the year is kept within +16 .+ 25 ° С at very low humidity .In mountainous regions, at altitudes up to 3500 m, the climate is temperate, the temperature in winter (June-October) +4 .+ 6 ° С, in the summer - up to +16 .+ 17 ° C, and in the valleys - up to +24 ° C .The zone "pune" ("cold place") begins higher, where the mountain climate is pronounced: the temperature in winter ranges from 0 to -7 ° C, in summer +3 .+ 7 ° С with a strong air discharge and sharp daily fluctuations in temperature (in the daytime it can reach +22 .+ 28 ° C, at night - up to -12 ° C) .The mountain tops are covered with snow and glaciers all year round .

The eastern and north-eastern parts of the country are very different in weather conditions from the center and west: on the Plains of Selva, the average monthly temperature ranges from +18 to +27 ° C, in winter - from +16 to +26 ° C. There are two seasons in the country - dry (May-October) and wet (November-April).

The best time to visit the mountain regions and Selva is June-August, the coast is December-March. Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Peru for the coming days.

  • When is the best time to fly to Peru
  • What is the weather in Peru

Hotels in Peru

The general level of Peru's hotel base is quite high and corresponds to world standards. Even the "three-star" hotels are distinguished by spacious rooms and decent food.

Voltage in the electricity network 220 V, 60 Hz, in some hotels the voltage is 110 V. The outlets are flat with two pins, but there are also round two-pin connectors. In lodges located in the jungles of the Amazon, electricity is usually served until 22:00, later they are lit by kerosene lamps.

Book hotel in Peru at the best price


Money can be exchanged in exchange offices (casas de cambio), hotels (not always profitable, as a large commission is charged) and banks. It is best to carry US dollars with you, as the currency of other countries can often be exchanged only in the major banks of the capital. The exchange of old and shabby notes can be difficult.

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, and on Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:00. In the province, some banks can work on an individual schedule.

Credit cards and traveler's checks (better in US dollars) can only be serviced in the capital and large tourist centers: it's almost impossible to pay them off in the provinces.

Tipping in bars, restaurants and hotels (usually 10% of the order amount) is already included in the bill. In addition, in restaurants and high-class hotels, various taxes are added to the account, which in total can amount to 28%. In the taxi tip is optional, guides are allowed to leave "for tea" 3-5 USD per day.

  • Which currency is better to take with you to Peru

Shopping and shopping

Most shops and shopping centers are open from 9:00 to 20:00 seven days a week. Some supermarkets in the capital are open until 22:00 or work around the clock. In small towns shops operate on their schedule. In local markets you should always bargain.

From Peru jewelry is usually imported from gold, silver and copper, pullovers and other products made from alpaca wool, wall carpets made from wool of lamas, traditional products with carvings on wood or stone, souvenirs from dried pumpkins, pottery, furs, musical instruments and leather drums. In local markets, you can and should bargain.

In some supermarkets in Lima, two prices are knocked out in a cash receipt: in salt and in dollars. By this check, you can pay with dollars, but the change will be given in the salts at the bank rate.
  • What can I bring from Peru
  • What products from wool are sold in Peru and how much they cost

Cuisine and restaurants Peru

The national cuisine of Peru was strongly influenced by European traditions, but it remained very diverse and distinctive. In different parts of the country the culinary traditions differ, but the common is the abundance of pepper, garlic, potatoes, yams (type of root vegetable), corn and vegetables.

Meat goes for future use almost any - from beef and mutton to guinea pigs, the only exception - similar to lamas alpacas, which are bred only for wool.

On the coast and in the Amazon valley, "fish" and seafood "ruled" .A popular local dish is fresh fish, thoroughly marinated in lemon juice with spices .As for potato dishes, they are popular everywhere in Peru - these are ordinary boiled potatoes with sauce, and pancakes with meat stuffing "dad rellen", and "causa" - puff pastry from mashed potatoes and hot salad with chicken or tuna .In addition, the visiting card of the local cuisine is a variety of fruits - these are the oranges, papaya, peaches and bananas that are familiar to us, and exotics like cherimoya, lucumy or prickly pears .

Peruvian desserts - well, very sweet, and you need to try them with care, so as not to get a hyperglycemic shock. A special sweet is known for the "lima meringue" suspiro Limeno, which can safely just lick.

In the country it is worth trying "saltado" - a ragout of vegetables with various seasonings, rice in a pot "in Peruvian", soups of lentils, beans and other legumes, "arros-choclo" - porridge of rice or cereals, "karapulka" - dried potatoes with pork, chicken and sunflower seeds .And also a very sharp "soup-a la-Creole" made of beef with noodles, eggs, milk and vegetables, assorted from various kinds of meat "pachamanka" (roasted in a sealed dish on red-hot stones), steaks from alpaca "Puno" and traditional local delicacy "kui" - stewed or roasted whole guinea pig, a very tasty dish that should definitely try "seviche" - this is a special image of pickled fish or seafood .

On the coast and in the Amazon valley, fish and seafood are widely used. In addition, a variety of fruits is considered as a visiting card of the local cuisine - these are the oranges, papaya, peaches, bananas, and more exotic options - chirimoy, lukuma, tuna.

From national drinks it is possible to allocate pisco (pisco) - distilled grape alcohol from which here do Pisco Sour. Also in Peru there are many different juices, herbal teas, and, of course, coffee. It is worth trying "chichu morada" - a refreshing drink, cooked from corn kernels with the addition of sugar and spices.

  • Where does the local population prefer Peru
Paints of Peru

Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Peru

The sights of Peru can be divided into two categories: the legacy of ancient civilizations (known and unknown) and natural beauties carefully preserved in the national parks.

Pisak is a city and ancient Inca fortress, located 33 km from Cusco in the Sacred Valley of the Incas near the Urubamba River. In the vicinity of Pisak you can visit the ruins of an ancient fortification, which protected the entrance to the river valley. In addition, in the Sacred Valley interesting city-pyramid Ollantaytambo and the village of Chinchero.

Desert Nazca, one of the tourist "pearls" of the country, is located in the south of Peru between the rivers Ingenio and Nazca .It is an almost square stone plateau, dotted with only mysterious figures of huge size visible from the air and made by one continuous line carved into stone .Figures depict human figures, as well as birds and animals, many of which, strangely enough, in the area of ​​Nazca are not found .It is assumed that the date of creation of these "megas" is 350-700 years before n .e .Also in this region is the necropolis of Chauchiglia (1st century n .e .)

Arequipa - the most beautiful city in the country, located in the south of Peru at an altitude of 2335 meters above sea level. The main attractions are the Convento de Santa Catalina convent, the cathedral, the Jesuit church of La Campana, the central square of the Plaza de Armas, the former mint of Casa de la Moneda, the Casa Moral mansion. And in 180 km from Arequipa there is a unique natural object - Kolka Canyon, considered to be the deepest in the world.

Before visiting the Amazon basin, you should be vaccinated against yellow fever (at least 10 days before the trip), take care of the tablets against malaria, repellents and sunscreens.

Costa is the Pacific coast of the country. There you can visit the Paracas national marine reserve, the sand dunes of Wakachina, the oases around the "capital of winemakers" of Iki, the Huaskaran national park and the Wailas valley, the ancient clay city of Chan-Chan and the pre-Sicilian cities of Sipan and Tukume.

Trujillo is the capital of Costa, founded in the 16th century and has preserved to this day the style of the colonial era. It is worth seeing the main square of the city of Plaza de Armas, the town hall, the Bishop's Palace, the cathedral, the Cassinielli Archaeological Museum and Museum, the art gallery in the Casa Ganos building, and numerous monasteries. In the vicinity of Trujillo, too, many interesting things - these are the ruins of ancient cities, and temples-fortresses, and the ecological reserve in Batan-Grande.

Selva is the eastern part of the country. The main thing that attracts tourists here is a unique flora and fauna: in the jungle grow redwood, rubber, sarsaparilla, vanilla and a lot of exotic tropical flowers. On the Amazon you can watch the pink dolphins, caimans and other reptiles, many endemic birds. In addition, there live purebred Indian tribes, and in the jungle many monuments of ancient cultures are lost.

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