In 1917, in a tiny village of Fatima, three children saw the Virgin Mary. For another six months, she appeared to them once a month in the same place until 75,000 people came to the field with their children in the fall, who believed their stories. All these people saw signs: the blazing sun and the rushing birds. After that, the Vatican declared theophany genuine, Fatima - holy place. Two kids have not lived a year, and the third, Louise, became a nun and died only in the spring of 2005.

Every year, millions of pilgrims come to Fatima to worship the graves of children and the Mother of God from Fatima.


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search flights to Lisbon (nearest a / p to Fatima)
  • 2 Basilica of St. Virgin
    • 2.1 Central Portugal

How to get

From Lisbon to Fatima - an hour and a half by car.

Another option is to purchase a group tour of the "golden ring" of Portugal. It includes a visit to Alkobasy (monastery), Batalli (the magnificent Gothic cathedral), Fatima, Nazare (a fishing village with an amazing view of the ocean), Obidusha (a miniature beautiful fortified city). The cost of the tour is ~ 70 EUR.

Search flights to Lisbon (nearest a / p to Fatima)

Basilica of St. Virgin

The pilgrimage center is a large square in front of the Basilica of the St. Virgin from the local white limestone (twice the size of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican) and the Church of the Vision, built on the site of a miraculous phenomenon. Nowadays the city has acquired international significance, religious ceremonies are held regularly there, and under the Basilica many religious orders have appeared. Photos of Fatima (18)