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Aqueduct Aguas Libris

Lisboa, Calcada Quintinha, 6

Sights of Portugal Aqueduct Aguas Libris - perhaps the most famous technical structure of Lisbon, which is also considered a visiting card of the Portuguese capital. The construction, which is a string of high-altitude stone arches, was erected in the early 18th century.

Palace of Kelush

Queluz, Largo Palacio

Sights of Portugal Do you want to see how the Portuguese kings once lived? Then come to the palace of Queluz, which is located in the suburbs of Lisbon. The magnificent palace complex was built in the mid-18th century as a summer residence for royalty and court nobles.

Mafra Palace

Mafra, Terreiro Dom Joao V

Sights of Portugal In the suburbs of Lisbon is the largest palace in Portugal Mafra. It was erected in the early 18th century on the occasion of the birth of the long-awaited first-born from the royal couple - Joao V and his wife Anne of Austria. We built the Mafra Palace, as they say, on a grand scale.

Palace of Monte

Funchal, Caminho do Monte, 174

Sights of Portugal The palace and tropical garden of Monte is a rare and worth visiting sight on Madeira, which refers not to natural, but to man-made ones. And it's really like that: on such a beautiful island it's just a shame to waste time on buildings and museums.

Cape Rock

Cabo da Roca

Sights of Portugal Cape Rock is an ideal place to admire the amazingly beautiful sunset, when the sun sets right into the Atlantic Ocean, coloring the water surface in unimaginable tones and shades. The Portuguese poet Luis Camoes described this place as follows: "This is the place where the earth ends and the sea begins."

National Museum of Ancient Art

Lisboa, Rua Janelas Verdes 110-112

Sights of Portugal The National Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon is the largest gallery in Portugal, where thousands of paintings, sculptures, jewelry and even antique furniture from the 14th to 19th centuries are collected. A rich collection of the museum includes paintings by such famous artists as Albrecht Durer and Jerome Bosch

Basilica da Estrela

Lisboa, Praca da Estrela

Sights of Portugal A majestic structure stands on a hill in the western part of Lisbon, so that the dome can be seen from almost anywhere in the city.

Lisbon City Museum

Lisboa, Campo Grande, 245

Sights of Portugal The city museum of Lisbon is noteworthy because its collection is clearly divided into parts reflecting the brightest regional characteristics. So they do not always do it, but it is very convenient for a tourist: he sees not abstract-general "Roman antiquities", but, for example, those connected with veneration of Saint Anthony.

House of Music in Porto

Porto, Avenida da Boavista

Sights of Portugal The house of music appeared in Porto recently, but has already become a real symbol of the city. Today it is the center of many cultural events in Porto. The House of Music is an excellent venue for concerts with excellent acoustics. The building surprises with its unusual view from the outside and the interior inside.

Castle Obidos

Obidos, Estrada da Cerca

Sights of Portugal Castle Obidos can be called one of the most popular places in Portugal. It is not for nothing that this attraction is included in almost all tourist routes. The castle of Obidos is located in the homonymous city, which belongs to the district of Leiria.


Funchal, Curral Das Freiras

Sights of Portugal On the relic island of Madeira, where dinosaurs and prehistoric gigantic lizards would look, in an eerie wilderness, where it was almost impossible to get there a few years ago, a small village - Curral Dash Frearash - was hiding.

Lisbon Zoo

Lisboa, Praca Marechal Humberto Delgado

Sights of Portugal Regardless of whether you come to Portugal with children or have a rest alone, open a few hours to visit the Lisbon Zoo. Believe me, from this trip there will be no less emotions and impressions than from excursions to architectural monuments and famous palace complexes.

Maritime Museum of Lisbon

Lisboa, Praca do Imperio

Sights of Portugal Portugal is a country of ships, therefore in Lisbon in the 19th century a marine museum was opened dedicated to shipbuilding and everything connected with it. The museum works to this day, welcoming tourists from all over the world.

The bridge of Luis the First

Porto, Ponte Luis I

Sights of Portugal There are many bridges in Porto, but the most famous is the bridge of Luisa the First. It connects the Ribeira area with the town of Vila Nova di Gaia. It is worth noting that the Luisa the First Bridge is located in very busy and visited places, so it is not difficult to see it.

Museum of the East in Lisbon

Lisboa, Avenida de Brasília, Doca de Alcantara

Sights of Portugal Most tourists are surprised to learn that in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon has a museum of the East. But if you remember how many travelers were in this country, how many discoveries and researches it has been made, how many colonizers left from here - everything falls into place.

Museum of Galust Gulbenkian in Lisbon

Lisboa, Av. de Berna, 45a

Sights of Portugal The Museum of Galust Gulbenkian in Lisbon is one of those gifts that await the most curious traveler. Private collections usually do not attract as much attention as there are large national museums, and in vain, especially in this case.

Museum of the Berardo Collection in Lisbon

Lisboa, Praca do Imperio, Centro Cultural de Beltm

Sights of Portugal Like in any other European capital, Lisbon has a museum of modern art and not one. But, undoubtedly, the museum of the collection of Berardo is the most interesting, the most modern, the largest and the most authoritative.

Museum of puppets

Lisboa, Rua Esperanca, 146

Sights of Portugal In Lisbon is the only museum in Portugal, dedicated to the history of dolls and puppet theaters, and it is called a museum of puppets. Looking here, you will find yourself in a completely different world, whose inhabitants are funny and serious, sincere and cunning, ladies and gentlemen are dolls.

Museum of the Roman Theater in Lisbon

Lisboa, Patio do Aljube, 5

Sights of Portugal The Museum of the Roman Theater in Lisbon is one of those museums where, besides the exhibits in the window, there is also a "live", let's say a part - it is built over the ruins of the ancient city theater of Lisbon. Such museums have an amazing ability - they make a living story.

Museum of trams in Porto

Porto, Alameda Basilio Teles, 51

Sights of Portugal In the museum of trams you can find out how this type of transport has evolved over its entire existence. Here there are dozens of different trams, and each of them can at least now be put on rails and sent along the route.

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Portugal is a small but very beautiful country, with its great history, special character, majestic nature and magnificent architecture. For most, acquaintance with this amazing country turns into one of the most vivid memories.

Architecture of Portugal and Manueline

The architecture of Portugal is unique - the fact is that around the middle of the 15th century, buildings were built here in the style of "Manueline". Named after the Portuguese monarch Manuel I, and is a mixture of several architectural trends - primarily Gothic, as well as Moorish, with the borrowing of exotic motifs.

"Manueline" is also called the Portuguese Renaissance, since its heyday coincides with the dawn of the might of the kingdom. Buildings in this style can be seen exclusively in Portugal and nowhere else in the world. In particular, it is the tower of St. Vincent in Belene, the monastery in Batalha, the Templar monastery in Tomere, the Cathedral of Lisbon and the royal residence in Sintra.

In general, Sintra, which for a long time was the seat of Portuguese rulers, is one of the most beautiful cities, certainly, after the capital. Its architecture could not but be included in the list of cultural heritage of UNESCO. This is truly a city-museum, where every house, fountain, every stone on cobbled streets is an invaluable exhibit.

Here there are several medieval castles, standing on inaccessible hills. Among them - and the chic palace "Palacio de Pena", in which the royal family spent the summer months. It is surrounded by a huge castle park and is characterized by unusual architectural solutions and sculptural design. A special charm to the ancient city is attached to the neighborhood with centuries-old forests.

Lisbon Attractions

Lisbon, becoming the capital of Portugal in the 13th century, not only received the rich heritage of the Moors, but over the centuries absorbed all the best that was in the kingdom. In 1755, what seemed to be irreparable happened, the city literally razed to earth a strong earthquake, but in half a century, it had regained its former grandeur. In particular, then the famous Lisbon Cathedral (12th century) was completely rebuilt.

A special place in the city is considered the ancient streets of Shi'adu, Lapa, Rossiu, Alfama and Baixa. Here is concentrated a huge number of ancient cathedrals, basilicas and just very beautiful houses made in the best architectural traditions of past eras.

In the historical center of the city the castle of St. George is well preserved, which not only remembers the Moors, but even the Roman rulers. In the Middle Ages it was completed and today looks like a castle-fortress, typical of the Portuguese medieval defensive architecture.

In the historical center of the city the castle of St. George is well preserved, which remembers not only the Moors, but even the Roman rulers.

Especially striking in Lisbon is the grandiose Vasco da Gama bridge, more than two kilometers long. Also in honor of the Portuguese explorers, pioneers, a memorial sculpture was erected on the square in front of the Royal Palace. And in the palace itself there is a unique exposition of ancient crews.

Cities in Portugal

Next to Lisbon is the tiny town of Martha with a population of just over ten thousand, but it is here that the most majestic and largest palace of Portugal is located, created for the sake of Joan V, who, whatever it is, wanted to outbid the Spanish royal residence ±​​$ The .Martha's Palace is a complex with an area of ​​about forty thousand square meters, created as a single architectural ensemble, and includes a monastery with a luxurious basil .Around this castle, as it should be, is a magnificent park, on eight square kilometers of which once was a huge number of wild animals .

The second most important and significant city of Portugal is Porto, it is from it that the name of the whole state, as well as fortified wine, occurs.

The second most important and significant city of Portugal is Porto, it is from it that the name of the whole state, as well as fortified wine, occurs. Today, like hundreds of years ago, this port city is the economic center of the country. He attracts tourists with his old, muddled streets, harsh on cloudy days and unusually smiling when the sun shines. It is a city of contrasts, a mixture of different styles and eras and in this its special charm.

The small northern town of Braga has a colossal cultural and historical value, because here not only the remains of ancient Roman villages and an old water pipe are preserved, but also the grave of the father of the first Portuguese king. Another reminder of the presence of the Romans is the well-preserved sanctuary of the goddess Diana, located in the neighborhood of three dozen Catholic cathedrals in one of the most ancient Portuguese cities of Evora.

Forest on the shore of the ocean - that's what surprises nature conservation complex "Arrabida."

No less impressive are the country's natural attractions. In the north there are massive Serra da Estrela mountains, where under the shadow of the chestnut trees there are colorful villages. A little west of the area of ​​almost five hundred hectares stretched reserve park "Bukasu", created by Carmel monks more than four centuries ago.

Forest on the shore of the ocean - that's what surprises nature conservation complex "Arrabida."

It is in Portugal is the extreme western point of Europe - the Cape of Cabo da Roca.