Tell me, where it is cheaper to book excursions in Brasov?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Brasov attracts tourists with its ancient crooked streets, doll houses under red tiled roofs, worn steps of stone stairs - and the famous Tympy Mountain towering over all this medieval chic .The mountain can be conquered on the pedestrian road "25 serpentines" or on the cable car .At its top is a small observation deck, from where on the palm of your hand you can see the old city and new microdistricts .Excursion including similar walks, will cost for a group from 1 to 15 people in 40 EUR, and for a group from 15 to 25 people - at 50 EUR .

The excursion program "Medieval Brasov -" Romanian Salzburg ", as well as a visit to the town within the framework of the trip to Brasov and the neighboring Rysnov, Prezhmer and other towns of Transylvania will cost 90 EUR or more. Of particular note are the Palace of Peles and, of course, Bran Castle, better known as Dracula's Castle.

Of course, individual excursions are always more expensive, and the more organized the group, the more it will cost cheaper.

August 26, 2013

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