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The Circum-Baikal Railway was held at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, becoming a part of the Trans-Siberian Railway . Half a century later, a new "short" branch for electric trains from Irkutsk . The old that walked along the bank of the Angara River flooded with water from the Irkutsk water reservoir, as a result of which it turned into a dead-end and nobody needed ... $ . From time to time here only went that the old diesel locomotive, delivering to neighboring settlements few residents and food . Change everything became in the 80s ., today the road is used for organized tourism - and quite popular in that quality .

The same line went and another train with a two-day program - " Baikal cruise "on the retrovapor. But in 2012 the two-day trips stopped.

The tourist part of the branch is the one that goes from Port Baikal to Slyudyanka along the lake shore. The Circum-Baikal Express runs around it on a year-round schedule, but here there is a small subtlety: not in the season of the guests carries the so-called rail bus, that is, the diesel, though, with the seats of the first class. In the summer, you can choose between a diesel engine and a luxury electric train - there are places in the second class.

The train departs from the Irkutsk railway station and travels along the Trans-Siberian Railway to the Slyudyanka station. From here, in fact, the Circum-Baikal Railway begins.

The train departs from the Irkutsk railway station and travels along the Trans-Siberian Railway to the Slyudyanka station, where it costs about 20 minutes, giving travelers the opportunity to admire the local station of Baikal marble . From here, in fact, the Circum-Baikal Railway begins . The first stop on the way express does in Old Angasolka, where travelers can stand on the Angasol stone viaduct across the same river .The next stop is the abandoned Kirkidai tunnel No. 39 .Then - two more tunnels early 20 century on Cape Kirkerei .

In the first class there is a three-hour hot meal, and the seats in the car are slightly more free. Other differences, in fact, no.

At the largest station "Maritoui" you can see a retro-car, standing "on eternal prikole"; and immediately behind it there is a station half way and the "Half" tunnel - the longest on the route (778 m) .In winter in this station the train costs an hour, in the summer - one and a half, and those who wish can swim on a nice beach .Further stations and sights along the way - a protective Italian arch wall made of large cobblestones with prongs at the top; kilometer walk on the path and through the tunnel (the train passes this site empty) and the final stop is "Port Baikal" .Between stops in the train show films about Lake Baikal and the railway .

From Port Baikal, according to the program of the tour, travelers get on the ship "Babushkin" to the neighboring Listvyanka. From there, you can return to Irkutsk by a tourist bus.