March 1
Weather in Smolensk Partly cloudy, light snow

+2 ° C in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night, FROMwater

2nd of March
Weather in Smolensk Overcast, light rain

+3 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 3rd
Weather in Smolensk Overcast, light rain

+4 ° С in the afternoon, +1 ° C at night, FROMwater

March 4
Weather in Smolensk Mainly cloudy

+2 ° C in the afternoon, -2 ° С at night, FROMwater

5th of March
Weather in Smolensk Overcast, light rain

+2 ° C in the afternoon, -3 ° C at night, FROMwater

March, 6
Weather in Smolensk Cloudy, light snow

+2 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 7
Weather in Smolensk Cloudy, light snow

0 ° C in the afternoon, -4 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 8
Weather in Smolensk Mainly cloudy

0 ° C in the afternoon, -4 ° С at night, FROMwater

9th of March
Weather in Smolensk Partly cloudy, light rain

+4 ° С in the afternoon, -2 ° С at night, FROMwater

10th of March
Weather in Smolensk Clear

+6 ° C in the afternoon, +1 ° C at night, FROMwater

11th of March
Weather in Smolensk Partly cloudy, light rain

+5 ° C in the afternoon, -3 ° C at night, FROMwater

March 12
Weather in Smolensk Clear

+6 ° C in the afternoon, +4 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 13
Weather in Smolensk Clear

+5 ° C in the afternoon, +2 ° C at night, FROMwater

The city of Smolensk is located in the upper reaches of the Dnieper to the south-west of Moscow. It is located in a zone of temperate continental climate and is subject to the influence of Atlantic cyclones. Therefore, the winter in Smolensk is content with soft, and the summer is cool and rainy. In general, the weather in Smolensk is very favorable throughout the year. There are practically no sudden changes in temperature, extreme heat or cold. But meanwhile overcast weather in Smolensk prevails more than 160 days a year.

The average annual air temperature in Smolensk reaches +5 ° C. Annually, more than 700 mm of precipitation falls in the city.

Negative air temperatures in Smolensk begin to prevail only with the onset of November .Usually by the second half of the month, stable snow falls .Frosts gradually increase until February, and then again go to recession .The winter air temperature in the city seldom drops below -10 ° C, and on average it fluctuates at -5 .-6 ° C .Such a temperature regime is largely provided by air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean .Atlantic cyclones soften frosts until thaws and bring abundant snowfalls .Otherwise, the winter weather in Smolensk is quite stable .Positive temperatures are set closer to March, causing the arrival of spring .

The hottest month of summer in Smolensk is July. It usually has a peak in heat and precipitation. Although there is practically no special heat in the city, the average summer temperature varies between +18 ... +23 ° C. Moreover, during the summer, rains intensify. Often in a city it is possible to observe thunderstorms and fogs caused by high humidity of air. As a rule, a stable warm period begins in Smolensk in May and lasts until September inclusive.

Essential influence on weather in Smolensk renders air circulation. In fact, the city's territory is not protected from the penetration of cyclones from the west and the north. Accordingly, the Atlantic and Arctic air transfers are considered almost the main climate-forming factors in the city. Air masses from the Atlantic usually bring heat and moisture, from the Arctic - frost.

Spring and autumn in Smolensk are quite short .So, the rapid transition from winter to summer season occurs literally in a month - from the second half of March to the middle of April .At this time, the most unstable weather is formed in Smolensk with sharp temperature changes, the change in atmospheric pressure, the variable nature of the windy regime .If in the beginning of March the air maintains a temperature close to -2 ° C, then by April it reaches +6 ° C .Similar processes occur in autumn .But the autumn weather in Smolensk, perhaps, is even softer .Indian summer can be delayed until late October, and only in November the first frosts come, but, as a rule, not less than -3 ° C .

The average annual air temperature in Smolensk reaches +5 ° C. Annually in the city more than 700 mm of precipitation falls. The prevailing wind direction is western and south-western. The wind strength in the average varies within 3-4 m / s. Due to the variability of atmospheric circulation, the weather characteristics in Smolensk may deviate from the average statistical indicators.

Weather in Smolensk
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Weather in Smolensk
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Weather in Smolensk by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon -6 -5+0 +10 +17 +21 +22 +21 +16 +8 +1@@-3
at night-12-eleven-7 +1@@+7 +11 +12 +11 +7 +2 -4-8