Despite its fairly "young" age, St. Petersburg became famous as the cultural capital of a great power. Here, in whatever direction you look - a historical place, a landmark or an architectural monument.

In a sightseeing tour of the former capital of Russia, it is planned to inspect European wide avenues and stone houses, numerous parks, stunning by their size and beauty of the Kazan and the Isakievsky Cathedral, the eternal symbol of the city - the statue of the Bronze Horseman Etien-Maurice Falcone, the Spit of the Vasilievsky Island and the Mars Field.

A more detailed acquaintance with the city, perhaps, it is worth starting with the Peter and Paul fortress - it was with its construction and began laying the most European city of the Russian Empire. Initially conceived as a security structure of the port, which according to the plan of the "founding father" - Peter I - was supposed to connect Russia with Europe, the fortress never fulfilled its direct function.

However, its premises were not long empty, they were actively used as prison cells for prisoners, political as well. Their stories are always mentioned in the excursion. Also in the territory of the "Petropavlovka" there is still the Mint, whose doors are open to visitors. The traditions of the fortress are restored - at noon the gun is fired at the Naryshkinsky bastion, and the flag is hoisted on the Flag tower.

Numerous tourists, and from the vastness of our homeland, and foreign guests, probably knowingly call St. Petersburg the city of temples, museums and palaces. For orthodox and connoisseurs of architecture and monumentality of buildings, it will be interesting to visit the largest of the temples of St. Isaac's Cathedral, which was during the reign of the Bolsheviks, a museum of atheism, looted and newly restored, the Church of the Savior- Blood, the Transfiguration Valaam Monastery, the Alexander Nevsky Lavra ...

There is a separate excursion program, which is called - "Temples of Petersburg."
 View of the Palace Square, St. Petersburghttp: // export = view & id = 1D4AwjZ5zGTnXGx1TeO_guzWZsowUjspZ  Excursion tours to St. Petersburg
View of the Palace Square
 Night St. Petersburghttp: // export = view & id = 1RkSCS7DhcXaEnsdZxY7lEV1oUy8TZp-5  Excursion tours to St. Petersburg
Night St. -Petersburg
 Saint-Petersburg's channelhttp: // export = view & id = 1TTTwu36hTGXmDUFbJ2EAQapilG9jH0HH  Excursion tours to St. Petersburg
Saint Petersburg Canal

Museums of St. Petersburg

Museums of the city on the Neva - is a treasure of masterpieces of art. The most famous and loved by tourists are the Russian Museum, the State Hermitage and the Kunstkamera.

The latter exhibits a collection of strange and incomprehensible things, the beginning of which was put by Peter I. According to legend, while walking along Vasilievsky Island, he came across two trees with extremely dense fused trunks. Looking at this natural anomaly, the Russian emperor also decided to build the first Russian museum and collect unusual exhibits. Today, anthropological, archaeological and ethnographic rarities are presented here.

The main museum of St. Petersburg is the Hermitage ±​​$.Among the exhibits, stored and exhibited for viewing, and items from ancient times, and medieval sculptures, and many paintings by the brush of Raphael, Rembrandt, Botticelli, Delacroix, Titian and many other no less talented and famous artists of the past .Among them there are a lot of our compatriots who created in the old days .Precisely because there was a need to increase the area for an exhibition of paintings by Russian masters, the Russian Museum was created - the world's largest center of canvases that came out of the hands of Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Repin, Vasnetsov, Rublev and other artists who lived and worked in Russia .

Bridges of St. Petersburg

Palaces of St. Petersburg

For interesting stories about the noble people of the past and the opportunity to see the situation of their lives with their own eyes, it is worth to go to palaces, of which quite a large number of beautifully preserved in Petersburg: Yusupovsky, Ekaterininsky, Pavlovsky, Menshikovsky .Separately, I would like to mention Peterhof - a palace and park ensemble, whose fame brought amazing fountains .Russian Versailles (as it is often called) was built in the shortest time - only 4 years - and became the first residence of Peter I .A large enough territory abounds with all kinds of sculptures and fountains, among the latter the "Samson" fountain, included in the Grand Cascade . Seriously damaged during the Great Patriotic War, in the post-war time Peterhof was completely restored and glad to again and again accept tourists from all corners of the world.

Very beautiful and informative walks on boats Porek and canals of the northern capital. A particularly impressive sight is the divorce of bridges and a unique entourage of famous white nights.

At the request of tourists, various thematic excursions can be organized, different in duration and program of visits - for every taste and age.

By the way, about the age: schoolchildren and junior, and middle managers in St. Petersburg will have to miss the evening, for them a whole range of excursions has been developed, each of which contains educational grain. Visits to the Pushkin and Lermontov places of the city, the history of the Romanov dynasty and its very bright representative Peter the Great, the sightseeing of the heroes of ancient myths, a tour of St. Petersburg - the city of sea glory, bridges and temples of various faiths ... There is simply no time to bore and sizzle - see, touch!

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Excursion tours to St. Petersburg