Karelia is a beautiful side of waterfalls and mountains, amazing white nights and the White Sea, a kind and attractive northern nature, taiga rivers and lakes, unique and amazing with its beauty..In addition, rest in Karelia means health, sports, a lot of fun and adrenaline, fishing, and also excursions to the huge number of attractions with which it is fabulously rich .Bus and railway tours to Karelia will provide an opportunity to enjoy these stunning places and get acquainted with what you have not seen and do not know .Excursion tours to Karelia are mainly aimed at Solovki, Kizhi and Valaam with some variations envisaged by the program .Tours come in very different durations (from 3 to 10 days), and prices, respectively, are also different - start from 7-8 thousand .RUB .

Kinds of Karelia Excursion tours to the Republic of Karelia
View of the museum from the lake, Kizhi, Republic of Karelia Excursion tours to the Republic of Karelia

Valaam Island

If you have a desire to get acquainted with the wonderful Karelia, its past and all sorts of interesting interests, it is worth to visit the island of Valaam in the waters of the Ladoga Lake impressing with its beauties even the most sophisticated travelers..Thanks to the Byzantine missionaries Herman and Sergius, who chose this island in the 10th century for settling in and establishing a monastic brotherhood here, Valaam in the old days was an Orthodox shrine .The Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery of the 12th century tells the guests the monastic traditions of the saints, the most revered in this place, and the history of the monastery's formation .In addition to the monastery, there are many monasteries and laid in 1876 .Igumen cemetery, today almost completely destroyed, but carrying in itself the same spirit of the ancient Orthodox shrine .

Solovetsky Island

Solovki - a mystery covered in darkness.

Here you can see the former concentration camp of special purpose, where people were executed during the Soviet era, they showed demonstrative executions, tortures, and learn from the sources what was really happening.

Solovetsky Island - the most famous and largest of hundreds of small and six large islands that make up the archipelago in the White Sea .It's cool, quiet and sad, some special impressive atmosphere, which you will feel, only having been here .Solovetsky Island, as well as Valaam, operates the Transfiguration Solovetsky Monastery .The monastic brotherhood here was founded in 1436 .two monks, and in dozens of years the Assumption, Preobrazhenskaya and Nikolskaya churches were cut down .Peter I himself often came to these places to communicate with the local clergy .

Excursion tours to the Republic of Karelia
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Excursion tours to the Republic of Karelia
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Excursion tours to the Republic of Karelia
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Excursion tours to the Republic of Karelia
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Excursion tours to the Republic of Karelia
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Kizhi Island

No less interesting is Kizhi Island in the waters of Lake Onega, not far from Petrozavodsk, the capital of Karelia, where excursion tours are also arranged. It is a magnificent, uniquely-legendary monument of wooden architecture. The island was glorified by the most beautiful Kizhi temples, protected by UNESCO and transferred to the past of Russia. Tourists from all over the world come here: from the USA and Belgium, Austria and Canada, Finland and other countries.

Karelia is a beautiful side of waterfalls and mountains, amazing white nights and the White Sea, a kind and attractive northern nature, taiga rivers and lakes, unique and amazing with its beauty.
Nine day excursion tour to Karelia "Kizhi - Valaam - Solovki" with an average cost of 25 000 RUB for accommodation in a 3 star hotel includes: accommodation in a double room, transport and excursion services, meals provided by the program, and agency fees. ±​​$ br >

The cost of the tour does not include railway tickets and payment for personal needs. It is advisable to bring warm clothes, comfortable disassembled shoes, personal hygiene items and, of course, a camera and a charger when traveling to Karelia. And then the tour to Karelia will bring a lot of pleasure and impressions and will be unforgettable!

All prices are in November 2014

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Excursion tours to the Republic of Karelia