Health resorts of Crimea have always been popular with tourists who want to improve their health and enjoy a peaceful rest..Affordable price, luxurious nature, favorable climate and developed infrastructure of the peninsula invariably attract residents of the entire post-Soviet space .The doors of the health resorts of Crimea are open for tourists all year round .Thus, in the sanatoriums of the Crimea, the treatment and prevention of respiratory, vision, cardiovascular, circulatory and other body systems is practiced .However, it is not necessary to believe that the treatment in the Crimea is the closed walls of hospitals and the pungent smell of medicines .Most of the procedures are relaxing rest in the clear air under the warm rays of the sun, bathing in the healing waters of the Black Sea and taking mud baths .

The resort zones of Crimea are divided into three categories: climatic, balneological and mud.

Types of health resorts

Traditionally, the resort areas of the Crimea are divided into three categories, each of which is aimed at treating a particular body system .Allocate climatic, balneological and mud zones .At the heart of climatic zones is treatment with the microclimate of the peninsula, each of which positively affects human health .This solar and air baths, natural inhalation therapy (ionized sea air and rich vegetation have a beneficial effect on the respiratory and nervous systems), water procedures and other .

For the prevention and treatment of respiratory system recommend visiting resorts on the southern coast of the Crimea. These are Yalta, Alupka, Alushta, Sudak, Simeiz, Gurzuf and others.

Balneological resort zones include the use of medicinal mineral waters. They are taken either inside - for drinking, or out - for baths, rinsing and irrigation. Mineral waters improve the activity of the stomach, cardiovascular system and have a beneficial effect on all areas of the body.

One of the most popular balneological zones is located near the village of Miskhor, near Yalta.

Mud climatic zones are intended for, perhaps, the most fascinating and non-standard kinds of procedures - mud baths acceptance .Healing mud includes dozens of useful micronutrients, which have a beneficial effect on all human organs .Treatment in the Crimea by peat and sulphide healing mud is carried out near lakes, the most popular of which are Lake Saki (Saki resort), Moinak lake (Evpatoria), Chokrak lake (Kerch) and others .It is worth noting the uniqueness of medicinal properties of the Crimean mud, which does not exist analogues .

Treatment in Crimea is

In addition to the curative "natural wonders" of the Crimea, a large number of hotels, sanatoria and health resorts operate on the peninsula, offering a variety of services and therapies, including spa treatments (baths, massages), thalassotherapy, grapes and wine treatment, dolphin therapy, aromatherapy and dozens of other kinds procedures. The minimum duration of a standard course of treatment is usually two weeks.

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