The location of the city at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains, which close it from strong winds, a unique microclimate, the presence of a large number (more than 40) of mineral water springs, the proximity to it of the famous Tambukansky lake, mud from which are used in all health resorts of the region, make Pyatigorsk an extremely favorable place for treatment and recovery.

Sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk have, in most cases, a wide profile and offer therapeutic and health programs of various directions and filling . Treatment in them is under construction using not only local waters and mud, but also using modern equipment and experience accumulated by generations of doctors. - $ . Many sanatoriums are focused on the rehabilitation of patients with severe diseases of various types, for example, cerebral circulation disorder, encephalitis, arachnoiditis . Complex approach to treatment and development of individual treatment, rehabilitation or rehabilitation plans for each patient brings a noticeable positive long-term effect . Treat in sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk and skin Diseases that bring suffering to patients not only physical but also moral .

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 Treatment in Pyatigorsk
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Treatment in Pyatigorsk
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A special place among the health centers of Pyatigorsk is occupied by the centers for the recovery of patients who underwent acute myocardial infarction and heart surgery. As is known, for such patients the recovery period is no less important than treatment in the acute phase of the disease.

The microclimate of Pyatigorsk contributes to the recovery of the body after the disease, and all the personnel of such centers undergo special training and have experience in cardiac and resuscitation departments.

There are also sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk that have resources for treating children with cerebral palsy and congenital anomalies of the nervous system. This category of patients requires special attention and special preparation. The treatment program is usually carried out by a group of doctors, which includes a neurologist, a pediatrician, a speech therapist, a specialist in curative physical education, so the quality of rehabilitation care for disabled children is high here.

Sanatorium for children became almost free of charge
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Treatment in Pyatigorsk