So, let it be known to you that all the resorts in Russia are divided into climatic, balneological and mud cure ...

Climate resorts of Russia

The climate at these resorts calms and tones the nervous system, improves the regulation of vital processes (activates the metabolism , function of respiration, blood circulation and digestion), increases immunity.

Primorsky climate is characteristic for the Black Sea coast of Russia, to the main resorts of which include Sochi and Anapa . Climate of resorts of the Baltic Sea coast and Finnish Aliva is indicated for sanatorium treatment of elderly people, and the mild climate of Karelia, Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions is well suited for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. $ . . The resorts of Moscow and the Middle Russia are ideal for tourists who can hardly tolerate acclimatization when moving to a zone of a hotter and humid climate

Treatment in Russia
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Balneological resorts of Russia

Effective treatment in Russia by mineral waters is available in many Russian resorts. Baths from carbonic mineral waters are used in sanatoriums of Kislovodsk, and natural hydrosulphuric baths are used to treat the organisms of holidaymakers in Sochi, Matsesta and Pyatigorsk.

The waters of therapeutic resorts of Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk are shown for diseases of the digestive system, urolithiasis and urinary tract infections. Contained in some waters, iron prevents the development of anemia (for example, this is the composition of the waters of the Marcial Waters Resort in Karelia), iodine stimulates redox processes in the body and enhances the function of the thyroid gland. Well, bromine, as is known, contributes to the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system.

The medical resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are especially rich in mineral waters: the source of Narzan in the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk, the hot and radon waters of the medical resorts of Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk, hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium waters in the sanatoriums of Essentuki. - $

Mud resorts

The mud resorts of Pyatigorsk are rich in mud. Sapropel mud, which contains a lot of organic substances and salts, are used in sanatoriums near Moscow and the Middle Russia. However, doctors usually do not rely solely on the "mud" curative effect and strengthen it with specially designed medical and recreational programs. These together with natural factors use modern scientific developments in the treatment and prevention of various ailments, as well as non-traditional methods of treatment.

Kavminvody - the resort is extremely versatile and, without any exaggeration, unique. Here, in a relatively small area, a large number of mineral water deposits are available - very different in composition and in terms of therapeutic effect.

Republic of Karelia

Petrozavodsk, the administrative center of Karelia, stretches along the western shore of Lake Onega twenty "with a tail" of kilometers. The climate in it is much softer than most cities located at the same latitude. This is due to the close location to the Baltic and White Seas, as well as the influence on the weather in Petrozavodsk of the warm Gulf Stream. Winters are moderately snowy and not very cold, the average monthly temperature in January is -7 ..- 8 ° С.

Sanatoriums and boarding houses are located both in the city itself and next to it - in ecologically clean nature reserves, on the banks of rivers and lakes. Rest and treatment in Petrozavodsk is recommended at any time of the year.

The oldest in Russia balneogrjazevoy resort Marcial Waters is located in 53 km to the northwest from the capital of Karelia. The main medical factors of the resort:

  • Mineral water (in total there are 4 different sources in operation). The waters here are slightly mineralized. According to the content of ferrous divalent iron (in this difficult-to-pronounce form it is best absorbed by the human body), Marcial Waters surpass all known sources of the world.
  • A valuable variety of therapeutic mud. The therapeutic mud of Marcial Waters has a complex composition: they contain substances close to hormones and vitamins, and also have analgesic effect for patients with diseases of the spine and joints.
  • Climatotherapy. The curative effect of the waters and muds of the resort is complementary to the mild climate and healing air of the surrounding forests with rivers and lakes.

At the resort, Marcial Waters treat diseases of the circulatory system (primarily anemia), the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, respiratory organs and digestion, urogenital system. In addition, a course of rehabilitation with chronic fatigue and stress is conducted, contributing to the speedy recovery of forces.

Leningrad Oblast

The Leningrad region, which is washed by the Gulf of Finland, Ladoga and Onega lakes, boasts a very diverse resort resources. The mild climate, abundance of forests, the presence of the sea coast and numerous lakes have created here all the conditions for the development of climatic resorts. In addition, the area is rich in mineral waters, which are widely used for treatment in sanatoria. In the region there are several resort areas, each of which has a certain therapeutic "specialization."

Indications for treatment in the sanatoriums of the region: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic pyelonephritis in the phase of remission (without kidney failure), gout, obesity, neurodermatitis. The resort area of ​​St. Petersburg is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and includes the resorts of Sestroretsk and the Southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, as well as the resort areas of Zelenogorsk, Solnechnoye, Repino, Komarovo, Ushkovo, Serovo, Molodezhn Smoliachkovo and the city of Hrynytsia. The local climate is typical for seaside resorts, subject to cyclones that pass along the Gulf of Finland. Winter is moderately mild, with a predominance of moderately frosty weather, the average temperature of January is -7 ° C.

The main medical factors: clean ionized sea air, pine-wood air saturated with pine aroma, therapeutic mud and mineral waters. Sanatoriums and boarding houses are equipped with aerosolariums, swimming pools, physiotherapy departments and departments for therapeutic physical training and massage.

Vyborg Resort Zone is a climatic health resort located 130 km north-west of St. Petersburg. It consists of the spirit of the parts - coastal and forest. The coastal part occupies the coast of the Finnish and Vyborg Bays of the Baltic Sea. And the forest (or lake) part of the zone lies to the southeast of Vyborg in the pine forest.

Main therapeutic factors: a combination of a mild climate and pure sea (or forest) air. In the local sanatorium establishments use various types of physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic gymnastics.

The southern coast of the Gulf of Finland is a seaside climatic and balneological resort, occupying the territory from Strelna to Lomonosov. The resort area is located on the lower sea terrace, along the coast stretch parks of coniferous and deciduous trees.

The main therapeutic factors: climate, sodium chloride water and sapropelic mud, which are used for baths and applications. Electropathy, phototherapy, massage and therapeutic gymnastics are conducted in sanatoria.

Luzhsky resort area is located 139 km south of St. Petersburg. More than half of its territory is covered with dense coniferous forests, many rivers and lakes. Main therapeutic factors: climate, sodium chloride waters of high salinity and peat deposits. The resort is equipped with aerosolariums, climatic areas for adults and children, fotarii, marked terrenkur routes (dosed pedestrian ascension under medical supervision) .- $

 Finnish built house, Vyborg  Treatment in Russia
In the Leningrad region
 Lanes of the autumn Zelenogradsk  Treatment in Russia
Autumn streets of Zelenogradsk
 Mud baths in Essentuki  Lechen ies in Russia
Mud baths in Yessentuki

Kaliningrad region

Kaliningrad region is the westernmost region of Russia. The climate here is transitional from marine to moderately continental, with average January temperatures of -3 ... -5 ° C. The main resorts of the region are Zelenogradsk and Svetlogorsk.

Zelenogradsk is a balneograss and climatic seaside resort of the forest zone, located 34 km north of Kaliningrad. It is located on the shore of the Baltic Sea, at the base of the Curonian Spit. Here, clean sandy beaches, the widest on the whole Kaliningrad coast, and pine-covered dunes.

Therapeutic factors: sodium chloride, bromine-containing water and peat mud, pure ionized air, high ultraviolet radiation. All this is shown in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system and circulatory system, as well as gynecological diseases.

The city has its own mineral water, which is called Zelenogradskaya. Her healing properties are highly appreciated by specialists, she regularly takes prizes at various competitions, including international ones. Another "plus" of the resort - there are no steep descents and ascents, so for people suffering from heart diseases, bone Musculoskeletal system and respiratory system Zelenogradsk is more suitable than Svetlogorsk.

Svetlogorsk is a climatic and balneological resort of federal significance located 39 km north-west of Kaliningrad. It is located in a hilly area on the shores of the Baltic Sea, which in winter does not freeze here. The resort stands on high coastal hills, so the descents to the sea here are steep enough, but well equipped.

The nature itself has created excellent conditions for treatment . There are many sources of mineral water in the vicinity, different in their medicinal properties and readings . Marine air saturated with iodine and minerals is especially useful for people suffering from thyroid and respiratory diseases . The most favorable for the treatment of these diseases are autumn and spring when the air is increased iodine concentration . Peat mud of the Goreloe and hydrocarbonate sodium deposits of low mineralization with an increased content of organic substances are indicated for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, as well as concomitant diseases of the digestive organs .

The Moscow region

The Moscow region is rich in picturesque landscapes, coniferous and deciduous forests, rivers and lakes. And also - sources of mineral waters and therapeutic mud. In the sanatoriums of the Moscow region all conditions for the treatment of people who have suffered serious illnesses and who need rehabilitation are created.

In addition to the main course of treatment, the sanatoriums of the Moscow region can offer many wellness programs .In the treatment of nervous diseases, the programs "Antistress" and "Get rid of chronic fatigue" are actively used .In the treatment of respiratory system will help program "Free Breath" and "Breathe full breast" .The comprehensive program "Women's Health" includes "Correction of the figure", "Cleansing the body", "Beauty Week", "Women's Health after 40", "Beauty and Health" and other sets of procedures .Do not forget about the men: they are waiting for "Andrology", "Hermes", "Urological program" and so on .

In addition, in the suburbs, you can go through a lot of general health and beauty programs: "Be Healthy", "Cleansing", "Antitobak", "Strengthening the Immune System" and others.

In terms of its richness and diversity, the group of mineral springs of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is incomparable: there is a source of Narzan in Kislovodsk, with its "boiling water boiling from carbon dioxide", and the hot waters of Pyatigorsk, and radon (Pyatigorsk), and hydrocarbonate-chloride -Sodium (Essentuki), and other waters.

Krasnodar Territory

Sochi is the only resort in Russia located in specially protected areas: it borders the State Natural National Park and the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve. Today Big Sochi, stretching almost one and a half hundred kilometers along the Black Sea coast, is one of the largest balneological resorts in the country. The main resort areas: Lazarevsky, Central, Khostinsky and Adler.

Sochi combines all the delights of the subtropics and the power of nature: the sea and the warm sun, the cleanest ionized mountain air, the richest exotic flora filling it with phytoncides, the healing power of the underground sources of Matsesta, drinking medicinal mineral waters and therapeutic mud.

The main therapeutic factors are the subtropical warm marine climate, the Matsesta mineral springs, which in their chemical composition refer to hydrogen sulphide-chloride-sodium waters. Methods of application of Matsesta water in the treatment of many diseases were developed by the Sochi Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy.

The waters of the Black Sea contain chlorine, iodine, bromine, sulfates, carbonates, sodium, potassium, calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate. Sea water in Sochi most favorably affects the biochemical processes of the body, normalizes metabolism. Main indications: diseases of the circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, gynecological diseases, skin diseases, metabolic disorders, respiratory and digestive organs, pediatrics, allergology, endocrine diseases, kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

Kavminvody - the resort is extremely versatile and, without any exaggeration, unique. Here, in a relatively small area, there is a great variety of mineral water deposits - very different in composition and in therapeutic effect. The region includes the largest and most famous medical resorts in the country: Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Mineralnye Vody.

The main therapeutic factors are mineral waters of different composition .In terms of its richness and diversity, the group of mineral springs of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is incomparable: there is a source of Narzan in Kislovodsk, with its "boiling water boiling from carbon dioxide", and the hot waters of Pyatigorsk, and radon (Pyatigorsk), and hydrocarbonate-chloride -sodium (Essentuki), and other water .Altogether there are more than 130 mineral springs, 90 of which are operated with medical purposes .It is possible to distinguish four large deposits of carbonic waters - Kislovodskoe, Essentuki, Pyatigorskoye and Zheleznovodskoe .

The Kislovodsk deposit is represented by carbonic, low-mineralized waters, known as the Kislovodsk narzans, or simply narzans, used for baths and for drinking treatment.

Lake Failure in Pyatigorsk Treatment in Russia is
Lake Failure in Pyatigorsk
Drinking column in Dmitrov Treatment in Russia is
Drinking column in Dmitrov
Park in Sochi, Russia.jpeg Treatment in Russia is
Park in Sochi

Essentukskoye deposit contains carbonic chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium waters such as "Essentuki-4" and "Essentuki-17", hydrogen sulphide-carbonic chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium waters of medium mineralization and others. They are used in the resort of Essentuki for drinking and outdoor treatments. The Pyatigorsk deposit is very rich in a variety of mineral waters, which are used both for drinking and for outdoor use.

Zheleznovodskoe deposit is basically carbonic, low-mineralized sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium mineral waters. They are used for drinking treatment and for outdoor balneotherapy procedures.

The deposit of therapeutic mud "Lake Tambukan" is located 15 km from Pyatigorsk and generously provides medical mud to all the sanatoriums of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The water in the lake is bitter-saline, the brine is sulphate-chloride-sodium with high mineralization. Dirt and brine of the lake have a pronounced bactericidal effect, and black plastic sulphide mud contains a large amount of organic substances, hydrogen sulphide, methane and other substances.

In addition to mineral waters and therapeutic mud, resorts of the Caucasian mineral waters use climate therapy. Especially in this respect Kislovodsk is allocated.

The main indications for treatment: Kislovodsk - diseases of the circulatory system, respiratory organs (chronic diseases of the respiratory organs of a non-tubercular nature, bronchial asthma without frequent and severe attacks), diseases of the nervous system .Essentuki - diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus .Pyatigorsk - diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin, gynecological diseases, occupational diseases (vibration disease, professional polyneuritis), pediatrics (treatment of children with consequences of birth injuries, neurological diseases, as well as diseases of children's digestive organs).Zheleznovodsk - diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and urinary tract (non-tubercular nature), metabolic disorders .

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