The future city-millionaire Krasnoyarsk is famous for its sights to the whole world. Obtained the status of the city only in 1690, Krasnoyarsk is characterized by a rapid pace of development. Close attention is required by the sights of this beautiful city, having both historical and cultural significance. About them and a fairy tale will go in this short article.

Krasnoyarsk "pillars"

State natural reserve "Stolby" is a kind of visiting card of Krasnoyarsk .Rocky terrain, majestic nature, numerous species of flora and fauna - all this can be seen in one place .Its name, the reserve received thanks to the name of the rocks, which collectively called the pillars .The reserve is a kind of Mecca for scientists, tourists and famous photographers from around the world..The reason is simple - there is something to see! That is why many people immediately buy air tickets to Krasnoyarsk and, after a few hours of flight, enjoy the unique nature of this region..Many tourists return here again and again, and every time, for the first time, admire the beauties of the Pillars .

Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk and its attractions
Types of Krasnoyarsk

Chapel of Paraskeva Friday

Surely you have more than once held in the hands of the Russian ten-ruble note. After all, it depicts the symbol of the glorious Krasnoyarsk - Paraskeva Chapel Friday. Built in the middle of the nineteenth century in the Old Russian style, the chapel proudly rises on top of the Guard Mountain. Restored in 1996, the Chapel of Paraskeva Friday is the most recognizable architectural monument of the city of Krasnoyarsk. A panoramic view that opens from the top of the Karaulnaya Mountain is one of the most picturesque in the city.

Local History Museum

By right it is one of the largest museums not only in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but also in the CIS .Created at the end of the nineteenth century, the museum of local lore in Krasnoyarsk is the repository of all the cultural values ​​of the Krasnoyarsk Territory .The museum has many branches, among them such as the Memorial House Museum V .And Lenin, the ship "Sv .Nicholas ", Literary Museum and some others .To date, the museum stores more than 400,000 items, valuable historical exhibits from around the region .Visiting such a unique museum will justify any costs for air tickets to Krasnoyarsk! The opportunity to look at the unique copies of weapons, the subjects of the ancestral life of our Siberian brothers, to appreciate the gradual development of our people - all this can be done in one place in the city of Krasnoyarsk!

Central Park of Krasnoyarsk

Founded as far back as 1828 from a small garden, today the Central Park occupies an area exceeding 15 hectares .It is located in the historical part of Krasnoyarsk that, along with the splendor of the flora, makes it an excellent place for walking..On the territory of the park there is a Ferris wheel, numerous attractions, as well as the first in the Russian Federation children's railway .For fans of exotic fauna, the doors of the zoo of exotic animals are always open .The entrance to the park is paid, which allows you to keep the territory clean and in order .

Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater

For fans of everything sublime and beautiful, the doors of the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater are always open. Open only in 1978, the theater has gained immense popularity both among the locals and among the guests of the city. It is a cultural place where you can see the professional play of your favorite actors and for a few moments immerse yourself in the emotions of familiar heroes of literary works.

Considerable importance in the cultural life of the city has such theaters as the famous Drama Theater. A. Pushkin, Krasnoyarsk Music Theater, Krasnoyarsk Regional Puppet Theater and many others.

To list all the sights of this, undoubtedly one of the most remarkable cities of our country, it will take more than one page. To get acquainted with Krasnoyarsk, you can only use one method - to visit and spend a few weeks here.