Rafting is one of the most popular types of tourism in Yakutia. A huge number of different rivers causes a wide choice of routes, from extremely simple, not requiring special preparation, to routes of the VI category of complexity.

Rafting on the Lena River

The route on kayaks and catamarans passes through the vast expanses of the river past the beautiful Lena rocks .During the trip, tourists will get acquainted with the main sights of the national park "Lena Pillars", visit the sand dunes (Tukulans) and the oldest park in Yakutia, a primitive man .In the area of ​​the national park along the banks of the Lena, as well as its tributaries - the rivers of Buotama and Sinai, numerous remains of the resolution of bedrock are distributed, forming "colonnades", "towers", "arches", "cathedrals" and other bizarre figures .Read more: Cruises along the Lena River .

Rafting along the rivers of Yakutia
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The Blue River

To get to Blue is quite difficult, first by road, and then by cross-country vehicle. Rafting and kayak rafting starts at the park "Lenskie poles". The nature of the river is very picturesque, and the animal world is rich and diverse. In the river grayling, lenok, pike, perch, dace is caught. On the shores there are moose, wild reindeer, bear, roe deer and other inhabitants of the Yakut forest.

The rafting ends on the Lena River in the village of Sinsk. The best period for rafting is July-August.

The Amga River in Yakutia Rafting along the rivers of Yakutia
The Amga River
The Lena River in Yakutia Rafting along the rivers of Yakutia
Lena river

Buotama River

Buotama - the river flowing through the park "Lena Pillars". About 40 thousand years ago primitive hunters of mammoths and buffalo lived along its shores, which is confirmed by archaeologists who found parking places here.

Beautiful nature, clear water and the absence of complex obstacles make the river attractive for travelers of different ages and experiences. On the way you can see elk, red deer, bear and many other animals and birds, the inhabitants of these places.

The best time for rafting is July-August.

Moma River

The Moma River, the right tributary of the Indigirka, originates on the northeastern slope of Ulahan-Chistai. The beginning of the water route is the village of Sasyra, Momsky district, located on the right bank of the wetland of Moma. From here, in good weather, one can consider the most high-mountainous part of the Ulakhan-Chistai Ridge - the Buordakh massif with its majestic peak Pobeda.

Low coasts are overgrown with forest, so it is possible to meet with stumps and driftwood, frequent blockages in the ducts. The difficulty of passing is created by the encountered shallows. One of the insidious obstacles on the river are the rapids, which must be inspected from the shore for traffic safety.

After the confluence of large tributaries of Tirekhti, Taryn-Yuryakh, and Buordakh into Momu, the power of the water flow increases, the width of the river bed increases .In the middle reaches of the Moma River, the largest in the world, Big Momskaya Naled, stretches for almost 30 km .The formed ice breaks strike an amazing form - deep corridors, through holes, arches .The river in this place spreads along the valley for 1, 5-2 km, and among the numerous ducts and shallows it is difficult to find the right passage .In addition, in some channels, all water goes under the ice .Sometimes the ice melts completely, turning into a shallow lake .Below the ice, the river again gathers into a single channel with numerous channels .The speed of the river is gradually increasing, especially at the banks .After a sharp sweep in the left, the river receives the largest inflow of Erikit .Mom gradually becomes wider, there are sandy islands, which make it difficult to navigate along the river .The last section of the alloy is simple .The water route ends in the village of Khonu, located on the right bank of the Indigirka River, which receives water from Moma .

The Amga River

Amga is one of the most picturesque rivers of Yakutia. According to archaeologists, people live here for about 10 thousand years. The river is very clean and fishy. Many different kinds of birds. On Amge the resource reserve is created. Possible meeting with the inhabitants of the taiga. In the evenings, moose and elk descend on the river. In the middle course of the river, as well as on the Lena, there are pillars. The recommended time for the rafting is July-August.

Rafting on Bolshaya Nimnyr river

The river belongs to the VI category of complexity. The journey runs along the cleanest river of Southern Yakutia, Big Nimnir, which carries its waters to the gold-bearing river Aldan. The route is a real find for wildlife lovers. During the rafting not to meet a single settlement. The village of Bolshaya Nimnir, the beginning of the rafting, is located in the middle of the Aldan Highlands, on the right bank of the river.

The river flows in a narrow valley. The width of the channel does not exceed 60 m. Throughout the rafting on the river there are 23 obstacles. Two thresholds of the IV category of complexity, five - III, the remaining II and shiver. The distance between the obstacles is small, so that the alloy is intense and exciting. Obstacles on the river are arranged in increasing order, which makes it possible to practice and get used to the nature of the river. A special requirement for the participants of the trip: the experience of rafting along the mountain rivers. Recommended time for rafting is July.


This is a river for athletes, for people who decided to test themselves, because such shafts, barrels are few where you meet. From Ust-Nera for almost 200 km Indigirka flows concretely steep banks. The imagination is almost complete, not the population of this region, it is very rare to meet a person all the way. The rafting ends in the village of Khonu, and 17 km below Khonu Indigirka crosses the Arctic Circle. The recommended time for rafting is July-mid August.

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Rafting along the rivers of Yakutia