The large islands of the archipelago and the seabed surrounding them are mostly composed of granite rocks, the small ones are usually coral. Hence - the unique underwater landscapes of the Seychelles archipelago. Visibility under water usually exceeds 30 meters, and the water temperature keeps at around +26 ... +38 ° C. Here there are more than 900 species of fish, 100 genera of shells and 50 varieties of corals. Not surprisingly, it is in the Seychelles that SUBIOS is held - the annual festival of films shot under the water in the Indian Ocean.

Minimal currents, abundance of fish, colorful corals and a higher probability of seeing larger ocean dwellers such as manta rays, turtles and white sharks - all this makes the Seychelles a first class diving area. The best time for diving on most islands is from April to May and from September to October.

The underwater world of the Seychelles has more than 900 species of fish, 100 genera of shells and 50 varieties of corals.

The island of Aldabra is the best place for diving and the dream of all divers without exception. However, it is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List and requires special permission to visit it.

Other popular "diving" areas: Malgache Bank, Recife Island and Dragon's Teeth. Many really like hiking the whole day from Mahe to Silhouette Island. For this day, you can make a couple of dives and have a wonderful barbecue on the island.

Near the island of La Digue is the "Marianne" - the most famous "shark place". On Praslin a day you can immerse yourself in unrelated, rarely visited places Biter Rock, Blanchiseusse and Trompeuse Rocks.
Diving in the Seychelles

Large dive centers

On the island of Praslin:

  • Octopus Diving Center at the Berjaya Praslin Hotel (
  • Bleu Marine Dive Center in the south of the island, near the port (
  • Whitetip Divers at the Paradise Sun Hotel (

On other islands:

  • La Digue: Azzura Pro Dive at the La Digue Island Lodge (
  • Frigate: Fregate Island at the hotel (
  • Cerf: Cerf Island at the same hotel (
  • North: North Island in the same hotel (
  • Denise: Denis Island at the hotel (
View from Silhouette Island, Seychelles.jpeg Diving in the Seychelles
Underwater world Seychelles Diving in the Seychelles
Bright colors of Praslin, Seychelles Diving in the Seychelles

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Diving in the Seychelles