"I need Spain" is the slogan of the National Tourism Office of Spain, and this statement will not be accepted unless only a hardened egoist .Let's justify: in the beautiful sandy beaches of Spain's best resort Canar we need is times .In the most delicious ham in the world and paradise ambrosia - sangria (how else to praise Spain, if not with a glass in his hand!) - very, even, it's two .In the fractions of castanets and heels, the whirlwind of frills in peas and the passionate cries of the flamenco cantors, whom Spain presented to the world, are unquestionably three.In all these phantasmagorias, such as current clocks and scaled drainpipes (oh, Spain is a big fiction) - still like that! - this is four .We will add here all sorts of nice little things, such as: an inexpensive and at the same time quite serious "alpine skiing", in which Spain without looking "makes" the untwisted Alps, a varied night life and the opportunity to buy things from the podium at an out-of-the-price price - Spain is reasonably proud of the largest and cheap shopping villages .An additional bonus, which Spain prudently prepared for tourists, is a visa that needs a "public" Schengen visa, which allows you to look without hassle for a day or two to neighbors in Europe .The

The capital is Madrid (Madrid). Large and popular cities: Barcelona, ​​Granada, Córdoba, Seville, Bilbao and others.

A complete list of the most popular places for recreation and worthy of visiting regions of the country, see the city page and the resorts of Spain.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 How to get to
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Spain
  • 2 Spanish Visa
  • 3 Customs office
  • 4 Useful phone numbers
  • 5 Transport of Spain
  • 6 Rent a car in Spain
    • 6.1 Car Rental in Spain with Best Price Guarantee
  • 7 Safety of tourists
  • 8 Climate
  • 9 Hotels in Spain |
    • 9.1 Book a hotel in Spain at the best price
  • 10 Banks and exchange offices
  • 11 Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Spanish Cuisine and Restaurants
  • 13 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Spain
  • 14 Holidays in Spain
  • 15 Events in Spain
    • 15.1 Also recommend

How to get to

Regular direct flights from Moscow to Madrid and Barcelona are carried out by Aeroflot, Transaero and Iberia. To Barcelona from Moscow, you can also fly S7 and Vueling. From St. Petersburg to Barcelona Vueling flies. There are many charters from Moscow to Barcelona, ​​Malaga, Alicante, Tenerife, Palma de Mallorca. From August to September, a short charter "chain" to Ibiza is possible.

From Kazakhstan to Spain fly flights of Aeroflot, KLM, Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa on the route Alm-Ata - Madrid and - Barcelona with connections in Moscow, Amsterdam, Istanbul and Frankfurt, respectively. Approximate travel time (including connections) to Barcelona - 7 hours, to Madrid - 8 hours.

"International airlines of Ukraine" fly along the route Kiev - Barcelona and Kiev - Madrid.

From Belarus to Spain can be reached with docking in European cities.

  • How to get to Spain from Moscow
  • How to get to Spain from St. Petersburg
  • Are there direct flights from Rostov to Spain

Search for air tickets to Spain

Spanish Visa

Spain has long been a member of the Schengen countries. So, the sequence of actions for obtaining a visa there is worked out to automatism. More information about the required documents can be found on the visa page in Spain.

  • Can I enter the EU countries by the Spanish multivisa

Customs office

Import of foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is necessary if the amount exceeds 10 000 EUR). Permitted export of previously imported foreign currency - in an amount not exceeding declared at the entrance.

Allowed duty-free import of 200 cigarettes, 2 liters of wine, a liter of spirits, food, objects and household goods - within personal needs. Radio, video and photo equipment must be declared. Permission for the importation of cinema equipment must be issued in the consular section of the Spanish Embassy.

It is forbidden to import drugs, some medicines, weapons, ammunition and explosives. It is forbidden to export historical valuables, antiques, jewelry, weapons and ammunition without special permission.

Useful phone numbers

Embassy of Spain in Moscow: st. B. Nikitskaya, 50/8; tel .: (495) 690-29-93, 690-30-02; website

The Russian Embassy in Madrid: C / Velazquez, 155; telephone / fax: (91) 562-22-64, 411-08-07; website

Consular Section in Madrid: c / Joaquin Costa, 33; telephone / fax: (91) 411-29-57; website

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Barcelona: av. Pearson, 34; telephone / fax: (93) 280-02-20, 280-54-32; website

Ambulance: 061, police: 091, rescue service: 122, general background: 095, fire service: 080

Telephone codes of cities: Alicante - 96, Barcelona - 93, Valencia - 96, Granada - 958, Girona - 972, Cadiz - 956, Cordoba - 957, Las Palmas - 928, Madrid - 91, Malaga - 95.

  • How to call to Spain

Transport of Spain

Spain is considered quite large (by European, of course, standards) country, so it has developed an internal air communication. There are airports in practically all major cities: Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Malaga, Granada, Valencia, Alicante, Seville, Cordoba, Bilbao, Zaragoza. The most affordable flights are offered by Vueling, which is considered to be the main low-cost carrier in the Spanish market.

The state company RENFE is responsible for all railway transportations in the country, including passenger ones. Trains in the country have several types, the most comfortable and fastest are AVE, they go mostly between Madrid and Barcelona or Madrid and Seville. "Talgo" - fast trains, "Expresso" - passenger, "Tranvia" or "Automotor" - trains of local importance. In addition, Spanish electric trains are considered worthy competitors of buses when moving to medium-range distances.

Maps of Spain

An extensive network of bus routes covers almost all the cities and resort centers of the country. The fare depends on the season, the day of the week, the time of day and the distance of the trip. As a rule, it does not exceed 30 EUR.

The role of public urban transport in Spain is metro, buses, taxis, local and intercity trains. Transport runs on schedule. The fare in the subway and by bus is the same. Electric trains are worthy competitors of buses when moving to medium distances. They are not only two or more times cheaper, but in many cases - much faster.

At the end of August, the streets of Spanish cities color all the shades of the red annual "Tomatina" festival, or "The War of Tomatoes."

Spain is a very convenient country for travelers. Each more or less large and noteworthy city necessarily has so-called "tourist buses". Having paid about 15 EUR, a tourist can use such buses for 2-3 days as many times as necessary. The network of stops of such a "bus" covers the main sights of the city, allowing without straining and not stopping the soles, to inspect almost the entire city. In addition, not so long ago a special tourist train appeared in Spain - Expreso de la Robla.

Timetables and routes of all local buses can be taken at the reception desk of the hotel, at the reception.
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Rent a car in Spain

To rent a car, you need to show your passport and international rights. Some companies require that the driver be at least 21 or 23 years old, and the rights are issued at least one or two years ago. The rental price ranges from 30-80 EUR per day. Often companies require a deposit (sometimes equal to the value of the entire lease) or a credit card.

In Spain, it is mandatory to fasten your seat belts: a very high fine is threatened for non-compliance with this rule. The permitted speed of the city is 40 km / h, on the usual road - 100 km / h, on the motorway - 120 km / h.

Choosing a route along the routes of Spain, there is no need to be greedy: toll roads greatly reduce travel time and in the end go no more expensive than free ones at the expense of lower fuel consumption.

It is not necessary to save on renting cars, turning to small, unknown rental locations: they cheat and "inflate" in 99% of cases.

All roads in the country are in very good condition and are mostly free of charge. It is necessary to pay only for the use of motorways (autopistas, denoted by the sign "A" on a blue background).

Car Rental in Spain with Best Price Guarantee

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  • How much is a liter of gasoline in Spain
  • Is it possible to rent a car in Spain, having only Russian rights
  • Is the quality of the road good

Safety of tourists

During walks and excursions to Spanish cities and towns, it is better to have a photocopy of the passport, and keep the passport, money and air ticket in the hotel safe. Tourists should be attentive in stores and monitor their bags and purses - they steal here often and very professionally.

In case the cunning thieves still reached the purse of the carefree tourist, it is worth reading the material on what to do if you lost your passport abroad.

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The main square in Toledo, Spainhttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1oMI31gKw6XTM1ZJngeTSRtcF0xzkbaRg Spain
Toledo Square
Mills in Formentera Spain
Mills in Formentera
Brutal battle Spain
Bullfighting in Spain


The meteorologist's discerning look divides the mainland of Spain into three distinct climatic zones. The north of the country (from Galicia to Catalonia) is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean: there is a mild wet winter and a mildly warm summer.

The south-eastern coast (Andalusia and Extremadura) is, understandably, the Mediterranean climate with a very mild short winter and dry hot summers. Precipitation is low, they fall mainly in autumn and winter. In summer, in the seaside of Spain, usually around +25 .. + 32 ° C, the swimming season lasts from June to October. Finally, on the central plateau of the country the climate is sharply continental, with a noticeable difference (sometimes up to 15 ° C) between day and night temperatures. Summers are hot and dry, winters are dry and cold.

As for the Canary archipelago, the climate there is warm, mild and very stable. The average annual temperature is +20 ° C without strong heat even in the height of summer, the water is warm all year round.

See also weather analysis by months and weather forecast for major resorts and cities in Spain for the next 10 days.

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  • Which resort in Spain is the warmest in October

Hotels in Spain |

In Spain there is no unified state rules for the classification of hotels in the country: each region solves this issue at the local level .Hotels in Spanish resorts are predominantly urban, do not have their own beaches and are located in small towns with many shops, bars, restaurants and discos "by the side" .Use of swimming pools, as well as sun loungers in the vast majority of hotels - "free of charge", that is, gift .Another popular option is to rent a villa: for large companies the cost may be even lower than in hotel rooms, and the level is comfortable by an order of magnitude higher .The

Not all hotels offer animation programs. Many children's mini-clubs work only in the summer season, and indoor hotel pools do not work from June to September. Open pools usually work from 8: 00-9: 00 to 19: 00-20: 00.

Under the "excursion" usually give 2-3 * hotels in the center of the city (not the best, because they only need to spend the night, the rest of the time is spent traveling), meals - breakfast (mostly continental) plus dinner. At the ski resorts, on the contrary, high-level hotels, mainly with half-board (buffet). On beach resorts there are also "all-ines."

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Book a hotel in Spain at the best price

Banks and exchange offices

Currency can be exchanged in exchange offices, hotels and travel agencies, but the best course is traditionally offered by banks that work without a commission. Banks are open from 9:00 to 14:00, on Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00, Sunday to the weekend.

You can withdraw money from the "credit card" at any time of the day at ATMs located practically at all bank branches. Most hotels and restaurants, as well as many shopping centers accept credit cards and traveler's checks of the world's leading payment systems.

Shopping and shopping

From Spain, food is usually brought (cheese, wine, ham "hamon") and souvenirs with the symbols of the country (fans, skirts, shoes for flamenco). Other popular handmade items are wooden cheplashki (rims for the hair, if anyone does not know) and other wood carvings, as well as clay products - from whistles to services. Spanish masters weave amazing (and expensive) lace, and also make skilful embroidery on silk. Still from the country it is necessary to take with itself a bottle of sherry, sangria or malvasia. Read more on the shopping page in Spain.

Now about purchases seriously. Let it be known that Spain is one of the world's shopping centers: there are a lot of famous brands in the country, fashion week is regularly held, and in large cities there are many outlets, sometimes even allocated to separate "shop villages".

Siesta in Spain lasts from 13:00 to 16:00: at this time for lunch, closes most of the banks, shops and government agencies. In the Sierra Nevada there is no siesta.

Opening hours are from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 (large department stores often work without interruption). On Saturdays, stores are usually open until 13:00, Sunday is a day off.

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Spanish Cuisine and Restaurants

The "national cuisine of Spain" is a completely abstract concept. Really in the country there is a huge number of significantly different from each other regional cuisines.

The most famous Spanish dish - paella (pilaf with seafood), it is also worth trying "hamon" - raw pork. Fish and seafood dishes are very common. Of the alcohol in Spain, the Catalan white wines "Penedes" and "Ampurdan" are popular, the sherry from the town of Jerez de la Frontera in the south-west of Andalusia is considered the pride of the country, and on the Canaries of the Lanzarote grapes make the excellent semisweet wine "Malvasia."

Another "alcoholic symbol" of Spain, sangria, is made on the basis of ordinary semisweet red wine or red carbonated "kava", adding ice and chopped fruits to wine.

Before the main dish in restaurants (and also at any time of the day in bars) serve "tapas" - a variety of snacks, which are often themselves pulling on a nourishing meal. Traditional soups are not very common, but gazpacho can be found almost everywhere.

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Travel around Spain

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Spain

Winter mainland Spain is a treasure trove of excursion riches. Guests who come to conquer the peaks of the Sierra Nevada are a direct road to day trips to Granada, Cordoba or Seville. Well, vacationers in the north of the country, in addition to the "standard" of Barcelona, ​​can go to Santiago de Compostela, one of the most important cities of medieval Christianity and just a very beautiful place.

In addition, Spain is famous for its sightseeing routes. For example, the monastery of St. Pilar (Zaragoza), the monastery ensemble of Torresjudad (Huesca), Montserrat (Barcelona) and Lourdes (France). Annually, these world-famous monasteries are visited by 10 to 12 million tourists.

Let us also mention the beautiful museums of Spain, where even the most demanding tourist can find an exposition to taste.

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Holidays in Spain

In Spain, as in a kind fairy tale: to the right you will go - on a smart coast you will get, on the left you will go - excursion riches incalculable you will find .And in any case, where not to turn, everywhere there are delicious food, friendly locals and beautiful nature .And if you consider that a trip to Spain sometimes costs only a little more expensive than in the same Turkey, a hotel of a similar level - indeed you can believe that the fairy tale got .Among other things, vacation in Spain can easily be combined with language courses: the language of Cervantes perfectly "lays down" when the beach is two steps away, and in the evening waiting for a glass of cava .The

Spaniards, talking to each other, from time to time, always touch each other's shoulders, thus expressing their disposition towards the interlocutor.

For a consistently high flow of "winter" tourists, Spain should be primarily grateful to its location. It is thanks to him that almost everyone can find a route to his liking. Someone will go to sunbathe on the beaches of the Canary archipelago. Another is to improve in snowboarding on the slopes of Sierra Nevada. The third will dare to plunge into the untold treasures of Spain, going on a tour of the cities and towns of this year-round interesting and affable country.

Spain can not help but like: this noisy, colorful, very bright country always leaves a mark. Someone - from a swimsuit, after two weeks of undisturbed rest in the Canaries. Someone - from a ski mask, not hanging for hours during the steep descents of the Aragonese Pyrenees. At others - from crashing into the waist after the second portion of jeans paella. And someone, the happiest - in the shower: from the sincere smiles of local residents, the bright sun and just an unrealistic number of positive emotions and new impressions.

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Events in Spain

At the end of July, the Feast of St. Martha is celebrated in As-Neves. They note it in an original way: all those who wish them friends and relatives are carried in coffins around the church of St. Marta. At the end of August, the streets of Spanish cities color all the shades of the red annual "Tomatina" festival, or "The War of Tomatoes."

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Photos of Spain (1621)