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Citizens of Russia and CIS countries for a visit to Sweden will require a Schengen visa, you can apply for a visa at the Swedish Visa Centers in the cities of Russia .The requirements for the package of documents are unified Schengen; the period of the passport must be at least 3 months as of the date of the end of the trip .Money for the tourist during the trip must be at least 40 EUR for each day .The consular fee is 35 EUR, plus a service fee for the services of the visa center is paid - 1200 RUR .The visa is made within 7 working days, but on peak dates the period increases, and it is worthwhile to take care of obtaining a Swedish visa in advance .

Visa to Sweden
Visiting center Arcade is quality from professionals!
Visa on the day of departure! Guaranteed Schengen Visa:
Lithuania, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary.
Visas to other countries: Japan, USA, Australia, England.
Invitations to the Russian Federation for foreigners. Tourist and business from 1 day.
(495) 650-12-39 •
Visa to Sweden
Schengen visas: Reliable! Fast! Guaranteed!
Schengen multivisa visa for 1 year from 4 500 rubles. Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Lithuania. Urgent visas for 1 day! Guaranteed! For citizens of the CIS. Visa in the United States for 3 years from 4 500 rubles., In the UK from 3,500 rubles., To China from 3,300 rubles., To Japan from 8,500 rubles. Free courier departure.
(495) 928-00-58 •
Visa to Sweden
"World of Wanderings": registration of visas on-line!
Registration of Schengen visas: to Italy, France, Austria, Spain, Poland from 2,000 rubles., Germany from 1,500 rubles. Urgently. Visas to the United States, Great Britain from 2,000 rubles, New Zealand, Australia from 3,500 rubles. Visas to China, Japan from 8,000 rubles. Tourist invitations in Russia, business visas to Russia. Complicated cases, work with regions. Express delivery.
(495) 783-80-20, (800) 775-42-71 •
Visa to Sweden
Schengen visa online:
Austria, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland for only 3500 rub. Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden for only 2500 rubles. Visas to Australia, the United Kingdom, the USA, New Zealand - 2000 rubles. Visas to China, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Cyprus, Bulgaria from 1000 rubles.
(495) 781-80-33. •
Visa to Sweden
Euro-resident - visa and immigration service for 5+!
Visas are urgent! Visa for a year for 3h! Complicated cases, guarantee! Visas Schengen from 3 300 rub. Bulgaria 2,200 rubles., The United States, Great Britain from 2,500 rubles., United Arab Emirates for 1 day 9,000 rubles. and for 3d 7 200 rubles.
Passport passport, 2-nd passport, urgently (from 2 days). Visas to Russia from 1 000 rub. Also: residence permit and permanent residence in the EU from 1,500 EUR.
(495) 665-02-60 •
Your advertisement here:

Registration of a visa through a travel agency

Required documents:

  • passport (validity period - not less than three months from the date of the end of the trip, presence of the owner's signature and at least two blank pages);
  • a copy of the first page of the passport;
  • a questionnaire filled out in English or Swedish and personally signed by the applicant (the child will also need a questionnaire, the signature of which is the parent);
  • two photos 3, 5x4, 5 cm on a light background (for children inscribed in the passport, you need to provide three photos);
  • a certificate from the place of employment on the company letterhead with an indication of the position, salary (no less than 20,000 RUR), full address and telephone number
  • confirmation of a sufficient amount of money from the calculation of 40 EUR per person per day;
  • copies of all pages of the internal passport with records or stamps.

For children not entered in the passport: two photos, a copy of the birth certificate and a copy of all the "functional" pages of the internal passport (if any). If the child leaves with one of the parents, a copy of the power of attorney for departure from the second parent and photocopies of the civil passports of both parents is required.

For nonworkers, instead of a certificate of employment, a copy of the pension certificate (for pensioners) or a certificate from the place of study (for schoolchildren and students) is appropriate. You will also need confirmation of the sponsor's income and a sponsorship application, handwritten on a separate sheet: "I, FIO, sponsor the trip ... indicate a related or other relation and name ... to the Schengen countries, including Sweden from ... to ..." with the number and signature sponsor.

If a private entrepreneur receives a visa, he should provide a photocopy of the enterprise registration certificate and a copy of the tax return (tax return).

Single women traveling with children must provide a photocopy of a single mother's certificate or an original police certificate stating that the relationship is not maintained with the child's father and his whereabouts are unknown, widows (widowers) must provide a copy of the death certificate of the spouse.

Men under the age of 28 must provide a copy of the military ticket or the certificate of registration, or a certificate from the military commissariat on the postponement (for at least a year).

Persons registered and working (residing) in different cities must provide a copy of the registration at their place of work.

If there are several valid passports, they must all be submitted to the consulate.

Visa to Sweden
VisaMoscow - visa service at the highest level!
Professional registration of visas: visas to France, Italy, Greece, Spain and other Schengen countries, urgent Schengen visas, visas to the United States, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. Promotions and discounts for visas: children free of charge or insurance as a gift. Office in the center of Moscow, we work 6 days a week.
(495) 664-97-06, 789-02-09 •
Visa to Sweden
"Delta Visa" - a visa is guaranteed!
Annual Schengen from 130 EUR! Multivision for 1 year, 3 and 5 years. In a clean passport! Visas from 2 500 rub. without the presence in Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, the United States, Great Britain, the countries of Asia, etc. Passports. Invitations to the Russian Federation. Help refuseniks. We work with regions.
(499) 922-66-30, (495) 621-26-01 •
Visa to Sweden - registration of visas Online and in the office!
Visa processing in the UAE and Singapore. Urgently. On-line: without presence and in the office. Price from 3 200 rub. Term from 1 day. Required documents:
Passport and photo. Guaranteed. Tourist invitations to Russia.
Complicated cases, work with refuseniks.
(499) 714-54-74, (812) 715-20-61 •
Visa to Sweden
Eurovision - Schengen visas at the lowest prices
Schengen visa for a year at the super price in rubles !!!
Schengen residents of Crimea with a guarantee.
Urgent visa for 1 day. Visas with a guarantee after failure.
Multivision for 1-5 years with 100% guarantee. Visas to citizens of the CIS countries.
Agencies special prices on request. We work with all regions of the Russian Federation.
(495) 223-84-29, 223-84-25 •
Visa to Sweden
Visa to India and China without attendance
Visa to India and a visa to China from the tour operator "Ayurveda-Tour."
Our company is accredited in the embassy.
Delivery all over Russia.
(495) 959-59-60, (812) 337-58-88 •
Your advertisement here:

Visa processing independently

In case of issuing a visa yourself, the above documents must be attached:

  • in the case of a tourist trip - confirmation of the reservation, receipt or invoice, indicating payment for the hotel (starting from October 15, 2006 .do not consider invitations or confirmation of hotels sent by fax, e-mail or regular mail directly to the consulate or embassy of Sweden - now they should be handed over together with the rest of the package of documents) .The confirmation must specify the time of travel, the personal data of the tourist, stand the signature and seal of the person responsible for booking .You can also provide confirmation of the reservation and payment of the tour at the travel agency where the ticket was purchased;
  • in the case of a visit to relatives or friends - the original and a copy of the invitation written on the application form "E" (Referentbilaga "E") and the identity card (personbevis) of the inviter, which is issued by the tax inspector at the place of residence of the inviter (notarized). The validity period is three months from the date of their registration in Sweden. Also attached is a photocopy of the passport of the inviter (page with personal data) and / or other document giving the right to reside legally in the territory of Sweden;
  • in case of business visit - the original of the invitation on the letterhead of the organization (enterprise) officially issued in the territory of Sweden .The invitation shall indicate the date of the document, the name of the enterprise, personal data, position and contact information of the person directly responsible for the organization of the trip, the personal data of the invitee, the time and purpose of the visit, the number of expected entries and residence in Sweden .Also, the invitation should specify who will bear the costs associated with the arrival and residence of the applicant in Sweden .The invitation shall be certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization .In addition to all of the above, you must provide a copy of the registration certificate (registreringsbevis) of the company in Sweden .This document is valid for 6 months from the date of its issue;
  • a copy of round-trip air tickets;
  • confirmation of the availability of sufficient funds for the trip (a copy of the savings bank account, an extract from the bank account) at a rate of 40 EUR per person per day. However, if the inviting party in the application indicates that it incurs all financial costs during the applicant's stay in Sweden, no confirmation of the funds is required;
  • medical insurance for the entire period of the trip, valid throughout the Schengen area, the coverage of which should be at least 30 thousand EUR and include in the list of services the repatriation of the remains. If it is a question of multiple entries, it will be enough to present insurance for the first trip. The receiving party can also arrange the insurance - this should be indicated in the invitation.

You can apply in person either through a proxy (while a third person submitting documents must have a power of attorney issued by a notary), or through a travel agency accredited in the embassy or the Consulate General of Sweden. However, it should be borne in mind that individual tourists who want to visit Sweden independently must submit documents only in person. There is no preliminary record.

Visa centers in Sweden in Moscow and St. Petersburg accept documents from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 16:00, the issuance of ready-made visas - from 11:00 to 16:00. There is no preliminary record.

Reception of documents at the consular department of the Embassy of Sweden in Moscow is carried out from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:00, issuing visas from 16:00 to 17:00.

The Consulate General of Sweden in St. Petersburg accepts the documents from Monday to Wednesday and on Friday, from 09:00 to 12:00, issues visas from 16:00 to 16:30. On Thursday, there is no reception.

The Swedish Visa Center in Kaliningrad accepts documents Monday through Friday, from 9:00 to 16:00.

In Murmansk, the Honorary Consulate of Sweden is the Consulate General of Norway and accepts applications for both a visa and residence permit, as well as work permits from applicants residing in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. However, the residence permit itself can not be issued in Murmansk, and the applicant will have to bring his passport and color photograph to the Consulate General of Sweden in St. Petersburg or the Swedish Embassy in Moscow.

In Petrozavodsk, an application for a Swedish visa is accepted by the Office of the Consulate General of Finland. But only those who live in Karelia can apply here.

Residents of Vladivostok, Ekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Sochi, Khabarovsk, Ufa and Krasnodar can apply to the Visa Centers of Sweden located in these cities.

The standard period for considering visa applications is 7 working days from the date of submission of the documents. If additional verification is necessary, it can be extended to 2 months.

Visa to Sweden Visa to Sweden

Visa with extended validity period

Such a visa is issued to persons who are going to visit Sweden at the invitation of close relatives (parents, children, siblings, spouses, including those who live in a "civil marriage") and already have at least one visa with a validity period of one year in the passport .An extended visa is issued for two years and allows multiple visits to Sweden .To obtain this visa, the same set of documents is provided to the consular department as for a regular C category visa, but in addition it is necessary to provide a photocopy of earlier issued Swedish visas (or a photocopy of the old passport with these visas) .

Transit visa

Visa-free transit through Sweden is prohibited. To obtain this type of visa, you must submit to the consular department the same documents as for a simple visa, but instead of an invitation from the host country, present the visa to the final destination, if required, and a copy of the airline tickets along the entire route. If you plan to stop on the territory of Sweden for more than 24 hours, you must also provide proof of reservation and payment for the hotel.

Consular fee

Currently, the consular fee for registration of all types of visas is 1400 rubles, in case of urgent registration of a visa - 2800 rubles. The fee is paid directly to the consular department at the time of filing. In case of refusal of visa the fee is not refundable. When applying for a visa through the Visa Center, you must additionally pay a service fee of 1200 RUR.

From payment of consular fee the following categories of citizens are exempted:

  • children under the age of 6;
  • schoolchildren, students of higher education institutions, graduate students and their accompanying teachers (provided that the purpose of the trip is training);
  • students who have received a scholarship from SIDA or another Swedish state or public organization for training in Sweden;
  • close relatives of citizens of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland;
  • close relatives of Russian citizens residing lawfully in Sweden;
  • persons invited to Sweden by state organizations, authorities such as SIDA, the Swedish Institute, the TACIS program, etc.

Visas for citizens of the CIS countries

Unlike citizens of Russia, citizens of the CIS, in addition to the documents listed above, must also fill out attachments to the visa application forms.

Citizens of Georgia should apply for a visa to the Greek Embassy in Tbilisi. Visa applications for official delegations and by invitation from the Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA) can be submitted to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Tbilisi.

Citizens of Uzbekistan must apply for a visa to the German Embassy in Tashkent. Citizens of Turkmenistan - in the Migration Department of the Embassy of Sweden in Moscow personally. Citizens of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Armenia must apply for a visa to the Swedish mission in their country of residence.

If the citizens of these countries need to obtain a visa in Russia, they should apply to the consular department of the Swedish Embassy in Moscow and personally file all the documents. The consular fee in this case will be 2000 rubles for all types of visas.

Embassy, ​​consulates and visa centers of the Kingdom of Sweden in Russia

Embassy of Sweden in Moscow

address: Moscow, Mosfilmovskaya st. 60
telephone / fax: (495) 937-92-00, 937-92-02, migration department (visa) - 937-92-01, 937-92-03,, migration department (visas) -

Consulate General of Sweden in St. Petersburg

address: 191186, St. Petersburg, Malaya Konyushennaya, 1/3
telephone / fax: (812) 329-14-30, 329-14-45

Swedish Visa Application Center in Moscow

address: 127018, Moscow, Suschevsky Val, 31/1
phone: (495) 668-14-94
Web site

The Swedish Visa Center in St. Petersburg

address: 197110, St. Petersburg, ul. Big Raznochinnaya, d. 16/7, TC "Chkalovsky"
phone: (812) 644-42-90
Web site

Full and up-to-date information on Swedish Visa Centers in Russian cities can be found on the Visa Centers website.

Visa issue September 05, 2014

Hello! Can I enter Sweden with an open Schengen visa?