Switzerland has always been considered one of the best destinations for a truly perfect holiday. Everything is perfect here, including education. The education system in this country is as well thought out, qualitative and reliable as Swiss banks - Swiss diplomas are appreciated all over the world. More than 1 million students and schoolchildren account for 7 million of the country's population.

Of course, it is worth noting that study in Switzerland, like living in the country, is by no means cheap.

That's why most students and schoolchildren from abroad are the children of officials and big businessmen..At the same time, fairly strict rules and requirements for admission to the university are established .Usually a good command of the language is required, an examination is given for confirmation or a certificate is given .Foreign applicants must present a certificate of full secondary education .At the same time, the admission committee of the university reserves the right to appoint additional entrance exams if the certificate of the future student does not meet the Swiss analogue of MATURA .

Foreign applicants must present a certificate of full secondary education. At the same time, the admission committee of the university reserves the right to assign additional entrance examinations.

The largest university in Switzerland is the university in Zurich. It is followed by the Zurich Polytechnic School. Other universities and institutes (there are 12 state universities in the country, of which 7 are classical universities, and 5 are specialized) are much smaller, but the quality of education does not suffer from this.

If you plan to study economics, you should pay attention to the universities of St. Gallen, to the legal specialties - to the universities of Friborg, Lausanne and Noschatel, exact sciences - to the universities of Zurich, but philology is best taught in Geneva. Universities that prepare specialists in the field of international tourism and hotel business are also popular.

But the most popular specialties in Switzerland are medical, here the foreign entrant will have a hard time, as there is no hanging from local school graduates!

For pupils of the senior classes there is an opportunity to enter the colleges of Switzerland - from the age of 15. After finishing three years of college, entering a Swiss university will be much easier than arriving here after 11th grade in his native country. That's the way to do it, if you or your child are serious about training and getting a diploma in Switzerland.

A single entrance examination for foreigners is held at the University of Friborg in early autumn .At the same time, five exams are surrendered, of which three are language, history and mathematics are compulsory, and two are proficient (optional) .In any case, going directly to the entrance exams is not recommended .It is best to arrive in advance - 2-3 months before admission, during which you can attend preparatory courses and understand all the intricacies in place .By the way, for foreign applicants to have the right to be enrolled in preparatory courses, they will have to pass a preliminary exam on the language .

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