If you can not climb the Peak of Communism (now it bears the name of the founder of the Tajik state Ismoil Somoni), then at least breathe fresh mountain air and live a week or two in the pristine nature of the Pamir highlands - that's why tourists are going to Tajikistan. In this country you will not find hotels of 5 stars and helpful service, here you need to go for spiritual food, for uniting with the land.

In Tajikistan, in addition to the capital airport of Dushanbe, there are three more - Kulyab, Khudzhand, Kurgonteppa. All of them , although they are located near small towns, have one or two runways, take different ships - cargo and passenger, including Boeing.

Despite the seemingly distant civilization, the country has developed ecotourism: you can go rafting down the mountain river, horseback riding on the famous beautiful m gorges in avtopoezdku waterfalls and lakes, which are not considered here. Tajikistan - Mecca for extreme tourists: alpinists, mountain-skiers, hang-gliders.

Today buy tickets to Tajikistan - no problem. From Moscow, you can get to Dushanbe by planes of airlines "Tajik Air", "Somon Air" and "UTair". The last flights are daily.

Today buy tickets to Tajikistan - no problem. From Moscow, you can get to Dushanbe by planes of airlines "Tajik Air", "Somon Air" and "UTair". The last flights are daily. From the northern capital, it's also easy to get to Tajikistan: every day from Pulkovo and back, at least one board is sent. Direct flights to Dushanbe are carried out from several large Russian cities - Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Perm.