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Hot, hospitable and so native to us Tajikistan skillfully invites Russian tourists to its ancient lands: to visit the country our compatriots do not need a visa, and entry into the country is possible on the internal Russian passport .The same rules apply to citizens of Belarus and Ukraine..The term of stay in the country with a tourist purpose is limited to 90 days .The only concession to bureaucracy - within 3 days upon arrival the tourist should register at the place of residence, but if you live in a hotel, the hotel administration will do this procedure for you .

Entry into the country is

To enter Tajikistan at the border it is enough to show an internal Russian or foreign passport.

In the case of traveling with a child at the border, it is necessary to present a birth certificate, as well as a Russian passport or a child's passport, or a passport or passport of the parent to which the child is inscribed. A notarized power of attorney for the child's removal will be required if the child commits a trip accompanied by one of the parents or a third person.

Upon arrival in the country within 3 days, you must register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of stay. If tourists live in hotels or boarding houses, the administration will do it for them.

Embassy of Tajikistan in Russia - $

address: 123001, Moscow, Granatny per., 13
phone: (495) 690-61-74, 690-41-86, 690-38-46, 690-46-57, fax: (495) 691-89-98
website Template: PB

attention January 16, 2015

Starting from January 1, 2015, citizens of the Russian Federation need a passport for traveling to the Republic of Tajikistan, citizens of Tajikistan are sufficiently domestic, provided they have traveled to Russia before January 1, 2015.
Since January 1, 2015 for entry into the Russian Federation, citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan need a passport, the citizens of the Russian Federation are quite domestic, provided they left the Russian Federation before January 1, 2015.
Otherwise, the border will not be allowed to enter and will be fined.