
Mt.Kilimanjaro National Park

National Parks of Tanzania "Crown of Tanzania" - Mount Kilimanjaro (Swahili - "the mountain that sparkles"). It is impossible not to recognize it - towering above the flat plains, covered with a snow cap on top, it became a real symbol of the country.


Ngorongoro, Tanzania

National Parks of Tanzania Once a part of a huge Serengeti reserve, now a huge crater in Tanzania on the edge of the savannah, which arose as a result of the collapse of a large volcano, is an independent natural landmark and is called "Ngorongoro Conservation."


Ruaha National Park

National Parks of Tanzania Today it is one of the most popular and visited nature reserves in the country. In addition, Ruach is the second largest national park in Tanzania. Its name he received from the Great River Ruach, flowing among the mountain gorges along its eastern border, and flowing into the Rufigi River.


Serengeti National Park

National Parks of Tanzania The Serengeti Park (from the Masai "siringet", "endless plains") is famous for the richest animal world: here you can find about five hundred species of birds and three million individuals of large animals. In the summer of 2009, Serengeti celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. The



National Parks of Tanzania A cozy reserve, inhabited by giraffes. Its main feature is the opportunity to walk along the jungle without fear of being eaten by a wild predator. But in terms of the number of natural beauties and virgin landscapes, this park is not inferior to its more popular brethren. The


Lake Manyara National Park

National Parks of Tanzania Lake Manyara National Park was founded in 1960. It is here that you can see the famous spectacle - lions climbing trees. And also: buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, hippos and zebras. The bird world of the park is also rich, especially near the lake.


Selous Game Reserve, Morogoro

National Parks of Tanzania Selous is the largest protected area in Africa, located in the Rufiji river basin and occupies more than 5% of the country's territory. In the southern part of the reserve there are safaris with hunting, about 1000 people come here from July to November. The


Tanganyika Lake

National Parks of Tanzania Lake Tanganyika lies within the boundaries of the East African fault - one of the greatest geological phenomena on Earth. This lake is the second in the world after Baikal for deep water (1470 m). And also, like Baikal, it is distinguished by extremely transparent water, which allows to see the bottom at a depth of 33 meters. The



National Parks of Tanzania The picturesque savanna area with baobabs and acacias is named after the Tarangire River (Taa-raa-nghee-reh) running from the north to the south. The landscape and vegetation of Tarangire are unique for Tanzania: here grow tall grasses, shrubs and trees of Indian dates. The

The national parks of Tanzania - Serengeti, Kilimanjaro, Ruaha, Tarangire and others are recognized worldwide ecotourism centers. Numerous reserves, the most famous of which are Selous, Ngorongoro and Rungva, preserve unique species of flora and fauna of equatorial Africa. The Selous Reserve, the Ruaa and Mikumi parks make Tanzania the center of numerous safaris and aerial tours, as well as a set for hundreds of films.

In total, Tanzania has 12 national parks, the Ngorongoro Reserve, 13 wildlife reserves, 38 nature reserves and about 120 national cultural sites.

Arusha National Park, one of the smallest in Tanzania, is located only 32 km from the city. Its main "must see" is Lake Momela, Mount Meru and Ngurdoto Crater. The park nests about 400 species of birds - both local and migratory, and from the beast you can meet baboons, elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, hippos, leopards, hyenas, zebras and many species of antelopes.

In the Serengeti, you can see 35 species of large mammals, including the so-called "Big Five" - ​​an elephant, rhinoceros, a lion, a leopard and a buffalo.

The Ngorongoro Reserve has been added to the UNESCO list of "Natural Heritage of the World". In the south-west it is bounded by Lake Eyashi, and in the north by the mountains Gol. The park is inhabited by gazelles, buffaloes, canna antelopes, boar-warthogs, lions, hyenas, cheetahs and leopards. More than 100 species of birds not living in the Serengeti can be observed in the reserve.

Tarangire National Park is located on the eastern shore of Lake Mäniara and covers an area of ​​2600 square meters. km. Tarangire is famous for its abundance of wild animals.

The national park of Lake Manyara is located between the same alkaline lake and the rocks of a large African fault. The most entertaining sight in the park is the lions climbing trees.

Mount Kilimanjaro - the highest solitary mountain in the world, which is also a dormant but not extinct volcano. Climbing Kilimanjaro can be accomplished throughout the year, but it is best to do this from August to October and from January to March. The main attractions of this peak are the volcanic centers of Shira in the west, Mavenzi in the east and the snow-white Kibo in the center.

In the south of Tanzania are the most pristine reserves and reserves of Africa. Most of all, the Selous Reserve and the Ruach National Park are known.

In total, Tanzania has 12 national parks, the Ngorongoro Reserve, 13 wildlife reserves, 38 nature reserves and about 120 national cultural sites.

Selous - the largest protected wild territory in Africa with the largest population of elephants in Tanzania .Still here, lions, impala, giraffes, antelopes, baboons, zebras, buffaloes, hippos and wild dogs are often found here .Nature in the reserve is very diverse: from savannas to forests, from meadows to rocks, cut by the river Rufizhi and its tributaries Kilambero and Louvec .In the river Kilombero there are predatory tiger fish and amazing soma vandu with primitive lungs, allowing them to migrate from one reservoir to another directly on land .The park organizes walking and car safaris, as well as boat trips .The best time for them is a dry season from June to October, when thirst drives wild animals from secluded places to rivers .The

Ruach is a relatively inaccessible wild park, more than compensating for the road difficulties of travelers who have reached it, with the amazing diversity of their plant and animal life. The Great Ruach River protects and nourishes evergreen forests and swamps, it is thanks to it that the park has a huge population of elephants.

National Parks of Tanzania
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National Parks of Tanzania
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National Park of the Mountains of Mahale

In Western Tanzania, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, there are two reserves: the National Park of the Makhale Mountains and the Gombe Park, known for large chimpanzee populations and perhaps the same number of scientists studying their behavior in the natural environment.

A small national park of the Mahale Mountains is located 120 kilometers south of the city of Kigoma, on a peninsula in the eastern part of Lake Tanganyika .In the center of the reserve rises a mountain range, whose height reaches 2462 m above sea level .Among the representatives of fauna, there is a huge, about a thousand individuals, a chimpanzee population .In the north the tourist has all chances to meet elephants, buffaloes and other animals, and in the southern part of the park there are many species of antelopes, lions and giraffes .In the park you can make a walking safari through the mountains and along the shore of Lake Tanganyika .The

National Parks of Tanzania (English)

The Northern Circle

The northern circle is the most developed, but at the same time the wildest. Its route covers many parks and reservations in Northern Tanzania, the most famous of which are the Ngorongoro Reserve, Mount Kilimanjaro, Serengeti Parks, Tarangire, Arusha and Lake Manyara. The Serengeti ecosystem consists of the Masai Mara Park in Kenya and the western part of Ngorongoro Park, the Serengeti National Park itself and the Masva Park in Tanzania. The migration of animals goes in a circle, starting in Masai Mara and then clockwise to the southeast.

A specific route for the objects should be chosen, focusing on the movement of the rainy area: the animals move after the moisture. Long-range wild boar, zebra, gazelle and some species of antelope migrate. They are followed by predators - lions and hyenas. Giraffes and elephants move to much shorter distances.

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