Can I fly to Thailand for 25 days without a visa?

Responds Anna Kharitonov
According to the rules, with a Russian passport you can get a stamp-visa for up to 30 days upon arrival, so for 25 days you can go without fear.
Responds Maria Ilyukhina, "The World of Wanderings" company, $ $
For citizens of the Russian Federation - entry to the territory of Thailand to 30 days of stay without a visa.
Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Since March 2007, .for tourist trips to Thailand a visa is not needed for Russians - with the proviso that the country can stay for 30 days .The stamp on visa-free stay on the territory of the state is received by Russians at the airport of arrival completely free of charge in exchange for an immigrant form filled out in English and a standard package of traveler's documents .Until recently, this term could easily be extended for another 30 days with the help of a so-called "vizarana" - a short-term exit to a neighboring state and return to Thailand..Now these norms are toughened, and the visa does not help .

On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish visa-free stamp and VOA (visa on arrival) .For citizens of the Russian Federation, the period of stay in the country with a visa-free stamp is set for 30 days, and for 15 days you get a visa for arrival at a cost of 1500 THB .It is much more important for citizens of the CIS countries - Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Estonia, who do not have a bilateral intergovernmental agreement with Thailand on the term of visa-free stay and unlimited number of entries to the country..If you need a longer stay in the country, you need an advance visa at the Embassy - $ .

As for the bilateral agreement or the "bilateral agreement", this term means that Russians enter Thailand on its basis, and not on the basis of a "visa exemption", as citizens of 48 countries from a separate list. They are allowed to extend it for another 30 days after a thirty-day stay in Thailand. What can not be said about citizens of countries with bilateral agreement, including Russia. For them, the extension of the period of stay in the country is possible at the immigration office only for 7 days and for 1900 THB.

November 14, 2014

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