How can I extend a visa to a Ukrainian citizen if I stay in Thailand for more than 15 days?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Citizens of Ukraine have the right to obtain a visa in Thailand on arrival - Visa on Arrival. It is issued at the crossing of the Thai border for a period of 15 days, which frees tourists from the procedure for obtaining a visa in advance.

If you want to spend in Thailand for more than 15 days, a Thai visa will still have to be received in advance at the Thai Embassy (Royal Thai Consulate). Thai tourist visa is issued for 30 or 60 days, it is single, double and even triple. The principle of its action is this: having a double visa for 60 days, you can stay in Thailand for a couple of months, then leave it, and immediately re-enter by activating the second visa.

Moreover, each visa can be extended for 30 days already in Thailand - in the Immigration Office of the resort where you have a rest. It turns out that with a double visa for 60 days you can live in Tae 90 days, then go outside the state and again cross the border, by activating the second visa. If you extend the second visa for 30 days, then once you leave Thailand, you can stay in the country for almost half a year.

To extend the tourist visa, you will need: a completed visa extention form, a copy of your passport, 2 photos 3 x 4 cm and 1900 Thai baht (just over $ 60) to pay tax.

October 22, 2013

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