The island of Guam (Guåhån in the language of the Chamorro) is the largest of the archipelago of the Mariana Islands, which is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean at 1,440 km from the equator. To the south-west of Guam is the Mariana Trench - the deepest point of the world ocean (11, 022 km).

Modern Guam is an organized non-aligned territory of the United States of America. That is, the island is under the control of the US president, but the government of Guam consists of civilians of the local population, and residents do not participate in national elections. The capital of Guam is the city of Hagatna.

How to get

There are no direct flights from Russia to Guam. The only airline that makes flights to Russia, and to Guam - Korean Air, flying through Seoul. The flight from the European part of Russia to Guam will take almost a day, its cost is about $ 1000. You can save on special offers of air carriers, making a transfer in Seoul, Hong Kong or Tokyo. From here to Guam about 3, 5 hours of flight.

Since January 15, 2012, Russian citizens have been able to visa-free visits to the island of Guam.

From Guam International Airport to them. Antonio B. Vaughn Pata to the place of rest can be reached by bus. The ticket costs about $ 2, a travel for a week - $ 8. The average fare for a taxi is $ 3 for the first mile, and $ 0, 6 for every 0, 25 miles further.

Search for tickets to the city of Tokyo (nearest a / p to Guam)

The climate of Guam is

The climate of the island is tropical monsoon. The average daily temperature is 26-27 ° C throughout the year. The rainy season lasts from May to November. The most favorable period for tourism is from December to May.

During the rainy season on Guam, Pacific typhoons are emerging and gaining momentum, causing damage to the island itself, then heading towards the shores of Southeast Asia. Because of their destructive power, Guam was nicknamed "Typhoon Alley" or the Avenue of Typhoons.
View of the Asan Bay Guam Island
Waterfall Talafofo Guam Island
East Hagatna Beach Guam Island

Nature of the island

The island of Guam was formed from two ancient volcanoes that went under water millions of years ago. The north of the island is a limestone plateau made of coral and abruptly cut off to the shore in the northwest. The south is hilly, here is the highest point of the island - Mount Lamlam 406 m in height. Typical vegetation of the north of Guam is savannah, in the south in the river valleys and on the slopes of the hills there are moist rainforests, on the coast of tourists there are thickets of coconut palms.

Fauna of the world

The fauna of Guam is originally represented by rodents and bats. Occasionally in the forests there are deer brought from the Philippines. Around the island are beautiful coral reefs, densely populated by marine residents.

Once upon a time, there were a lot of birds on the island, but a brown wood snake introduced here during the Second World War, which does not pose a threat to humans, destroyed almost all birds.

Earlier on Guam there were no snakes, now their density is 2000 per square kilometer - one of the highest in the world.
Travel to Guam - $

Tourism on the island of Guam

The island of Guam - not only magnificent beaches, tropical vegetation and beautiful waterfalls, but also monuments of the ancient history of the island. These are rock carvings and traditional dwellings of Chamorro natives who settled the island about 3,500 years ago, evidence of the former domination of the Spaniards, as well as monuments of World War II.

The Philippine Sea and the Pacific Ocean, washing the banks of Guam, give diving lovers the opportunity to explore coral reefs and explore the skeletons of sunken ships. In addition, lovers of outdoor activities can do windsurfing and parasailing, play golf. $ $