Since the very beginning of time, as Turkey from a typical Muslim state began to develop rapidly in a well-ordered and mentally oriented resort, the authorities of the country did everything possible to ensure that visitors from abroad came here all year round. To rest in Turkey was no less popular than tours to the Dominican Republic or other countries where you can have a wonderful time on the coast.

 Turkey - the opportunity to afford an inexpensive rest at any time of the year
 Turkey - the opportunity to rest at any time of the year
View of the Bodrum Embankment

This not only raises the economy country, but also most favorably affects the image of Turkey, which has long gained the glory of the most liberal Muslim state. Here in the center of big cities one can meet women not in veils, but in business suits, and on the beaches ladies rest not only in bathing suits designed specifically for Muslim women.

One of the most famous resort cities of Turkey - Antalya - is equally popular as in summer, and in winter. In the off-season, when the cost of tickets to this paradise is greatly reduced, residents of many European countries come here. In the early autumn - to enjoy the velvet season, in winter - to view the numerous attractions and enjoy the magnificent service located near Antalya hotels, including the recently opened GLORIA SERENITY, located in the town of Belek near Antalya. + $

Excursion programs, SPA complexes, numerous bars and restaurants - all of them are open all year round, because in winter though the tourist boom subsides, but still Turkey does not lose its attractiveness in the eyes of foreign travelers .

In some regions of Turkey, the air temperature in January reaches a mark of +20 degrees Celsius, and the water temperature in the sea does not fall below + 18 ° С . Of course, swimming in such cool water is a pleasure for an amateur , but the streets can easily walk in light clothes and enjoy a soft and pleasant sun . And, of course, this pleasure will cost much lower than any event in the summer period . Even the prices in cafes and restaurants are nice surprise, but if you can also purchase burning tours, then winter holidays in Turkey are threatened to become not only unforgettable, but also the most economical .

Should I talk about what can I do here in the summer? Turkey is a country with super-developed resort infrastructure, due to which any tourist will be served at the highest rating in hotels 4-5 * . Water, land and air sports, animation in hotels and street festivals, discos and restaurants, bars and concerts, as well as the most diverse public that you can imagine! Also, Turkey is famous for high-quality and inexpensive goods in comparison with prices in Russia, which willingly buy visitors for themselves, their friends and relatives .