The weather in Turkey depends on the region, since the climate in the country is mostly mountainous with continental features. Summer in Turkey is hot and arid, winters are snowy and cold. The holiday season in Turkey begins in April and ends only in November, which attracts tourists from Russia, where spring comes late, and the cold snap comes early.

On the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea, the climate is Mediterranean with mild winters. On the Black Sea, the climate is temperate-marine with warm summers and cool winters. In January, the temperature is about +5 ° C, in the summer (in July) - about +23 ° C. Precipitation falls to 1000-2500 mm per year. In summer, the temperature may exceed +30 ° C, but this is relatively rare. In the southeast of Turkey, the climate has features of tropical desert with low humidity.

The hottest months in Turkey are July and August, when the air temperature can rise to +28 ° C.

The best time to visit beach resorts is from the middle of April to the end of October, the high season is in the last ten days of May and the middle of September. Bathing is best at the resorts of the Black Sea - from June to early September, in the Marble and Mediterranean seas - from April to October. The hottest months in Turkey are July and August, when the air temperature can rise to +28 ° C.

In the south and west of the country, the summer is hot and dry, and the winter is mild, so this region is even called the Turkish Riviera. The air temperature in summer here can rise to +35 ° C, and the water in the sea warms up to +26 ° C. In the north of Turkey, the climate of the Black Sea is a colder winter and not a very hot summer with prolonged rains. The average temperature in January in this region ranges between +5 ... +15 ° C, and in July - between +15 ... +32 ° С.