The hotel chain Jumeirah rattles around the world . Where there is another, but not yet a regular hotel of this network, there is a huge number of travelers who value comfort . It's hard to say whether the famous "sailboat" became the triumph of Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab, or the ascent of the network began much earlier, but the fact remains - today the name Jumeirah symbolizes eastern luxury, perfect service and really high-grade rest . No matter what city the new Jumeirah hotel is in, it invariably receives five stars and the rank of one of the best hotels in the city is .

What is so remarkable about Jumeirah hotels and why, despite the rather high prices, tourists' streams are trying to get there exactly? Everything is simple: absolutely all Jumeirah hotels were created to make the " so that their guests do not experience any difficulties during the rest or business trip . Absolutely everything in these hotels is thought through to the smallest trifles - starting interior design, ending with restaurants and room cleaning . If in hotels Jumeirah does not provide any service, transaction personnel Everything is so that the guest can find the necessary within the nearest availability .

 Water and pipes in the background of the hotel Jumeirah Beach  Jumeirah hotels - what you need to know about this holiday
Water and pipes in the background of the hotel Jumeirah Beach
 Beach views, Jumeirah  Jumeirah hotels you need to know about this vacation
beach, Jumeirah

Despite the fact that the network Jumeirah is a sample of eastern luxury, the hotels of this network slowly but surely, appear in all major European cities. For example, they already exist in London, Frankfurt am Main, Mallorca, Rome, Maldives and even Baku.

Do the Jumeirah hotels have any common features? If you miss the conversation about the magnificent interiors and perfectly trained staff, it is also worth mentioning the branded spas, outdoor restaurants, extensive sports facilities and a comfortable location..The latter, by the way, presupposes not only good transport interchange and proximity to the main sights of each city, but also spectacular views from the window - to the Persian Gulf, flowering gardens, the panorama of the city or the Mediterranean, depending on the country where the Jumeirah hotel is located. The .

So is it worth it to choose a hotel or a Jumeirah residence for recreation? Definitely "yes", if comfort for you is not an empty phrase, but excellent service and ample opportunities for recreation or business you value above all!

Date of publication: 01.07.13