The Ukrainian language (Ukrainian language) is the state language, the national language of Ukraine, belongs to the Slavic languages ​​(East Slavic group).

Greetings, common expressions

Hello hi Zdrastuite, will jump
Good morning Good wound
Good afternoon Good day
How are you? Yak you have the right?
Thank you, good Dobrá, Dyaky
Excuse me I'm leaving
Bye Before pobachennya
I do not understand I'm not a child
Thank you Dyaky
You are welcome Please
What is your name? Yak you are called?
My name is… Mane is called ...
Does someone speak Russian here? Here hto-nebud rozmovlyae rossyskoyu?
Yes So
No Neither
I'm lost I'm mistaken
We did not understand each other We are not alone in one instance
I love you! I toe a toe!

Numbers and numbers

One Odyn
Two Two
Three Тры
Four Chotyry
Five Пяять
Six Shist
Seven Sim
Eight Wait
Nine Davyat
Ten Ten
Twenty Twenty-five
Thirty Tridtsiat
Forty Forty
Fifty Пъятдэсят
Hundred Hundred
Million Odin milion

Shops, hotels, transport

How much is the ticket to ...? Skilky kostuye kvitok up to ...?
One ticket to ..., please Odin kvitok up to ..., be-weasel
Where does this train / bus go? Where did the bus pull the bus?
Please, you can show on the map Please, you can be shown on map
Do you have spare rooms? Do you have yeill forkings?
How much does a room for one person / two people cost? Skilky kostuye kimnata for one people / people?
Is breakfast / dinner included? A party / vecherya included / and?
Give account Daite rahunok
How much does it cost? Skilky ts e kostuye?
It's too expensive Цэ задорого
Well, I'll take Kind, I'm going to
Please give us a package Daite, be-laska, paket

In the restaurant

A table for one person / two people, please Stolik for one person / two persons cholovik, whether it is affection
Can I see the menu? Can I glimpse menu?
What is your signature dish? Yak you have firmova strava?
Waiter! Waiter!
Please give an account to Daite, be-laska, rahunok

We swear in Ukrainian

To get you up, let Щоб тебе підняло то гепнуло
Koschei the Deathless Chakhlik nevmiruyushy
Dragon Vuzhik vinepalny
Went to three damn! Piishov up to three beats!
The villain Zlodiy

A short manual on how to swear in Ukrainian:

Tee, Sultan, devil Turkish, i accursed devil brother i comrade, the most Luchepera secretary. Kamenetsky kat, everything has the bliss, the blessedness of the grief, the grandson himself and our hook. Pig, you snout, mare sraka, rednitska dog, nebescheny forehead ...
Koshevoy ataman Ivan Sirko Zoya Kosh Zaporozhskim