What to bring to Ukraine? The

Answered by Information department of the "Thinness of Tourism"
In a friendly state, unlike most capitalist countries, there is no need to issue a visa or a passport before entering, which greatly facilitates the movement. A small customs control here is rather a formality.

The situation is more complicated with local money, dollars and rubles, as enterprising Ukrainians often deal with three types of national currency, which often paints their lives. As practice shows, it is best to take dollars to Ukraine, because they cause a stable sense of stability in the population.

When planning a trip to the not very busy province of Ukraine, of course, you can not do without a certain amount of the national Ukrainian currency, because there people are a little more conservative.

As practice shows, the exchange of funds is best performed not at airports or at stations, but in large banks in the center of Ukraine's megacities, where the most profitable and fair course is offered. All other exchangers try to get a little more from a tourist than usual. But the most bitter thing is to make an exchange near the beach, here the exchange offices live according to their own rules, outside the world economic laws.

A set of clothes is best planned, based on the climate and time of year in the region in which the trip is planned. As the country covers several climatic zones, it is impossible to recommend something universal.

If, for some reason, a tourist carries food to Ukraine, their cost should not exceed fifty EUR. It is difficult to say with what such an order is connected, but, apparently, there is a good reason for that.

April 23, 2013

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