America ... Fortunately, the times of the Cold War are long behind: more students from both countries are sent "on a visit" by exchange or by the program "Work & Travel", and there is nothing to say about the increased number of tourists and . There are many things that are attracted to the compatriots in the United States: and numerous attractions, and natural beauty, and so unlike our "national idea" . And, one can not but admit there is something to look at: eternally busy, sleepless New York, sunny Miami, innovative and yet unchanging San Francisco, flamboyant flowery Al-Vegas ... the list could go on almost indefinitely if not, but how do I get there?

Of course, on the plane, unless you have dreamed all your life to spend two-thirds of your vacation on a pot-bellied ocean liner! However, you know, the East Coast is fundamentally different from the West Coast - and this situation persists when it comes to the prices of air tickets in the US

The US East Coast is fundamentally different from the Western one - and this situation persists when it comes to the prices of air tickets in the USA .

Examples of many . Suppose you decided to spend a vacation on the sunny beaches of Miami, look at the famous "spots" from which American skateboarding began, cheerfully shout at the crazy surfers and enjoy ice cocktails in the shade on weight at the bar in the middle of golden sands . In this case, the choice is very, very wide - after all, in order to get to the eastern coast of the USA, it will be necessary to circumnavigate the globe! Therefore, non-stop flights to Miami in a week leaves only four (at your service airline "Aeroflot" and "Transaero"), and they are not always convenient .

It's easier and safer to stay on flights through Europe, with a landing for refueling. Such flights are organized by SAS, American Airlines, Iberia, AirBerlin and many others (here it should be borne in mind that the transplants can mean the change of the carrier company - be careful).

It's quite another matter (and quite a different money) - a flight to the West Coast , for example, in San Francisco . Direct flights through 11 time zones now, unfortunately, no - in the way will have to spend about 14-15 hours! However, the modern level of service is quite capable of brightening up such an exhausting trip - and it's worth it! It is only necessary to choose the right flight in order to minimize the loss of time, but also giving yourself a breather at least an hour to stretch your legs and drink coffee at a table standing on a solid ground . In all respects, the flight of Aeroflot and Scandinavian Airlines with a landing in Copenhagen: it is actually the fastest, and the ticket to it is relatively inexpensive . However, the final decision is better to take by carefully studying the schedule of flights . Have a good rest!

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check out the page "Flights to the United States for the New Year."