From the school history course it is known that Columbus discovered America in 1492. However, America's history began much earlier.

History of the USA
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Pre-Colonial History

In the era of the Upper Paleolithic (50 - 12 thousand years BC), the tribes inhabiting the territory of Asia moved to the continents of South America and North America through the frozen or shallow strait of the Bering Strait. These immigrants were the progenitors of the indigenous peoples of the American continents, developing parallel to the Eurasian civilizations and even sometimes ahead of them: the Mayan tribe, whose riddles are still unsolved to the end, can serve as an example.

Colonization of America

The colonial seizure of America by Europeans began in the 16th century and led to the extermination of a large part of the indigenous inhabitants who fiercely resisted. By the middle of the XVIII century, immigrants from Europe settled almost throughout the territory of the modern United States of America, having formed 13 states.

War of Independence USA

In 1754, Benjamin Franklin proposed a project to create an alliance of North American colonies with his own government, but led by the appointed British king president. Despite the fact that the colonies were not supposed to be independent in fact, in London this project provoked a harsh protest. The actual start of the imminent revolution was the so-called "Boston Tea Party" on December 16, 1773, when a cargo of tea belonging to the East India Company was destroyed in Boston Harbor.

A Brief History of the USA - A fragment from the film "Bowling for Columbine". Directed by Michael Moore.

In 1775-83 years. The War of Independence between the United States broke out, British settlers loyal to the British Crown and revolutionaries of the 13 colonies ruled by the Continental Congress. It was the Continental Congress that voted for the proclamation of US independence on July 2, 1776, and the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4.

It is this date and to this day is celebrated as the US Independence Day.

Nevertheless, the peace treaty between the United States and Great Britain (the so-called Versailles Peace Treaty) was signed only on September 3, 1783 in Paris. Its result was the recognition by Great Britain of 13 American colonies as a sovereign and independent state of the United States of America.

Civil War in the United States

By the middle of the XIX century, the United States stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific .By this time, two systems have emerged in the United States - capitalism in the north and the slave system in the south .With the victory in the presidential election of 1860 by Abraham Lincoln, who led the Republican Party - ardent opponents of slavery, several states emerged from the US that formed the Confederate States of America .This was the impetus for the beginning of the civil war between the North and the South, which lasted from 1861 to 1865 .The result of the bloodiest war in the US was the abolition of slavery throughout the state, as well as the Reconstruction of the South, that is, the unification of lands .

History of the USA: 20th century

After the civil war, the US experienced a rapid economic recovery. In the twentieth century, they entered a powerful industrial power that could compete with the leading European powers of that time (Russia, Britain, Germany, France). The First and Second World Wars also affected the US, many Americans did not return from the battlefields.

American history. Growth of the United States of America. From 1776 to our time.

The Great Depression, which lasted 10 years from 1929 to 1939 ., badly hit the industry and the economy of the States .The end of the Depression era put a new economic course, chosen by 32 US President Franklin Roosevelt .Improvement in the US economy was also facilitated by military orders of the government, which increased dramatically with the onset of the Second World War, followed by the Cold War and operations in Vietnam, which led to the transformation of the United States into a world superpower .The arms race was stopped only by the end of the 1980s, but the United States continues to conduct various military operations to this day: the Persian Gulf War in 1991, the peacekeeping operation in Somalia in 1992-94, the military operation against Yugoslavia in 1999, and also the events in Afghanistan and Iraq in the 2000s .

Currently, the United States occupies the fourth place in the world in terms of territory (9.5 million km²), it consists of 50 states, which are home to more than 300 million people of different nationalities from around the world. The US economy is considered the largest in the world in terms of GDP.

Capitol in Harrisburg History of the USA
Capitol in Harrisburg
American flag on a boat, Los Angeles History of the USA
The house of William Trenton (circa 1719) is currently a museum, Trenton History of the USA
William Trenton House