
Gran Sabana, Bolívar, Venezuela

Sights of Venezuela Angel (Salto Ángel) - the world's tallest waterfall 979 meters high, named after the pilot James Einjel, who first saw a waterfall from an airplane while searching for the "Golden City" in 1935.

Simon Bolivar House-Museum in Caracas

Caracas, Esquinas de San Jacinto a Traposos

Sights of Venezuela In the historical part of Caracas in an old colonial district there is a modest, low-key house, which is almost familiar to almost every inhabitant of the capital. In this house, now known as the house-museum of Simon Bolivar, in the distant eighteenth century a great revolutionary figure was born.


Sifontes, Bolívar

Sights of Venezuela In the southeast of Venezuela is located the amazing Canaima National Park, whose ancient lands attracted travelers since ancient times. Officially, this place became only half a century ago. And all thanks to the majestic Angel waterfall located on its territory.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Caracas

Caracas, Zona Cultural de Parque Central

Sights of Venezuela The Museum of Contemporary Art in Caracas - the best institution of Latin America in its own way - has been delighting connoisseurs of fine craft for more than forty years with stunning exhibitions, installations and extraordinary events. The museum was founded by the famous Venezuelan activist Sophia Imber in 1973

Morrocoy National Park


Sights of Venezuela On the northwestern coast of Venezuela, not far from Caracas, stretches the beautiful Morrocoy National Park. On 30 hectares of protected land are fabulous lagoons, wild mangroves, dozens of coral islets and reefs.

Mochima National Park

Mochima National Park

Sights of Venezuela Mochima National Park occupies the coastal territory in the north of Venezuela from the city of Puerto la Cruz and to Cuman, including a large peninsula and several islands. This is an extremely revealing place, with dignity embodying the delights of the South American nature.

El Guacharo National Park


Sights of Venezuela In the eastern part of the mountain system of the Caribbean on the southern slopes of Sierra Cuman extends the amazing national park of El Guacharo. It is called the main pride of the country, because it is on its lands that the first natural monument in Venezuela's history is hidden - a huge stalactite cave.

Park La Lovisna

Ciudad Guayana, Av. Leopoldo Sucre Figarella

Sights of Venezuela In the suburbs of Ciudad Guayana in the northeastern part of Venezuela is the magnificent natural park of La Loviisa. This is by no means the only landmark of the region, however the delightful waterfall formed by the powerful waters of the Caroni River is definitely unique.

Roraima Rock

Mount Roraima

Sights of Venezuela According to the legend of the South American natives, Roraima rock is not a rock at all, but a stump of a mighty tree that gave people all the fruits and vegetables imaginable. The tree of abundance was cut down by the anti-hero of the ancient myths of Makunaima, which, in fact, brought a great flood to earthmen.

Venezuela is a state in South America, attracting tourists with snow-white beaches covered with sand, indescribable beauty of nature - mountains, lakes and waterfalls, ancient cities, once so attracting Spanish conquistadors .It is in this country, a small - in comparison with other countries of the continent, but huge - by the standards of Europe, is the highest in the world waterfall Angel .You can see this wonder of nature in Canaima National Park, part of UNESCO's world heritage .In addition, attention and admiration are worthy of the mountains with flat peaks, included in the plateau of Da Gran Sabana and bearing the name tepui .

Often tourists go to Venezuela for long trips to interesting places of this magical country .One of the most favorite and magical places for such a holiday - Mount Roraima, which is called the lost world .After all, once people could not believe that Roraima is real, despite the descriptions of eyewitnesses and even scientists .Going on a hike that lasts no less than five days, you will first find yourself in a cloud that covers the foot of the mountain; see waterfalls that can appear and disappear; magical pink streams; plants with giant leaves and unusual animals .

Here you never know what time of day it is, because it can be replaced more than once during the usual day.

In the west of Venezuela, the city of Merida is located, loved by tourists from around the world .And this is not surprising, given the huge number of beautiful parks in the territory of Mérida, museums of art and archeology, and, of course, thanks to the longest cable car in the world, which rises to the top of Espeggio .From Merida you can go on an excursion to the equally famous national park of the Sierra Nevada, the territory of which covers more than one natural zone .So from the bright green, inhabited by wonderful animals, you can climb to the snowy peaks of the rocky mountains, the highest in the country .

The island of Margarita is not in vain called the "island of orchids": it is strewn with these delicious flowers, and the local climate, long beaches with transparent white sand and perfect transparency of the blue water gave the island the title of "pearl of the Caribbean" .On the island there are several national parks, inhabited by flamingos, parrots and other rare and amazing birds, as well as ancient monuments created by human hands: castles and fortresses, churches and squares .In addition, it is on the island of Margarita is Playa El Yaque (Playa El Yaque) - a beach on which strong winds always walk, that attracts fans of windsurfing and kiting from around the world .

The island of Margarita is not in vain called the "island of orchids": it is strewn with these delicious flowers, and the local climate, long beaches with transparent white sand and perfect transparency of blue water gave the island the title of "pearl of the Caribbean."

In addition to the incredible natural beauty of Venezuela, you will probably want to learn more about the country itself, its history, customs and customs..For this purpose, the capital of the country is ideally suited - noisy, lively and surprisingly contradictory Caracas .In one city fearfully thin, like paper, houses of local slums and majestic squares with beautiful monuments of history and architecture .It is worth to visit the Museum of Caracas in order to feel the spirit of freedom, to learn interesting details about the times of the liberation movement of Venezuela and its heroes .