In the southeast of Venezuela is located the amazing Canaima National Park, whose ancient lands attracted travelers since ancient times. Officially, the park became a place only half a century ago, and already in 1994, Canaima was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. And all thanks to the majestic Angel waterfall located on its territory.

How to get

The national park is located far from populated areas, and it can be quite problematic to get to the ground. A pedestrian crossing is possible, but it will take a lot of time and will require special preparation from travelers. Therefore, most of the tourists arrive in Canaima on a small plane from Caracas (or swim in a canoe from the Orinoco delta area). In the latter case, the road will not only be fast, but also exciting.

Canaima National Park, panorama, Venezuela Canaima
Canaima National Park - $

Search for tickets to the city of Caracas (nearest a / n to Canaima)

Loggias and campsites

You can stay in one of the hotels located in the park, for example, in Arekuna Camp Lodge or Parakaupa Camp Lodge. Basically hotels are complexes of small palm houses that blend harmoniously into the surrounding landscape. On the territory of the hotels there are cafes, restaurants and bars, so you do not have to walk around the jungle, repeating the feat of James Einjel.

The Canaima National Park

What to see


The park was glorified by ancient tepeas, also called table or flat-topped mountains. In the language of the Indians, the pemon "tepui" means "the house of the gods". There are not so many in the world, and it is in Venezuela, in the Canaima park, that most of them are located.

Mysterious and bizarre tepui are sandstones that formed in those far-off times when Africa and South America were a single supercontinent. The most famous tepui are the highest Roraima and Auyantepui.

In the 19th century, researcher Robert Schomburgk unsuccessfully tried to conquer the Roraim mountain, but it was his report on the expedition that inspired Conan Doyle to create the famous novel "The Lost World."

Angel Falls

Do you know which waterfall is the highest in the world? No, it's not Niagara. The highest is the Angel Falls, located on the territory of the Canaima National Park. Its height is 979 meters, it is so great that, before reaching the ground, the drops in the stream are broken into tiny particles and form a fog.

The waterfall received its "angelic" name in honor of the pilot James Einjel. During the landing on Auyantepuy, his plane broke down, and the whole group had to walk down the mountain on foot, the path to the nearest settlement took 11 days. The glory of the pilot's adventures spread throughout Venezuela, and the waterfall was named in his honor.

The water flow from the top of the mountain canteen of the mountain Auyantepuy with great speed rushes down into the river Kerep. Despite the fact that tepuy were considered the house of deities, the name Ayantepuyu is translated as "the mountain of the devil."
Canaima National Park at sunset, Venezuela Canaima
Canaima National Park at sunset
Canaima National Park, Venezuela Canaima
Canaima National Park - $
Angel Falls, Venezuela Canaima
Angel Falls