
Gran Sabana, Bolívar, Venezuela

 National parks of Venezuela Angelo (Salto Ángel) - the world's highest waterfall 979 meters high, name in honor of the pilot James Einjel who first saw the waterfall from the plane while searching for the Golden City in 1935.


Sifontes, Bolívar

 National parks of Venezuela In the south-east of Venezuela is located the amazing national park of Canaima, ancient lands of which attracted travelers from ancient times belt. Officially, this place became only half a century ago. And all thanks to the majestic Angel waterfall located on its territory.

Morrocoy National Park


 National parks of Venezuela On the northwest coast of Venezuela, not far from Caracas, stretches a beautiful national park Morrocoy. There are fabulous lagoons, wild mangroves, dozens of coral islands and reefs on 30 hectares of protected land. ±​​$ Mochima National Park

Mochima National Park

National parks of Venezuela

 National parks Venezuela El Guacharo National Park


National parks of Venezuela

 National parks of Venezuela

The Canaima National Park is the largest reserve of Venezuela. There are stunning places in it - the Roraima plateau and the Auyantepui massif with the Angel waterfall, as well as the areas of traditional Indian tribes. Mochima Park protects the coasts of Playa Colorado and coral reefs near Isla de Plata, Caracas, Cimana Grande and Borracas.

Sierra Nevada National Park is located around the highest peaks of the country and is considered the best place for mountaineering, delta and paragliding. The most famous inhabitant of the park is the Andean condor. The small national park of La Mukui is located just 10 km northeast of Merida and is protected by mountain forests and alpine meadows.

The National Park of the Los Roques archipelago is surrounded by a 24-kilometer coral reef system. These islands are considered to be the best place in the country for diving and snorkeling, and there are even a few sunken ships on the shore of Nordiski, in which the famous Caribbean lobsters have settled down.

There are even a few sunken ships on the shore of Nordiski, in which the famous Caribbean lobsters.

Morokoy National Park is one of the most popular reserves of Venezuela. And in the state of Yarakuy is located one of the most unusual reserves of the planet - the Maria-Lyons Park. Around this mountain, covered with virgin forests, there are many esoteric legends. Perhaps that is why many travelers come here in search of spiritual cleansing.

Other parks: El Avila, Henri Pittier, the reserves of Acuaro Guariquuito, Serrania de Neblin, Howa-Sasarinarama, Tikaparo, San Camilo and Guarapiché .

When visiting some national parks, a fee is levied. For example, in Los Roques - 49 VEB, and in Canaima - 35 VEB.