Only dreams of pristine sandy beaches with emerald lagoons can spur tourists for a ten-hour flight to Vietnam .This country has won the glory of the paradise incarnated on earth: white beaches, which can not see the end, lush tropical vegetation, the sea sparkling in the sun and shimmering with all shades of turquoise and azure, a peculiar cuisine that combines Chinese, Indian and even French traditions ±​​$ The .Not surprisingly, in search of a fairytale place where all dreams of an ideal holiday will come true, tourists come to Vietnam .What promises us a beach holiday in Vietnam?

Beaches of Vietnam

Almost all the Vietnamese beaches are sandy, with white and dark yellow sand and a gentle descent into the water, such beaches are great for recreation with children.

Pebble lovers have nothing to offer, except that the province of Bi Thuan is the only place in the country where there is pebbles. By the way, the pebbles here are unusually multicolored: blue, yellow, purple. Do you dream of conquering the sea wave? Go to the beach of Mui Ne, but keep in mind that this is a real Mecca for lovers of the water element, so here it is always very crowded and lively.

Vietnam won the glory of the paradise incarnated on earth: white beaches, which can not see the end, lush tropical vegetation, the sea sparkling in the sun and shimmering with all shades of turquoise and azure.

In Vietnam there are beaches and for those who prefer reclusive vacation .A secluded and quiet beach Kega with its beacon towering among the giant stones will be the place where you can be alone with yourself and your favorite book, meet the sunset or arrange night fishing .Worthy mention of the famous "Chinese beach" Danang, which was recognized as one of the most environmentally friendly beaches in the world..As if drawn on a ruler, the flat seven-kilometer coastline of this beach amazes with the expanses of snow-white, surprisingly clean and smooth sand .

The white beaches of Nha Trang Beach vacation in Vietnam
Neighbor Resort Surroundings Beach vacation in Vietnam
Sandy beach in Muinee Beach vacation in Vietnam

Resorts of Vietnam

The most popular resort of South Vietnam - Nha Trang - attracts by its picturesque nature: no one will be left indifferent by colorful coral reefs, sparkling scattering of islets, azure water smoothing, merging with cornflower blue.

The glory of Nyachanga was brought by his numerous health resorts specializing in mud cures and procedures with thermal water.

The resorts of Nha Trang are perfect for a beach holiday with children..Among fans of surfing and quiet rest is widely known resort Phan Thiet .Excellent hotels, groomed beaches framed with coconut palms, exquisite restaurants - Phan Thiet becomes the embodiment of a tourist dream .Danang has established itself as one of the most developed resorts in Vietnam, there are several important commercial enterprises, the largest port of Vietnam, the international airport, as well as the best, as the locals say, the beach of the country - China Beach .Fans of secluded recreation here, of course, do nothing, but those who need a good mood for entertainment, discos and restaurants, China Beach will have to love .Another popular place for beach holidays in Vietnam is the island of Fukuok, the landscapes here are absolutely classical for Vietnamese resorts: white sandy beaches with coconut trees, the sea with a blinding glaze of azure, the endless blue of the sky..