Vietnam at dawn

Lately tourists can not be surprised by the charm of Paris, the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the hospitality of Turkey. The mysterious East is becoming increasingly popular with holidaymakers. Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and other pearls of the Asian continent attract crowds of tourists with their distinctive, amazing and mysterious culture that blends harmoniously into the raging nature and allows the technical process to flourish without harm.

It is worth noting the nature of Vietnam. Here everything is poured by alluvial deposits of precious stones. Emeralds in rice fields, aquamarines in the waters of the sea, pearl glow of mountains. A good mood is provided by constantly excellent weather.

Vietnamese understand that tourism today is the main item of state revenues . That is why tourists here are the most important and desired guests, and that is why rest in Vietnam hotels do as comfortable and pleasant as possible . Hospitality can be felt not only from the hotel staff, but from every passer-by local resident . Although this is due not only to mercantile reasons, but also to innate politeness . It should be careful , since n rituality can play a cruel joke with you . Do not buy on the streets what you offer and impose . Most likely you saw the source of earnings . Go ahead and you will find the same thing as at least twice cheaper, or do not hesitate to bargain . For that you will be respected and necessarily concede . And on the saved money you can go on excursions to neighboring countries . One of the most popular such countries is Singapore . But just do not forget to purchase a visa to Singapore so that nothing can spoil your vacation .

Buying a tour to Vietnam, travel agencies will be able to offer you a vacation in the best hotels .And by the way do not be afraid of three-star hotels .Even such non-titled hotels are pretty cozy and have everything for a good rest..What problems can arise with guides $ $ .As a rule, a well-spoken guide in Vietnam understands a person who understands Russian speech at 50% and can express his thoughts as much as $ $.But during the excursions you will not notice it, because the Vietnamese are very fond of their country and are proud of its history..So the excursions are very emotional, which makes them unforgettable .To get acquainted with national cuisine is necessary in those places where the local population eats .Acquired visa to Singapore will complement your impressions of the magnificent edge of dragons and riddles..Asia is waiting for tourists and is ready to open some of its secrets..