How to get from Moscow to Austria by car?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
First of all, for this trip you will need: international automobile insurance Green Card (30 EUR, minimum validity 14 days), Russian rights and technical passport (you do not need to change anything - you enter temporarily to Europe and all our documents are valid). ±​​$ The

The route is the following: on the M1 highway we are traveling through Belarus to the west. Shortly after Baranovichi from the M1 highway turn on P99 (direction Slonim, Volkovysk). Please note that in addition to border crossings in Brest (Warsaw Bridge, Domachevo) there is a cordon near Vaukavysk (Berestovitsa). By P99 we arrive at the western borders. By the way, it is better to stock up fuel on the Belarusian land.

Then we go to Austria through Poland. A small hitch at the checkpoints, after which from Terespol, Bobrovnikov or Slavavtchy you can freely move to any European destination.

From Poland, the shortest way to Austria is through the Czech Republic. We are heading for the mountains of Beskydy - either Cieszyn or Gliwice-Rybniki. From the signpost of Mikulov, the last on the way of the Czech town, to Vienna 60 km.

Here (right on any gas station) you need to buy "vignettes" - stickers of payment for the road, pasted on the windshield of the car. It is better not to save on them, because fines are many times higher than costs: a Czech sticker for 2 weeks will cost 10 EUR, an Austrian minimum of 8 EUR for 10 days, a fine of about 200 EUR.

And more: put a green reflective vest in the interior of the car, an indispensable attribute of all European drivers, who are often interested in police not for curiosity sake.

As for the speed limit in Europe, it is better not to violate it: in the village 50 km / h, outside the village 100 km / h, on autobahns 130 km / h, written better to believe. Excess is paid for by separate tariffs. Even in Austria, a radar detector is strictly forbidden.

To get to Salzburg, we leave the highway to the federal motorways on the B17 Triester Straße / Wiener Neustädter-Bundesstraße road from Vienna, then onto the B146 road, drive through the B320 and finally reach B158.

February 5, 2014

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