In the last century it was called eastern Paris, today, at the sight of Baku skyscrapers, Dubai is increasingly coming to mind - besides, the source of wealth for both the first and the second has been and remains oil .Baku, however, manages to acquire a modern look in an accelerated mode, without losing the charm of an ancient city that carefully preserves the legacy of the past..Here, the state-of-the-art architecture is harmoniously combined with medieval buildings .At the same time, Baku was and remains an eastern city, with a color peculiar to the mysterious East .Here you can go out to the noisy bazaar and get a carpet woven by hand in the early morning, then taste it for dinner in the atmosphere of traditional Azerbaijani dishes cooked according to recipes handed down from generation to generation, and in the evening of the same day, skip a glass or two in a trendy Bentley's Bar at the Four Seasons Hotel, and go to admire the futuristic skyscrapers of the Flame Tower .


  • 1 How to call
  • 2 How to get to Baku
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets in Baku
  • 3 Baku Information and Tourism Center
  • 4 Transport Baku
  • 5 Metro Baku
  • 6 Climate
  • 7 Hotels of Baku
  • 8 Holidays in Baku
  • 9 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Baku
    • 9.1 Baku and surroundings

How to call

8-10-994-12-phone number

How to get to Baku

Heydar Aliyev Airport is located 25 km from the city. The most convenient way to get to the center is by taxi (en route 1 hour, fare 15 AZN). Or take a shuttle bus number 135, which goes to the metro station on May 28.

From the main train station of Baku, trains leave for Russia, Gruzia, Iran and throughout the country. In Sheki there is an overnight train (first class 10 ANZ, coupe - 5 AZN). Also trains to Lenkoran, Khachmaz, Ganja (there are night trains) and Tbilisi (night train, 30 AZN for the first class) are sent.

Search for air tickets in Baku

Baku Information and Tourism Center

Since 2006, an information and tourist center (BITC) has been opened in Baku, which provides tourists with information about the main objects and sights of the city. He also has a telephone contact center, which provides free information support to the guests of the capital. In addition, BITTS will help book tickets and hotel rooms, offer tours around the city and the republic with professional guides and translators, present all kinds of booklets and maps of Baku and Azerbaijan.

Address: st. U. Hajibeyov, 36; bodies: (+994) 12 498-12-44, 598-55-19, (+994) 50 324-72-82.

  • How much are tours in Baku?

Transport Baku

The fare in the city center by taxi varies from 5 AZN and higher; there are no counters, it is necessary to negotiate the cost before landing. No less convenient transportation - buses and shuttle buses (0, 25 AZN). The fare on the metro is 0, 15 AZN.

Map of Baku

Metro Baku

Baku Metro, opened to passengers in 1967, became the fifth metro in the USSR after Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and Tbilisi .To date, the Baku Metro consists of 2 operating lines: the "Red Line" and the "Green Line" with a total length of 34, 56 km and has 23 stations .Passage in the subway is carried out on plastic cards, the fare is 0, 20 manats .Cards are purchased at the metro ticket offices or vending machines located in the station vestibules .When purchasing a card, a deposit amount of 2 manat is paid .If the card is not used, the deposit amount is returned .


Baku March 1, Sunday
+10 ° С in the day
+5 ° С at night
° С water
Baku March 2, Monday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+9 ° С in the day
+6 ° С at night
° С water
Baku March 3, Tuesday
+10 ° С in the day
+4 ° С at night
° С water
Baku weather forecast for 10 days

Hotels of Baku

In Baku, many hotels, many of them - surprisingly high quality. In addition to very budgetary options (in which you need to comply with standard security measures, especially lone travelers), in the capital you can find a comfortable hotel for a very reasonable money (50-80 USD for a double room). Also in the city "lit up" a couple of "Hyatt" and "Radisson SAS."

Book popular hotels in Baku at the best prices

Fairmont Baku at the Flame Towers from 10 395 rubles Baku Mehdi Huseyn Street 1A Kempinski Hotel Badamdar from 7 870 rubles Baku M.Mushfig Street 1C Landmark Hotel Baku from 11 452 rubles Baku Nizami Street 90A
Qafqaz Baku City Hotel and Residences from 4 640 rubles Baku Tbilisi Avenue 34 Maestro Hotel from 3,230 rubles Baku Rosstropovichi Street 30 Divan Express Baku from 5 814 rubles Baku Hasanoglu Street 15
Giz Galasi Hotel from 3,818 rubles Baku Mirza Mansur Street 34 Miraj Inn Boutique Hotel from 3,465 rubles Baku Aina Sultanova Street 520/19 Kichik Gala Hotel from 3 759 rubles Baku Kichik Gala Street 98
Guest House Inn & Hostel from 999 rubles Baku Azadlig Avenue 16/21 Altstadt Hotel from 3,818 rubles Baku Mammadyarov Street 3 / 2A

Holidays in Baku

Baku is surrounded by dozens of villages located at a distance of 10-15 km and together with Baku making up the Baku agglomeration. Most of them are located in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea (Bilgah, Mardakan, Novkhany, etc.) and has its own sanatoriums, hydropathic institutions, boarding houses and beautiful landscaped beaches. The most visited beaches in Novkhani are Barbados beach, Crescent Beach, Sahil beach and Palma Beach. In Mardakan it is worth mentioning Dalqa, Jazzy Beach, Moon Light Beach and Khazar Golden Beach, in Shikhovo-beach complex Aqua Park Shihov.

Baku 2010

Several water parks are open in Baku, which are perfect for a family vacation .The largest in Azerbaijan is the water park "AF Hotel-Aqua Park", located on the shore of the Caspian Sea in the village of Novkhani .On the territory of the water park there are 3 slides: "Kamikaze", "Descent from Space" and "Phantom", there are restaurants and bars, a children's club, a group of animators are working,.Popular among tourists is also the water park "Studio 2 Bavarius", located in the Mardakan settlement, where besides concerts you can see concerts of world stars of show business .

70 km south of Baku - the largest in the CIS cluster of rock paintings Kobystan (Gobustan).

Fans of outdoor activities should look into the entertainment center "Metkarting" with its karting and bowling. Shopaholics are waiting for a huge number of shops in Baku, and "night butterflies" - discos and clubs, among which "Amburan Beach Club", "Capones", "N-Brothers", "Rich Club & Lounge" and "Sound Factory" are considered the most popular.

Parks, gardens and public gardens of Baku are open for a pleasant pastime: the Governor's Garden, the Mountain Park, Sabir's Garden, Huseyn Javid Park and others, as well as amusement parks Luna Park and Koala Park.

3 things to do in Baku
  1. Take the Baku Acropolis by storm and climb the Maiden Tower, with which a romantic legend is connected.
  2. To ask to visit your local grandmother and try the real Azerbaijani cooking at home - after all, Azerbaijanis are so famous for their hospitality!
  3. Buy on the Baku market a traditional oriental carpet, made in the best traditions of Azerbaijani carpet weaving, without forgetting to bargain for itself the best price!
  • Is the sea clean in Baku?
  • What to buy in the shops of Baku

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Baku

Conditionally all the sights of the city can be "broken" into three parts: the Old Town, the buildings built in the Soviet period, and modern Baku. The old part of the city, Icheri-Shekher, occupies an impressive territory of 22 hectares.

The old part of the city is a historical and architectural reserve, often called the "Baku Acropolis" - Icheri Sheher .On the territory of the fortress there are: Shirvanshahs palace (12th century), Shemakha gate, Maiden tower (7-8 century), Baba-Kukhi-Bakuy mosque (7th century), Baku khans residence, Beylar mosque, Karavan-Saray Bukhara mosque, Chin mosque, Donjon Castle, Karavan-Saray Kasym-beka, Gileil Mosque, Hajibani Mosque, Haji-Gaibah Bath, Agha-Mikail Bathhouse, Juma Mosque, Khan Karavan-Saray, Lezgin Mosque, Uhmedd Mosque and Sinyg-Gal Minaret (11th century), bathhouse Kasym-bek, Karavan-Saray Multani, Madrasa Takiya and many more .In addition, museums and theaters of Baku are no less interesting..

70 km south of Baku - the largest in the CIS cluster of rock paintings Kobystan (Gobustan), which includes more than 4000 unique rocky areas, caves, rock fortresses and cemeteries, spread over an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. km. The age of the drawings is about 10 thousand years. Plots - documentary evidence of the way people lived here and once lived in these places of extinct species of animals. Among the most interesting exhibits is a rock with a Latin inscription telling about the centurion of the Roman legion in Gobustan in the 1st century.

30 km north-east of Baku lies the village of Surakhani with the temple complex of fire-worshipers "Ateshgah". Also interesting is the balneological resort of Shikhovo built on sulphide springs.

Photos of Baku (95)