As one of the songs says, "summer is a small life." And for children this is a real feast of freedom and fun, which lasts for three months. And make this holiday even more vivid can a trip to the summer health camp - the blessing today there are a lot of really worthy offers for the organization of children's rest.

Undoubtedly, many will be attracted by the opportunity to send their child for several weeks to one of the many children's camps in Bulgaria, because for many years, this country has established the fame of one of the most prestigious Black Sea resorts with the highest level of service and reasonable pricing. Besides, what can be better for a child than the opportunity to relax by the sea, to get acquainted with peers not only from different cities, but even from different countries, to visit a lot of interesting excursions.

And most importantly, thanks to such a trip the young traveler can become more independent, but at the same time it will always be under the watchful control of experienced teachers and instructors.

Advantages of children's camps in Bulgaria

Rest in children's camps in Bulgaria has a lot of undeniable advantages. First, there are very favorable climatic conditions - a warm and sufficient dry summer, which has a comfortable beach and sightseeing rest. The nature of this country is incredibly rich and diverse, there are both the sea and mountains, with plains overgrown with medicinal herbs and picturesque river valleys. All this gives unlimited opportunities for active cognitive rest and full recovery.

Brigantine Camp in Albena

Secondly, in Bulgaria, as in the Crimea, there has long been a certain tradition of organizing children's health and leisure. The children are offered not only the adoption of sea and sun baths, but also the improvement through the waters from numerous mineral springs in Bulgaria.

Finally, the living conditions in the Bulgarian children's sanatoriums really deserve the highest ratings. Children are accommodated in comfortable rooms equipped with all necessary amenities, no more than three people.

Moreover, great attention is paid to infrastructure, practically in every camp in addition to traditional sports grounds, cinema and library, there are also swimming pools with hydromassage , tennis courts, children's cafes, small supermarkets, payphones with open international lines - in general, everything so that vacationers do not need anything.

Food, entertainment, excursions

Particular attention in the campsolgarii given complete and balanced nutrition. As a rule, many of them offer besides standard four meals, also regular light snacks. Hungry, the child at any time can eat a sandwich or some light snacks. There is also a very light late dinner. At the same time, some camps organize dinner in a restaurant with a customized menu and waiters.

One of the main advantages of a children's holiday in Bulgaria can be considered a rich excursion program . Children are given the opportunity to visit the largest and most rich sights of the city . It is, naturally, the capital - Sofia, and the very ancient town of Nessebar, where the atmosphere of the long-past epochs reigns, and Balchik with its exquisite Botanical garden and the magnificent palace - the former residence of the Queen of Romania, and in Varna no one will be indifferent to the inhabitants of the local dolphinarium who organize a truly unforgettable show .

Besides, children will be constantly engaged in all sorts of activities - creative work in various hobby groups, active classes in game sports, real fishing, boat trips, direct participation in all kinds of show programs, hikes in the surrounding surroundings and even a real safari.

 Brigantina Albena bungalow  Children's camps in Bulgaria
Children's camps in Bulgaria
 Brigantina Albena beach  Children's camps in Bulgaria
Children in Bulgaria do not get bored!
 Brigantina Albena houses  Children's camps of Bulgaria
Ideal nature for children's rest

Popular resorts in Bulgaria for children's leisure

The largest number of children's health institutions in Bulgaria is located in the most prestigious seaside resorts - Golden Sands with extremely clean and fine at the shoreline the sea, beautiful and contemporary St . Vlas, Sunny Beach is the most popular, as well as in the area of ​​the ancient town of Balchik of the city of Kiten . The level of service in each of them corresponds to a three-star hotel . Almost all these institutions have their own beach, or organize the delivery on their own transport to the well-equipped hotel city's metropolitan beaches, where kids in a separate protected area will be able to sunbathe and swim under the watchful supervision of instructors and lifeguards .

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 Children's camps in Bulgaria