Santa Lucia - the only uninhabited island of Cape Verde is just 5 km wide and 13 km long. There is very little vegetation on the island, the main attraction is clean beaches and dunes, as well as excellent diving. The highest point on Santa Lucia is Mount Grande (395 m above sea level).

Search for tickets to the city of Sal (the nearest a / p to Santa Lucia)

The lack of water made it impossible to attempt to populate island permanent residents, despite this, from the 19th century there lived anglers and shepherds - only about 20 people. It is known that back in the 60s of the 20th century a family of shepherds lived here. However, since 1990 the state declared the island completely uninhabited and assigned it the status of a reserve.

Santa Lucia is easily visible from the islands of San Vicente, from the bay of Callao.

How to get to Santa Lucia

You can get to the island from San Vicente on a fishing boat for 1 hour.